Monday, April 11, 2016

Baidu CFO Li Xin: Girls can also serve as CEO marry rich handsome return

"Since the boys hope 'when the CEO, marry white Formica', the girl can 'serve as CEO, he play Anna Games returned to marry rich handsome'." Li Xin said that with the development of technology and service industries, innovative, stylish, lively working atmosphere and the idea has gradually gained. Baidu employees average age of 26 years, almost half are girls. Li Xin also to the recent "most Fire Red" papi sauce, for example, represent "papi sauce allows us to see, in the new economy, especially the rapid development of Internet and mobile Internet, women choose the path of self-realization is diverse of." Li Xin believes that female leaders have different from the male unique vision, giving businesses temperature and positive energy capacity, especially with the O2O, electricity suppliers and other new economic development patterns, female spending power can not be ignored, any business can not only from the male perspective to make decisions. As Baidu CFO, the first Chinese women to enter S & P500 strong board of directors of the company, Li Xin is mother of two children. On the "how to balance career and a family," the question frequently asked professional women, Li Xin sees no need to worry too much, "work-life balance, and in the final analysis is an attitude." Li Xin believes that as long as love their work and life, the two can achieve integration rather than confrontation. The following is the speech Li Xin Record: Good afternoon! Very happy to come to Luoyang, and we talk with the leadership and innovation under the new economic era of women. I would like to share the story of a young girl. Over the past six months, there was a girl online often short video record your own performances, "Tucao" ridicule girls gossip, love rules, even "bombing" sex discrimination ...... In the video, she is positioning itself as the image of a older young women, mantra is very interesting and somewhat narcissistic, she said - "I am a set of beauty and talent in a woman." Here, I think we have guessed who I'm talking about girls, that we recently maxed circle of friends "papi sauce", directed by the Department of girls in a drama in reading, she is currently have a million fans super "red network", recently won a small fortune investment, reputation and social status have also been far more than a lot of stars. "Papi sauce," the story, let us see, in the new economy, especially the rapid development of Internet and mobile Internet, women choose the path of self-worth has become increasingly diverse. This is the first point I would like to say. Over a long period of time, especially the first and second absolute leading industrial era, successful career women in career development, and even more than men, "man", and men will get similar opportunities. Therefore, most women leaders give the impression that the "Iron Lady", "woman" impression. Today, with the development of technology and service industries, innovative, stylish, lively working atmosphere and concept has gradually gained. Baidu employees average age of 26 years, almost half are girls. These female employees regardless of at what stage of life, in life plays what role, can have a good career. In addition to more play Dora Games freely display their abilities in the workplace outside, you can also use the Internet as a fresh, diverse models and platforms, open up broad space for development. One of my female colleagues 80, is a product manager. She made a full-time mother, the children often on the Internet "sea Amoy" milk, diapers and other baby products. With her baby products in this market more and more familiar with her on the initiation of the idea to make electricity supplier. She carefully analyzed the market prospects mother, studied maternal and child brand case, these ideas and her husband, her friends say, we are very supportive. Today, her mother electricity supplier, this company has a valuation of several billion dollars. Elite women, the path to success is not unique. New era, new channels, new methods, new mode, select is at hand. Confident, open and adventurous. If the boys can be a dream "when the CEO, marry white Fu-mei," then why can not girls have the same pursuit? It can also "served as CEO, marry rich handsome return." I then share with everyone the second point I want to say: good business, there must be excellent female managers. Such enterprises are broad, harmonious, complete and robust. Our society, "women hold half the sky" tradition. Some areas, even "Weak." Women in economic and social life, played an indispensable role. However, the leader in high-end, the proportion of women is not high. General perception is that men seem to be more suited to play leader. They did not drag on household chores, devotion to work. And resolute nature, can bring decisive decisions. Today, in this era of diversification, we all know that no one knows everything. Women leaders [have the same dedication dedication, there is also the leader of the indispensable principle, discipline and determination. More importantly, there is different from the male leadership of unique vision, has a tough strong spirit, It gives businesses the ability to temperature and positive energy. The lack of women leaders of vision, judgment, ability, is the loss of business. In Baidu and you'll often see this picture: two straight men often because of a line of code, or product orientation problems fierce arguments, referred not dialogue. But if this team has a female RD or PM, they are good at empathy, good communication, there is no ego, but also pragmatic, and often we can quickly find a consensus, consensus, so that products and efficient project execution or the ground line. Today O2O, electricity providers, sharing economy, women can not be overlooked the enormous consumer power, any user-oriented businesses are not only from the perspective of male decision-making; Baidu culture is "simple and reliable", where you to see the 40-year-old uncle to the young man just graduated advice issues. There are times we have a male executive and I said, he and a group of 90 classmates department meeting small classmates chat language, get him confused. While they say "do not feel tired love," while saying "233 333" and finally he is gone, he heard someone softly said "Hey old go" (Hey boss walked up). Uncle To these young students to learn a new language a new trend. Age brings knowledge of the fault, they bring different perspectives of the same sex. Again, no one knows everything. Important female play Cooking Games leaders, with their unique vision and ability, decision-making was solid, work can be happy, business was plentiful. Often someone will ask, career women, how to balance work and life. The third point I would like to say a family and career, not necessarily antagonistic, can be a fusion unity. When I was young, often because of a weekend conference call, nervous all day. Weekend did not mind too easily. Call when, for fear of the children at the edge out loud, let the boss do not fly. Seems to be a career woman, respect is not nobody home life of the people, always taut. It seems today, these are invisible pressure exerted ourselves. We will now work faster pace than ever before, for our more demanding, often at night at home, e-mail, processing, middle of the night phone conversation. But now, unlike the young man so nervous. Once children go skiing, half-way to find where the signal to open a telephone board meeting. Day, he found himself quite satisfied. On the one hand, it did not delay the work, do the thing to do. On the one hand, to accompany the child. Previous change, because this phone, it is estimated it will not go out. So, when you think about the work and life that combines work is part of life. It does not affect the work life. Balance work and life, in the final analysis, an attitude. I love their work, love life, life, work, work to live, the two can not confrontation, can be a fusion unity. Women can work and live together share a common integration capability: that is, remain highly focused to do everything, the efficient solution. When doing this, go all out, concentrate; when the life, choose high-quality use of time, training, family care. Finally, I want to say this is a women play leadership and innovation of the best times, we should cherish this era brought us new opportunities. I believe, leadership and innovation will be redefined women, Chinese women in business or political leadership will have a more powerful voice play Baby Hazel Games for a wide range of new economic era to create more possibilities. I hope all of you together for a more equitable, open and pluralistic future efforts!

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