Saturday, April 30, 2016

Facebook is no longer just a social networking site of

Now, foreign media reports, there are indications that, Facebook had topped the glory. Not as a media platform,play Free Dora Games or as a place where people access entertainment, and certainly not as a company, but as de facto social network, Facebook may begin to decline. We need to make it clear that the usual people still often use Facebook. According to recent statistics, Facebook has 16 million active users, of which more than 1 billion people log on every day, but fewer and fewer users it as a social platform. According to the company technology blog "Information" to obtain confidential data on the number of Facebook "original share" has slipped. Information obtained by Bloomberg News also confirmed this trend, adding that this trend is attributed to the internal Facebook "situational collapse" - the beautiful Dr. Danah Boyd put forward by the academic term to describe how social media is blurring the private and public communication the boundaries of communication between. No matter what the impact of this trend on the overall statistics of Facebook, but it is real. On social media or baby sun sun vacation photos, update status express your emotions or ideas, or send a message flirting, these are personal interaction, which is close to you and the person or people you believe to be reliable would do. However, as Facebook grows, increase the user's buddy list, you are actually sharing in Facebook content has been shared to the world of. You can limit who can see your content published by setting privacy options, but the privacy settings are usually very cumbersome and can be confusing. In addition, Facebook's own software to monitor everything you are doing on Facebook to collect information about you, to help advertisers based on your personal circumstances to serve ads. All you consider all this, the only surprise you is that it took so long to begin to reduce the original share. From my own experience point of view using Facebook, Facebook's problem already exists. I'm not paranoid, I do not think that all companies are evil, or unprincipled. However, a few years ago I began to stop sharing any private things on the Facebook. After I had a child, I noticed the "Slate" article on the column: "Why I was never online printing baby," I think the suggestion was proposed by the authors somewhat hysterical. It is reported that Facebook set up a special team to reverse the downward trend in personal sharing. They try to launch a new hashtag to encourage more users to update personal status is still "like" button next to add five additional buttons, encourage people to share their views on others posts. Zuckerberg Facebook has been doing publicity for the video broadcast, saying it is a new way of spontaneous contact with friends, eliminating the need for careful editing text trouble. He believes this is an expression of "no secret", "heartfelt" feelings of the way, and this heartfelt emotion now rarely seen on Facebook. Facebook has a variety of resources at their disposal, each Facebook work together to do one thing will be successful. However, I think the possibility of Facebook to reverse the downward trend of the original share is tantamount to MySpace resurrection. You can improve the algorithm parameters to better recommend that users with news, better reflects their preferences, but it's hard to rebuild their trust. All this sounds like people think Facebook will be finished, or at least toward the fading down the ramp. If everyone is afraid to socialize, social network, what significance does it exist? As the "Inc." magazine, San Francisco bureau chief Jeff Bercovici puts it: "Facebook may occur in the body of the worst things are happening." In a sense, this is true. A few years ago, several teenagers to the media revealed their thoughts: Facebook has become Bubble Shooter Classic Since then, the media has been bad-mouthing Facebook, that its end is coming. However, if you carefully look at Facebook in recent years, much of what you will find that this company has been quietly actively respond to this change. Facebook in two different aspects of the reinvented itself. First of all, as a platform, Facebook has become less like a social network - it becomes less personal. Secondly, as a company, Facebook actively bet on the future of technology and social media, called the Facebook is a social network is no longer worthy of the name, just as we can not put Google (microblogging) is referred to as a search site. So, if Facebook can no longer be called a social networking site, how to define this company? If you carefully observe how people use Facebook, the answer is obvious - it has become the world's leading network personal portal. The news network in the world - more than 40 percent of American adults say they use Facebook's purpose is to understand the news - entertainment, games, and of course the latest status of friends and family. As one of the global publisher of referral traffic sources, Facebook decisive influence publishers reporting and publishing content. Since the rise of the Internet, companies compete to create the most perfect gateway to become a leading information highway entrance. Other people or companies on the Internet trying to collect the best stories and content, launched the ultimate news reader. Facebook is doing these two things at the same time, though far from perfect, but since AOL, no one should say better than they are. Facebook have such a result is not accidental. I spent long years has been reported that Facebook in the pursuit of "high-quality content." This is not to say that Facebook in their efforts to better display the user's personal friends status updates, but better to be more user recommended stories from a variety of professional publishers. Facebook executives, particularly Chief Product Officer Chris Cox predicted, Facebook can not always rely solely on the user status updates and push friends to survive. Facebook on its home page to add a popular news topics, news organizations are encouraged to publish news directly on Facebook, while its video player and video broadcast platform campaign, hoping to attract YouTube net red, celebrities and the media to create more video content. Facebook trying to become a platform for a variety of Internet applications, to better retain customers. Facebook may move their applications once again reinvent further shift from social news platform to platform. "Mashable" recently reported that the company is testing a new mobile application interface that could allow users to push content by topic. One such attempt is to press classified as "domestic news and politics", "sports", "entertainment", the newspaper with the same classification. Push will still be based on your friends are like, share and comment on the contents of the sort, and still contains your friends' status updates. However, after re-sort your reading interests, instead of your social relationships, will become the focus of the application. In short, Facebook will "Face book" becomes "news book." So, those who mask on? Are those new social media platform Facebook can get rid of this monster? Is not Twitter, this play Nail Games site feels more secure than Facebook, no more privacy, and it had been years away from socializing. (Twitter is now clear that a media company, it even won the right to broadcast NFL game.) Those photos and video sharing platforms and social networking communications applications platform is considered, because these platforms focus is to create the environment for private personal interaction. In the United States, the most common photo and video sharing platform Instagram and Snapchat, the most frequently used communications applications is WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger (Apple's iMessage do not count, because strictly speaking it is not applied). Now you can guess the future trend of the bar. Facebook's dominance pose the greatest threat to the four social media platforms, there are three --Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger-- belong to Facebook. Facebook wants to make every effort to also buy the fourth down, but was rejected. So many attempts to mimic Snapchat Facebook's core features, introduced a short-lived show Poke application, and later launched the live video. Although it had much ridicule, Facebook in 2012 to $ 1 billion acquisition of Instagram initiative proved to be prophetic. In 2014, while Facebook's $ 22 billion acquisition of whatsApp, most Americans have not heard of this application. Facebook did not limit the scope of its expansion in the social field. It $ 1 billion acquisition of Oculus VR initiative even allow those people to understand why it acquired Instagram and WhatsApp feel puzzled. Zuckerberg claims that virtual reality may one day become "one of the most important social platform." Given the virtual reality device hardware fundamentally with the wearer will be cut off from the people around, it sounds a little far-fetched. Of course, we also doubted him before, but it turns out we were wrong. If you do not focus only on Facebook had a social interaction company, but it is as a rule interested in online media consumption of the company, you will understand why it has to enter the virtual reality. At the same time, Facebook Messenger also trying to fight the next platform to launch a virtual assistant AI "M", and is open to developers to develop artificial intelligence chat robot. If the virtual reality does not belong to the next big event, it is the virtual assistant. To be sure, Facebook is still a social network. The company said that although many users are now mainly on Facebook and visit other sites of the play Hair Games original articles, photos and videos, but there are still a large number of users to use this platform to socialize. In Snapchat, Instagram and WhatsApp popular era, we can safely say that Facebook is no longer a social network. However, the company has a remarkable vision, long before the post-Facebook era are now ready, and continue to be successful.

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