Thursday, April 21, 2016

Smart toilet cover into the State Department documents made in China has become a focus of improvement

(A) carry out quality improvement action. In consumer goods, air purifiers, rice cookers, smart toilet lid,play Olaf Games smart phones, toys, children's and infant clothing, kitchen utensils, furniture and other consumers are generally concerned about the focus on improving the supply of consumer goods to carry out special operations, organization and implementation of projects to improve the quality of consumer goods, increasing breed, raise quality and brand. Lose prominence to non-commodity, the loser in the Middle East trade, cross-border electricity supplier product quality improvement. The implementation of export food Competitiveness Project. Quality improvement services to carry out special operations in key areas. Relying on "significant Drug Discovery" special, to promote the quality of drug development and brand promotion. To carry out special work to enhance the quality of medical care. To carry out activities to enhance service quality contrast, areas of the city of Beijing, Tianjin released public service quality monitoring reports. Combined with the logistics industry "cost efficiency" special action to raise the overall level of logistics services. Promote banking financial institutions to strengthen the quality of services, increase financial consumer protection. To carry out operations with gasoline and diesel vehicles to enhance product quality. Carry paint containing volatile organic quality standards to enhance the action. (Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Science, Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry of Health and Family Planning Commission, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection, Food and Drug Administration of China Banking Regulatory Commission is responsible for press division of responsibilities) (B) greatly improve the quality of literacy and vocational skills of workers. Implementation of the national high-skilled personnel revitalization plan. Promote the training of senior skilled personnel. The implementation of enterprise management personnel to enhance the quality engineering for SMEs and training specialized personnel. Organize migrant workers Vocational Skills Upgrading Scheme "Torrents of Spring Action." Encourage and guide enterprises to develop job training, technical competition activities. To carry out mass literacy promotion actions create excellence, the pursuit of quality artisan spirit. Promoting Tourism qualified personnel, improve the service quality of tourism employees. (Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Human Resources and Social Security, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, according to Tourism Bureau is responsible for the division of responsibilities) (Iii) actively promote the quality and technology innovation. Focus on key areas of automobiles, high-end CNC machine tools, rail transportation equipment, large complete sets of technical equipment, to carry out quality research, improve the quality of impact to overcome a number of key common quality technology. The establishment of industrial play Talking Angela Games transformation Key project library, to increase support for the technological transformation of the quality of manufacturing enterprises, and guide the efforts. In key industrial sectors, promote the reliability of the design, testing and validation, and design for manufacturing quality engineering and other advanced technologies. Extensive quality improvement, quality of research and other forms of mass innovation activities to promote the quality and technology innovation Peoples. (Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Science, Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Finance, the SASAC, according to AQSIQ is responsible for the division of responsibilities) (Iv) to encourage the use of advanced management systems and advanced standards. Support the implementation of quality-site diagnostics, quality benchmark for the exchange of experience, quality management team, quality, reliable team and other activities to enhance the level of quality management. In all types of organization, promotion and application of China Quality Award winners quality management methods and models. The implementation of enterprise product and service standards of self-disclosure statement and surveillance systems, establish standards of public information service platform, the introduction of the Implementation Guide. Promote community standards pilot work to stimulate social organizations and enterprises to participate in the development of advanced standards initiative. Develop ocean observing equipment, ocean energy power generation device quality management practices and management procedures. (Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Administration of Quality Supervision, SOA management is responsible for the division of responsibilities) (V) to vigorously promote the brand-building. The development of quality brand "Thirteen Five" plan. Improve the brand national standards to guide enterprises to strengthen brand building. Led the development of international standards for brand evaluation, and promote Chinese brands going global. Continue to do industrial enterprises brand development, brand development of industrial clusters pilot work. Bigger and stronger China Environmental Labeling. Support the development of pollution-free agricultural products, green food and organic produce. Create a number of safe and high quality food and agricultural products brand brand. Create a number of well-known brand inspection certificate. Promoting agriculture, manufacturing and services companies brand development capacity building. The implementation of export food Competitiveness Project. Brand building has made outstanding achievements in the central enterprises awarded the "brand-building special award." Organize central enterprises brand building seminars exchanges. To promote the implementation of the trademark brand strategy, improve public services trademark. (Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry of Agriculture, the SASAC, SAIC, AQSIQ is responsible for press division of responsibilities) Second, optimize the quality and brand-enhancing environment (Vi) enhance the quality of regulation and eliminate backward production overcapacity. In the coal, iron and steel, electrolytic aluminum, petrochemicals, high energy consumption, high pollution industry, strict implementation of the production license and other industry access system, according to the standard backward production capacity and eliminate excess capacity. Quality and severely crack down on illegal acts of piracy and promote intellectual property rights enforcement, "escort" special action, "Quality sword" action, "2016 Red Shield network sword special action" agricultural fake "green sword protecting agriculture" action " Hongdun protecting agriculture "action," Red Shield quality rights "action to safeguard the image of overseas Chinese manufacturing" breeze "action. Implementation of energy efficiency standards to promote one hundred projects, promoting green design of industrial products. Insist on agricultural product quality safety special rectification combined with the daily supervision of law enforcement, strengthen the quality and safety of agricultural products and oil products market supervision law enforcement, illegal strike hard heavy penalties add, selling fake goods, Situlanzai and other criminal acts. To carry out special rectification activities of medical equipment. Deepening the food and drug special rectification of key areas, crackdown industry unspoken rules. Conduct involving food safety special rectification of false key areas and rural areas. Strengthen international exchanges and cooperation of police to crack down on cross-border, cross-border crime and selling fake goods. Promotion of efficient boilers, boiler implement energy saving renovation, remediation behind small coal-fired boilers. Promoting government green procurement and green printing. (Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Commerce, SAIC, AQSIQ, Food and Drug Administration regulation, according to the Intellectual Property Office is responsible for the division of responsibilities) (Vii) strengthen key areas of quality and safety supervision. Highlighting key industries and the quality of the central business areas of safety supervision, and resolutely prevent and curb the quality and safety incidents. The establishment of commodity quality system of punitive damages. Accelerate important product traceability system, strengthen the whole process of quality and safety management and risk control. Promoting school canteens and drinking water facilities construction, increase school food safety inspection efforts. Product quality and thorough investigation of illegal activities in the field of daily necessities. Depth engineering quality control operations for two years. In key areas to promote its implementation of equipment supervision system. Organize rural drinking water safety and water-saving products product sampling. Organize road water transportation project construction of key projects Comprehensive quality and safety supervision and tunneling safety special inspection. Transport to carry out the focus of product quality supervision. Strengthen the focus on food, focusing on regional priorities and regulatory issues, large food companies, and effectively enhance the daily supervision of food safety special rectification and comprehensive management, in-depth investigation and security risks, comprehensively regulate production and business activities, to protect the people "on the tongue security. " Urge the authorities to strengthen the scenic spots and tour safety management to prevent accidents. Organize the monitoring of the quality of forest products. Stock carry food quality and safety monitoring. Port to carry out a risk assessment of infectious diseases, improve public health risk management port. Continue to strengthen bird flu prevention and control of infectious diseases. To carry out imported food "Qingyuan" action. To carry out crucial safety elevator, the elevator to further enhance the level of safety. (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Construction, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Commerce, the SASAC, SAIC, AQSIQ, Food and Drug Administration of Forestry, the Tourism Bureau, Grain Bureau, Railway Bureau press duties division of responsibility) (Viii) to accelerate the mass construction of credit system. Building a sound credit information sharing platform for the country to speed up the collection, including the integration of the credit quality of information products, intellectual property rights, water conservancy, water transport highways, involving business trip, foreign play Barbie Dress Up Games import and export food production enterprises, including the implementation of credit information sharing and exchanging. Optimization "Credit China" website, promote credit information "one-stop" query. National product quality credit information to carry out the data collection, the implementation of the provincial quality credit file database pilot. Construction of the IP system of social credit system. Establishment of water conservancy quality management information system, water conservancy construction in the year 2016 to carry out the main credit rating market, carry out the "four northeastern provinces water-saving increase in food action plan" quality evaluation project. Up and running "An agricultural credit" channel, to promote the main agricultural products traceability system construction, carry seeds, aquaculture industry feedback. To carry out the National Highway and Waterway Construction market players credit evaluation, control engineering design changes and irregularities surrounding stringing bid problem. Promote the "focus on promoting business integrity of the building plan of action." Tour companies involved in the establishment of logging mechanism acts of bad faith, bad service announcement tour operators recorded information. Construction of imported food production enterprise quality credit system pilot overseas, improve traceability information sharing. The introduction of "e-business credit information sharing norms," ​​the preparation of "Chinese e-commerce credit report." (Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Commerce, People's Bank of AQSIQ, Intellectual Property Office, the Tourism Bureau is responsible for press division of responsibilities) (I) speed up the construction quality and brand of social cohabitation mechanism. Organize the 2016 national "Quality Month" activities to promote the whole society to strive to enhance the quality, cultivate brand. Strengthening IPR assistance complaints information platform construction, improve enforcement assistance to report complaints online acceptance, case transfer, information feedback system. The rural market, school canteens and food safety to carry out a joint inspection. In the field of public security and is closely related to product quality and safety to explore the compulsory liability insurance system. Construction of the elevator safety mechanism of social governance, strengthen key industries elevator safety. Binding "along the way" strategy to promote industry associations, enterprises to develop overseas Chinese brand promotion activities. (Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Construction, Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Commerce, SAIC, AQSIQ, Food and Drug Administration of Intellectual Property Office, the Tourism Bureau, according to China Insurance Regulatory Commission is responsible for the division of responsibilities) (J) increasing the quality of the work assessment. Depth assessment of the quality of work of provincial government, improve the evaluation index system, and further emphasis on quality, brand assessment content, the scientific development of assessment programs to promote good use of assessment results, rectification and reform implementation. Local governments will guide the quality of work into the performance appraisal counties range. Consumer protection to carry out appraisal work, urging banking institutions to effectively fulfill the main responsibility. Organizations do 2015--2016 annual assessment of the quality of work of water conservancy construction. (National Quality inter-ministry joint meeting of members of the unit, according to the CBRC is responsible for the division of responsibilities) (Xi) to play a supervisory role of the news media publicity. To promote its importance to a number of quality, reliable products and excellent typical corporate brand, it enhances public confidence in the quality of Chinese. Combined with the quality of remediation special action, organizing mass media exposure of major violations and the quality and safety issues, to play a negative role in the typical warning education. Strengthen the network product sales, finance and consumer products, electronic information products quality and safety supervision reports. Organized "financial knowledge Households" propaganda banking services Month. To carry out promotional activities abroad biosafety. (Central Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Business Administration, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Press and Publication Administration of Radio, according to the CBRC is responsible for the division of responsibilities) Third, foster quality and brand new competitive advantages (Xii) promote the advantages of foreign trade EUGENIC. Promoting international trade "single window" construction, "information exchange, mutual recognition of regulatory, law enforcement mutual aid" and reduce the cost of import and export enterprises, speed up customs clearance. Outsourcing inspection and supervision model innovation, required to undertake international service outsourcing business of import and export of industrial products provided to facilitate customs clearance. Accelerate the development of new trade, to do cross-border electricity supplier to support export trade. Implementation "along the way" along the country FTA strategy, promoting regional comprehensive economic partnership (RCEP) negotiations. To promote its own brand export growth plans. (Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Commerce, General Administration of Customs, AQSIQ is responsible for press division of responsibilities) (Xiii) the promotion of e-commerce industry upgrading upgrading. Guide e-commerce company to improve production processes, improve the standard execution. Improve product quality information of public e-commerce service platform, to achieve the integration of information sharing. Promote the implementation of "the State Council on the strengthening of infringement and counterfeiting in the field of Internet Governance" (Guo Ban Fa [2015] No. 77). To strengthen the network of cross-border transactions by mail, express mail supervision channels, crack down on cross-border e-commerce and e-commerce platform by mail, courier smuggling activities implemented through the channels and "ants" and other illegal import and export of counterfeit goods infringing behavior. The development of "e-commerce products quality supervision and management measures," perfect "risk monitoring, online checks, the source of traceability, territorial investigation, credit management" mechanism. Play the electricity supplier product counterfeiting rights enforcement cooperation network effect, thorough investigation of cases of illegal electricity supplier product quality. In the electronic business platform to promote the pilot Internet "filtering" technology, product quality, sales of building a network "firewall." Combating counterfeits, piracy and false propaganda sites. (Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Commerce, General Administration of Customs, AQSIQ, according to the Intellectual Property Office is responsible for the division of responsibilities) Fourth, consolidate the basis of quality and brand promotion (Xiv) improve the legal system. Carry out quality legislation promoting research method. Promote the development of standardization, metrology, quality and safety of agricultural law, the implementation of the Drug Administration Law, the revision of the Food Safety Law Ordinance, cosmetics, supervision and management regulations and other laws and regulations. Promote the "food quality and safety control measures" introduced. Amendments to improve the school cafeteria and student collective dining health regulations. Actively promote the quality of local guide legislative work. The preparation of "mandatory national standard management approach." The development of "medical quality management approach", the preparation of the 2016 National Medical Quality Management Safety Report. (Ministry of Education, Agriculture, Health and Family Planning Commission, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection, Food and Drug Administration of Food Bureau by play Cooking Games the division of responsibilities) (15) full quality technology base supporting role. Issued "Guidance on strengthening international standard equipment manufacturing work." China put forward the standard equipment list to go out, to carry out the advantages of the equipment manufacturing industry technical standards for translation, publishing, marketing, and international benchmarking work. Project quality management standardization work, international standards carry out marine research and measurement quality control, start the implementation of pesticide residue standards and revision plan, improve the railway industry technical standard system, optimize transportation standards, to carry out tourism standardization pilot demonstration. Strengthening National Measurement Science and Technology Innovation Base and shared services platform. "Integrity measurement system-building action plan (2016-2020)" Development and implementation. Propulsion and "along the way" international mutual recognition of measurement along the country, promoting standards of measurement, equipment, and services go. And "along the way" International cooperation in countries along the halal certification, organic certification and registration, and other fields. The implementation of certification and accreditation inspection system reform FTA. China to carry out environmental labeling products, environmental products and "Green Star" certification. (Ministry of Science, Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry of Housing and Urban Construction, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Commerce, SAIC, AQSIQ, Tourism Bureau, Oceanic, Railway Bureau, according to the division of responsibilities Be responsible for) (Xvi) to strengthen the quality and brand of education and culture. Around carry forward the socialist core values, integrity and business conduct publicity and education, to promote all types of operators to enhance the quality of integrity and brand protection. Promote quality and brand-related disciplines, support for institutions of higher learning set up two quality brands related disciplines and interdisciplinary, to accelerate personnel training and quality brand-related. Host the 2016 National Skills Competition vocational colleges. Carry out quality and safety of consumer goods "into the community, into the schools, villages and towns" consumer education campaign to enhance awareness of the quality and safety of consumer goods. (Central Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Administration of Quality Supervision, according to the Press and Publication Administration of Radio, responsible for the division of responsibilities)

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