Thursday, April 21, 2016

Look, Disney, Twitter these big companies are sliding into a cliff

March 7, FT made a report about the Walt Disney Company, 2015 story in the United States each play Anna Games cable company (Cable Networks) fell as the background, on Disney's prospects, said CEO Igor in governance, the company "in the era of subversion have a broader outlook." The third quarter of 2015, when it released quarterly market had estimated that due to "Star Wars: The Force Awakening" will be released in the fourth quarter, investors will generally optimistic, but because CEO Igor mentioned, Disney Sports channel ESPN subscribers decreased slightly, namely by selling stock. Then also it led to Comcast, Time Warner Cable and other US Internet companies shares fell two quarters in a row. Over the past five years since 2015, operating profit and share of Disney's media networks division fell from 68% to 53%, while those from movies, theme parks and other aspects of operating profit accounted from 17%, 9% and 6 % to 21%, 13% and 13%. Igor said, "ESPN is also an important profit center, should be taken seriously. But the question is not whether the number of users dropped from 95 million to 90 million, or 85 million, but ESPN's long-term health, as well as the extent to which consumers If you need ESPN concluded that there is customer needs, then we can find a way to allow customers access to the program - and consumers will also find access to the program. " However, not everyone believes that growth will slow down ESPN painless. In early 2016, many analysts out of the "break" (cord cutting, cable television customers from turning to the Internet) concerns the Disney downgraded the stock. Other analysts believe that the market for ESPN the number of customers decreased overreact. Disney to benefit from a number of brands in all business can offset the impact of the slowdown in cable television business, and will continue to push stock prices higher. Igor believes that Disney will contrast with other cable networks, ignoring diversification Disney business. "We're not a media company, we have business meals, transportation, resort, hotel, technology, consumer packaged goods, movies, TV, books, games and so on. I think we have quite a big difference with the other companies in this field." Igor talked about, when he took over as CEO 10 years ago to see "how much business scale ESPN, how important for the company's profit growth. We have had a decade of rapid growth, and we may continue growth, but we can not grow up to the original speed. " Igor from as CEO since been trying to run the "content", namely the acquisition of Marvel Animation (Marvel), Pixar (Pixar) and Lucasfilm. Igor said: "We came to the conclusion, 'content is king' This old saying is absolutely the truth I have seen since the 'destruction', these brands may encounter some of the various obstacles, when the long-term will still be very good.." Igor also said: "Disney has been able to control the risk of our film business film business in the past often have substantial shocks previous year's income may be 200 million US dollars, to the next year is $ 800 million in revenue. now there will still be some fluctuation, like "Star Wars" was released in a given year, but the income will be much stable, and we will contribute to profits. " AlphaGo Shishi victory, although the score of 4 to 1 to leave a little human face, but let go - once for professional players believe that the machine can not go beyond, "represents the highest human wisdom" Competitive suddenly fell to the ground Message two: "Unicorn" is also the return value of the TA? "Fortune" in February to discuss the value of feature articles "unicorn" in return, entitled "Good luck: quickly slipped" (Good Luck, Getting Out); see the answer is "bad-mouthing" tone. Author William Khan opened it to the company's most famous P2P Lending Club, for example, describe a bleak scene. This Fintech (financial technology) field of bright stars born prominent - backed PKCB, Union Square and other "royal class" venture, as well as Google and Alibaba, including Morgan Stanley and a former CEO John Mark and former US Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, including "gold Board of Directors' support, is bound to be listed" wonderful slam dunk. " Thus, in December 2014, hosted by Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs underwriting, Lending Club stock priced at $ 15 per share,play Dora Games was 20 times oversubscribed, so the company valuation of $ 6,000,000,000. First day of listing, the stock jumped 70 percent higher to $ 23.42 per share; then in the week up to $ 26 per share. If the investor at this time, "ship", can be done. But after that, in reality, it becomes increasingly grim. Although, in terms of a public company, Lending Club performance is still "beautiful" - - 2015 revenue increase over last year 100%, but the stock is still way down, recently it fell to $ 8 per share, compared with the listed price almost " cut. " Message three: Twitter did not you feel embarrassed? FT on March 4 issued an article by Helen Lewis wrote feature articles to "Twitter 10 years" in the title, this argument has 320 million users of future business why become so uncertain. The world's first Twitter, in 2006, issued March 21 by a man named Jack Dorsey software engineers, the content is "Just setting up my Twitter". In 2007, Twitter users on a daily basis 5000 tweets; a year later, this figure soared to 300,000; by 2010, it rose to 50 million; in 2013, when the company listed, said his users the number of issued tweets per day reached 500 million (currently the company has not released the data a). Louis himself as in June 2007, Twitter users, then press to this article, she made a total of 59,300 pieces tweets, about an average of 18 a day, she was surprised to find that they have 49,400 bits "fans." Like many people, her relationship with this site is quite tangled. Once Louis due to some small disputes, their accounts closed for a few days, it results in a newspaper being reprimanded. Lewis said that when Twitter this month for his birthday 10 years of age, when the atmosphere will "discount", because everyone knows that the company faces two great challenges: one is how to continue to expand its current 350 million users. number, and the other is how to achieve sustained revenue from user activities. This state can actually be traced back to when Twitter startups. 2012, co-founder of this company insider said Biz Stone broke in Montreal meeting:. "Nobody thought it was a good idea I distinctly remember my colleague Evan Williams (Evan William) said, 'Ice cream is not that right? do we should ban ice cream and bring all the fun, or just to be a fun thing like, what is the problem?' " Louis from their own experience to analyze, initially, Twitter is a "micro-blogging service" exists, but users are quick to play Cooking Games put it into a "conversation forum." In the early years, Twitter is a free, have fun feeling. We username colorful, you find yourself and a best-selling author to discuss political topics, from their own or with a boyhood admirer of British singer chat at 23:00. But today Twitter is no longer the taste - "infect" a variety of brand promotion, sales, also formed numerous "bin bucket." Rules of engagement also gradually "calcification" - do not criticize the @ others, not to star impolite (unless the intention of celebrity fans launched accusation against you), and do not search for his name, those who provoke you to mouth abusive person, and so on. Twitter is another title "Twitter revolution", it is defined by the 2009 election of Moldova since 2011 and continue to the "Arab Spring" phenomenon. Even at that time, there are different views on the true role of Twitter. "The Tipping Point" author Gladwell had published an article entitled "Small Change" article in the "New Yorker", subtitle is "Why not Tweet Revolution out." Today that send tweets to break the status quo of fewer and fewer people - just look at the "Arab Spring" as today to clear out. Of course, whether Twitter is in decline, or is to turn the page, can be another matter, but it is the media, celebrities and political culture certainly had a tremendous impact on the ongoing US presidential election of 2016 is the best example - it reinforces the strength of 24-hour news, but also to speed up the operation speed of news, each candidate has to communicate directly with voters Tweet. Although there are many people talking about "Twitter Bubble" (Twitter Bubble), but these people of the press, it is precisely in the enjoyment of Twitter created a new media culture. Everyone knows, Twitter The company faces two huge challenges: one is how to continue to expand the number of users currently own 3.5 million, and the other is how to achieve sustained revenue from user activity In June 2015, one of the early Twitter investor ChrisSacca wrote a long article 8 thousand words. In this paper the authors discuss the future of the site, at the beginning of the article says that concerns about their current state of - for most people, Twitter too well spent; for most people, Twitter horrible; for most people, Twitter too lonely. Of course, Twitter ideas to help people there are many, such as it was suggested, should lift the restrictions 140 words. For Louise, she still think Twitter is her only place to get custom news sources, so in order to maintain their average record, she was busy one day to send 18 tweets. The manuscript is written here, I saw a news item on the FT issued - - 2015 global carbon dioxide emissions did not increase, since 2015 is the second year in a row. Dissemination of information to the International Energy Agency (IEA) said, which is mainly due to substantial growth in renewable energy, resulting in energy-related emissions did not increase. In 2015, more than 90% of new electricity from renewable energy sources. In addition, the United States and China's carbon dioxide emissions decline is also an important factor. Faith Birol Executive Director of play Baby Hazel Games the International Energy Agency, said:. "This is unprecedented is the not the only thing that will affect climate change will also affect the expectations for the global energy mix.." US cable television network company shares decline, analysts are concerned with the loss of customers, they are moving towards a cliff; "unicorn" valuation decline and Twitter embarrassment, then let the market was floated on the valley below the cliff the chill. But new generating 90% of energy structure adjustment renewable energy brought to the edge of the cliff is not only a few companies, but the huge size of the oil industry, coal, iron and steel, electrical equipment, etc. a. Although these stories, as well as Disney's CEO Igor energy and analysts 'ethical theory', but overall, the impact of these few messages, probably more than winning or losing the next round of man-machine war It is much larger.

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