Monday, April 11, 2016

Practicing "tall on" The 10th is not far away from life

Conduct scientific experiments in practice on the 10th, which is mainly used to create a microgravity play Angela Games during space flight (weightless) environment. Many physical phenomena occurring on Earth, has gravity reasons, remove the gravity component, it is possible to observe a unique phenomenon never to appear on Earth, revealing the secrets concealed by gravity. Practice was launched on the 10th, which is equivalent in the microgravity environment of space initiative to build a "mobile lab." Practice the 10th overall design life of 15 days, carrying 19 scientific experiments load. This 19 "passengers", the microgravity science experiments item 10, space life science experiments project 9. Practice is the 10th recoverable satellite with orbital module and recovery capsules, wherein eight fluid physics and combustion experiments carried out on the left rail cabin, can be seen as "one-way ticket passengers"; the remaining 11 scientific experiments in the recovery capsule were they holding a "round-trip ticket," these experiments and experimental samples for future load will return to Earth. Chief scientist of practice on the 10th Academy project Wen-Rui Hu said the 19 scientific experiments task is more than 200 applications from carefully selected, all items are experiments in microgravity science and space life science topics at the forefront, many of them in scientific experiments for the first time to carry out internationally. "Every one is new to explore, with strong scientific value." For example, wire insulation and typical non-metallic materials both microgravity combustion experiments for fire prevention for manned spacecraft design. Due to lack of proper fire protection under microgravity conditions, China's main draw conventional ground or aerial fire code. "Microgravity environment more easily than ground fire, and fire point difficult to find, difficult to extinguish. So, what materials can be used, which materials can not be used? How to find the fire? How fire? This series of questions have to rely on space experiments to solve these two experiments is to observe microgravity materials on fire, burning smoke and precipitated the law, under the law of the gravity and combustion conditions for the establishment of our own complete aerospace fire protection services. this will be China's future space station fire issues play an important role. "Wen-Rui Hu said. In another example, crystal growth and preparation material occupies a very important position in modern communications, electronics industry, to carry out the crystal growth studies in microgravity environment that can eliminate the interference buoyancy convection and gravity sedimentation effects. Practice on the 10th satellite science applications, said chief designer Qi Kang, crystal growth and solidification process under microgravity environment, helps to understand the material formed from the melt interface dynamics, lay the foundation for improved ground crystal growth process. By microgravity environment suppress solute buoyancy convection, thereby obtaining a high-quality material ground gravitational field difficult to grow. 19 scientific experiments task looks "high cold" In fact, many do not live far away. In "research under microgravity coal combustion and pollutant formation characteristics" for example, coal is China's major energy, efficient combustion and reduce emissions of special significance for our country. Modeling of coal combustion requires accurate physical parameters, however, due to the influence of gravity and buoyancy convection on the ground, some accurate measurement of physical parameters is almost impossible. Thus, the effective establishment of various play Ella Dress models and model deduction, coal combustion mechanism to improve the understanding of the coal combustion efficiency is very important. In a microgravity environment, observe the basic law and coal combustion generated pollutants, it is expected to get some ground based data can not be obtained, the development of better coal combustion theory and models to help better our green utilization of coal resources. Qi Kang said study silkworm, rice, and research related to life sciences related to exploration, the future may have great application prospects, not only can translate into considerable economic benefits, but also will promote social development. To make up for China's space science, "we saw the technology, but not scientific" short board And a lot of different satellites, designed for scientific practice on the 10th design, is the single conduct microgravity science and space life science experiments are the largest satellites. Wen-Rui Hu said, "I saw the technology, but not science", is China's space science short board. He believes that the use of space, including space science, space applications and space technology in three aspects. These three aspects are irreplaceable, but we have long focused on space utilization of space technology and space applications, space is insufficient emphasis on basic science. According to statistics, a total of 5000 a number of international projects on space science experiments, only a very small part of our country. Our dependence on space science data disclosed his country's secondary analysis, also invested in the field of scientific research with NASA, the European Space Agency, which are not a small gap. Chinese Academy of Sciences, director of the National Space Science Center, Space Science Satellite Engineering deputy commander Wu Ji said that before China launched a satellite used in the application fields of basic disaster forecast, telecommunications and broadcasting. To become a space powers, but also to achieve breakthroughs in scientific research. Support basic research, although it may do not see the application, but will have a significant impact on future development. "China has become a space power, space powers want to change, you can not live without space science satellites. To achieve innovation-driven development, we must have the capacity for original innovation." January 2011, as the first batch of Chinese Academy of Sciences launched Class A strategic guide scientific and technological special "pilot projects in space science," officially approved, and this is the first time that major scientific discoveries of the series as the main objective scientific satellite program. Practice on the 10th of the first project is one of four scientific satellites, the other three satellites to detect dark matter particles, hard X-ray modulation telescope satellite and quantum science experimental satellite. December 18, 2015, China's first satellite detection of dark matter particles - "Monkey" was successfully launched. It direction detection by high-energy particles in the universe, the energy and the size of the charge to find and study dark matter particles indirectly, help to understand the origin of the universe. Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope will be the second half of 2016 to choose the satellite launch, mainly for nature and the laws of physics under extreme conditions and the discovery of black holes by observing black holes, neutron stars, active galaxies and other high energy astrophysics, optical zoom and analyzed EDS nature, study black holes and compact objects dynamics of matter and energy in the process of gravitational radiation intensity. Quantum science experiments planned satellite launch in July this year, is expected to achieve a major breakthrough in the practical aspects of space quantum communication. Wen-Rui Hu said the Chinese Academy of Space Science and pilot projects for China's space science is expected to a good start. For scientific satellites space station can not be replaced advantage Our country is the second outside the United States, Russia, the third master recoverable satellite technology of the Barbie Cooking Games Aerospace Science and Technology Group, the fifth Institute of General Practice of the 10th division Tangbo Chang said, the return type of space remote sensing satellite is to create career feats. In the space of information technology is not yet developed when the need to adopt a "heaven camera to take pictures, to obtain information return" approach. But with China's between heaven and earth in building the "information highway" to return to satellite development is declining, and the last launch was in 2006 when the eighth practice. Some have questioned: China plans in 2020 to build a manned space station, space station can do microgravity experiments, why launch such a scientific practice on the 10th satellite? Wen-Rui Hu said the space station and scientific experiment satellites have their own strengths and complement each other in space science experiments. "Prior to the experiment program, there was a communication with the manned space engineering researchers before, try to avoid repeating the experiment. Experiment station with a long time, was involved in other advantages, but compared to manned space station for scientific satellites space station could not have substituted advantage. " Wen-Rui Hu explained, first of all for scientific satellites over the microgravity environment. The primary goal is to manned space station astronaut health and safety, and there is interference or mechanical operation staff activities generated microgravity environment may fail to meet requirements. In addition, the satellite more mobile. The launch of the first 8 hours, and finally as a "passenger" long overdue, in order to maximize the influence of Earth's gravity excluded. Finally, double cabin experimental environment, but also allows some of the more dangerous experiment done separately. All this is impossible in the space station. Wen-Rui Hu also said that recoverable satellites for space science experiments small risk, low cost, can provide more flight experiments, particularly conducive to international cooperation. According to reports, the practice on the 10th satellite is an open satellite missions, scientific experiments and participants will include the proposed 11 CAS institutes and six universities, and work closely with the European Space Agency in international space cooperation. Among them, the "research and Soret coefficient measuring oil component heat diffusion characteristics in microgravity conditions" is a joint European Space Agency and the Canadian oil companies, crude oil for Soret coefficient was measured, and strive to deepen the multi-component fluid at high pressure and have By understanding the fluid temperature gradient distribution components, providing a more accurate distribution of crude oil in the theoretical prediction, thereby reducing the cost of oil exploration. Wu Ji said that in addition to practice on the 10th, etc. 4 satellite has been launched projects, pilot projects in space science and also play Barbie Games supports the selection of eight models project background, ready for the next 5-10 years in space science satellites. Among them, the China-EU joint space science satellite missions "solar wind - magnetosphere interaction panoramic imaging satellite program," the global water cycle observation satellite, etc., have carried out scientific objectives concise, detection and optimization of key technologies, etc., and after the international demonstration.

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