Thursday, April 21, 2016

European regulators want Google to put the reins powerless accomplishing good bad

However, one originally intended to control Google's landmark court ruling, but accidentally Google itself into a Europe substantially Internet privacy "regulatory agencies", while Google undertake commercial interests and the protection of public privacy dual roles, and the decision-making process when dealing with controversial privacy of Internet users almost completely opaque, but also caused a lot of controversy. Two years ago, won the European public on the Internet "right to be forgotten" (Right to Be Forgotten, also known as 'the right to remove the', The Right to Erasure, means users can ask search engines to design their own privacy content delete rights). So far, Google has handled more than 4.18 million times the user's "right to be forgotten 'requirements - received an average of about 572 times a day - asked Google to remove links to certain search results, these requirements, Google agreed to remove links times less than half, as it was decided not to delete the specifics of how to make the link, Google is not disclosed. In the past two years, Google deal with these complaints and the protection of privacy related cases related cases than Europe's largest national regulatory bodies dealing also produce more than doubled, although the scope of data protection complaints than these public institutions dealing Google to more widely. Although has been on Google to maintain hostility, regulators in Europe are still in accordance with the complex data protection regulations will review user authority "right to be forgotten 'requirements to the Google, other search companies, including Microsoft, have been awarded such power, although the latter than Google users processing requirements much less. Some consumer rights groups and privacy experts for such an arrangement to keep dissent, they warned: to Google this for profit, relying on the user's digital life into revenue, and relates to accept a variety of user privacy and anti-regulation monopoly investigation of commercial companies, in protecting users' personal data bear the "supervision" such a central role, and its review process is still so opaque, it should lead to greater vigilance. Last year, some scholars from Europe and the United States have together made an open letter asking Google to explain its users' right to be forgotten "review mechanism required, but Google has not responded. 2014 "right to be forgotten" legislation adopted up to now, Google has never allowed its associated media review team: The team consists of less than 50 people, most of the lawyers and corporate legal personalities, office is located in the Irish capital Dublin. "It can only be said to be a semi-mature solution," Oxford University Professor Luciano Floridi (Luciano Floridi) said Floridi review was to help Google users' right to be forgotten "requested court advisor Commission one, this power also makes Google substantive assumed the role of personal privacy regulators. Floridi said:. "If Europe wants to have even more control over the protection of personal privacy, Google granted this authority can be a strange move." Regulatory official data showed Google users' right to be forgotten "Cases requirements, only less than one percent of the cases are appealed to the European regulatory agencies, which regulators say their final decisions generally are propensity in Google. Many Google had submitted "forgotten" the requesting user told the "New York Times", Google completely informing them how to make the results of the review, which makes it crash, and sometimes even angry. "If the government to review the information about users 'forgotten' demands, they definitely need to publish relevant data," law professor, technology and society Tilburg University, the Netherlands Institute Hu sovico Martin (Martin Husovec) said and to the community of an open letter sent to respond, "but Google has chosen to resolve everything behind closed doors." May 2014, the European Court cited European privacy laws and regulations and make decisions, you can ask Google and Microsoft will be such a search engine search results related to their own privacy link to remove, and for users of these requests are reasonable, by Google and Microsoft search these companies - rather than a public regulatory body - to review and make decisions at the same time, the European Court does not require the search company will review and decision-making process to the public. Frozen Games - Juegos de Frozen - Jogos de Frozen - Permainan Frozen - Игры Холодное сердце
Giochi di Frozen - Frozen Spelletjes - Gry Kraina lodu - Elsa Spiele - Jeux de Frozen - Elsa Oyunlari Accordance with the resolutions of the European Court, the user must request to remove the privacy of information related to the Internet, such as personal information, the user in the past, and now has a criminal record does not involve public interest, etc. However, many of the legal profession have expressed personal privacy, these definitions are too vague, and it is prone to inconsistency of the case. So far, most of the requests Google received most of the information related to the user's daily life, such as the requirement to delete navigation online sites where the user's phone number, address, etc., many users also requires Google to delete the search results themselves include Facebook information, including social media. In some cases, some of the media articles include links to "The Times" on the non-standard business practices, including an article, Google has also been made to delete processing. Other typical complaints received also include Google, announced a Romanian court records website were asked to remove links to a large number of users. Wants to put forward the "forgotten" requires the user to fill in to Google submit an online application, and attach an official proof of identity. Although Google has never officially disclosed its review process to the outside world, but two anonymous Google to the "Times" revealed the details of Google to do some review. According to reports, in general, these requests are sent to Google's legal team, a number of simple applications, such as applications for public figures from in accordance with the provisions not requested the removal of the link, it will be junior staff directly to get rid of, the application more difficult decision, were further forwarded to senior lawyers, the lawyers will make a balanced consideration of the resolution between privacy and the public's right to know. If Google decides to accept the user's application will notify the user that the privacy removal request application is successful, notify the user application, the site in question, which has been removed from the Google Europe's search results, the deleted site no right of appeal; and if Google denies the user's application will notify the user application fails, but must remind the user to this appeal, but does not explain the specific reasons Google denies the user of the application to the user. Some European officials today for the power user to review Google's privacy requirements to grant still worried, but regulators also admitted that Google made the resolution mechanism - so far has been removed 1.4 million links - proved to be very straightforward. Some other officials said, despite the resolution process opaque, but now they are Google resolutions made were satisfied. "In the case of those who appeal, our ultimate resolution most of the time and Google the original resolution unanimously," senior officials of the French privacy regulator of the French National Commission on Freedom of Information and Matthias Morin (Mathias Moulin) said . In other officials and legal experts regulators opinion, regulators and governments in Europe to do the reason why letting Google's own resolution to remain silent, in fact, part of the reason is the lack of appropriate financial, technical and human resources of these institutions to deal with their own lot user "forgotten" requirement. For user privacy requirements independently regulated persons and some regulatory officials, although Google play both their own and their own results referee is not bad, but European regulators and governments will oversee one of the basic rights of the people power to a for-profit company that in itself, is still very worrying. "Google really should have authority to do these resolutions do?" German oversees US technology companies such as Google, Facebook and other Hamburg data protection department head Johannes Caspar (Johannes Caspar) said, "Now the situation is that we have to comply with European law, it is the need to listen to Google to make a decision. "

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