Saturday, April 30, 2016

If Steve Jobs, Apple's results could be even worse

Yesterday, Apple suffered a historic moment, a record 51 consecutive quarters of growth came to play Elsa Games an end. Apple's first quarter 2016 earnings can be described as extremely ugly: revenue and profit for the first time thirteen years both fell. But the culprit is not necessarily the current CEO Cook. Six years ago, Samsung launched the first large 4-inch screen mobile phone, Jobs said disapprovingly, who would buy a large-screen phone? But the fact that Jobs was wrong, although one-hand operation large-screen phone is indeed a lot of trouble, but you soon get used to the two thumbs simultaneously started. Cook struggled experience successor, finally liberated from Steve Jobs, "two whatevers", the launch iPhone6, otherwise, Apple's downhill may come earlier. Jobs general existence of God - accurate understanding of products, good taste, and arbitrary character, the apple shape has become a phenomenal company, not just once occupied the largest market capitalization rankings first, leaving Apple products become a spiritual identity. However, in the ground at the beginning of the story, Apple building where it gives birth to the two cracks. First examine a crack Dir - charismatic leader. Such type of superhuman genius leader of an organization and any organization, from a long time to see, is a disaster. Management guru Peter Drucker once mentioned at "Concept of the Corporation," a book published 70 years ago, a company's ability to operate long-term survival and success depends primarily on three interdependent issues: the issue of leadership, the basic policy issues, and standards of action and decision-making. One of the most decisive leadership play Baby Hazel Games issue, "the organization of companies must enable it to continue to operate under the leadership of ordinary people. A person under management agency can not endure." For large companies, in particular. Apple's architecture itself is not set up for ordinary people, it is a genius born. Among the outstanding entrepreneur, Steve Jobs has a rare aesthetic taste artists, psychologists insight into human nature, as well as data and research innate disdain for their own intuition and confidence in his eyes, the consumer is used to guide rather than cater to. More importantly, Jobs also successfully these intuitions, the idea of ​​individuality and inspiration into products detail, marketing direction and corporate strategy. Jobs also is not a "good boss" typical sense, he does not humble, inconsiderate, not decentralization. In business management, both Steve and unauthorized dictator. Jobs advocating micro-management, he insisted personal perfectionism and refused numerous ideas of subordinates, he personally release of new products, and elaborate on the topic. From the chip to the store, he was meticulous, hands-on. Apple employees also pick a thousand miles. Steve Jobs as CEO, to hire good employees as a top priority, saying that "the average person can do the work and who can best work done compared to the dynamic range is 50 or 100 to 1. A + by the staff of the score the Panel can easily exceed King team performance by the B and C employees constituted. "from the early start from Jobs committed to finding elite of the elite to form teams. Jobs such genius and dictatorial in a set of characteristics, resulting in potentially Shuai inside Apple executives did not get full control of the overall experience. Even Cook, Steve Jobs as "to recruit the best employees," also died just after it took over the helm as CEO. Steve Jobs during his lifetime and its management for Cook last piece of advice: "Do not ask, 'If this is how would Steve do?'" Although Cook under the rule of Apple and Steve Jobs era has been very different. But Apple still inevitably grow into a trap. All this, Drucker has prophesied in the "Concept of the Corporation" in: corporate dictatorship will inevitably lead to factionalism within the organization, and, in the case of personal dictatorship, members of the company can not get the opportunity to test personal training and leadership skills . Thus, institutions are no longer scrutinized by rational choice of a successor to the familiar, but the desperate hope that the future unsuitable candidate is automatically generated from the power struggle. Let's look at the second crack, large companies born with self-destructive tendencies. All major companies, including Apple are facing four unavoidable question: First, leadership attenuation, the company owner Generations. Large companies to individuals likely to develop authoritarian Girl Games Because only the chairman or CEO is not only fragmented sector limited the company to understand the overall operation, which led to the first generation of leaders of the retirement, successor is often a large division or deputy CEOs to succeed, it will appear on the grasp the overall lack of experience would not be enough, leading to generation is worse than the current situation. A similar phenomenon in the domestic large companies is not uncommon, for example, a well-known IT vendors. Second, the large companies born stifle innovation, promote the tendency to obey. Moreover, each large organizations are facing the same danger: Elderly heads always smart, aggressive subordinates wary, skeptical. They are sometimes afraid to seek the right to usurp the throne subordinates, resulting in the loss or subordinate innovative business initiative, either directly vote with their feet. In addition, the company is increasingly suffering from culture, management increasingly bureaucratic. For large companies, individual contribution insignificant, it is difficult to calculate separately, so in addition to executives, no one can be evaluated according to market performance. In Drucker's view, the existence of such a large company risk: it can only rely on the subjective impression of the performance evaluation of staff capacity and, no matter how good the intention of managers, which will inevitably lead to nepotism within the organization and immorality. Even many large companies will appear "because competent, so much to do, therefore make mistakes, so I've resigned," Bad money drives out good money this phenomenon more and more. Finally, large companies can not achieve the balance between professionals and generalists, while generalist is the essence of leadership. Drucker in the 1940s that GM's survey found, even in the enterprise to promote decentralized institutional arrangements, division of a large company such that any person crossing the fine Thinking sector have become so unrealistic. Finally, the promotion is also often raise the level of professional results. Therefore, even if a large enterprise employees can not grasp the whole and consider the company's situation, there may leapt positions. Authoritarian charismatic type of big business - which is both a major legacy Steve Jobs left Apple, but also planted two mines, and the future of Apple, Cook play Barbie Games dynasty ushered in the resurgence, or become the next Nokia, very large extent depends on how mine. As Nokia was originally a river, Apple had also a fruit.

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