Monday, April 11, 2016

Ma sealed from the immediate concern reached the red network, Seen do shopping guide Destiny

Two weeks ago, Alibaba announced high-profile real-time fiscal year 2016 GMV (GMV) break 3 play Free Dora Games trillion yuan, after cheering, how many people noticed that the old 8 million seller Taobao Taobao behind tens of thousands of passengers? - Population around shopping guide Taobao ecosystem, also for Ali "trillion Dream" contribution to a brick. Then "Taobao off" Ali was blocked, beautiful, said mushroom Street as the representative shopping guide website "Amoy" another way of living, and this year combined. While the transition to the mobile Internet PC Internet, social media, video sites, network broadcast platform spawned a wave of red, traffic structure has changed, is changing the attendant cash flow method. In 2014, one million Teng spent 5 billion hug O2O, dormant for a year "- Where" turned out, still no "extraordinary." Ali to be outdone, "the code Amoy" died down soon, "Meow Street" was to follow, known to build under the "full flow, full-channel" line scenario consumption, and its nature or cash flow. Cash flow in an iterative way electricity supplier, O2O trading, that is, some shopping guide evolutionary history. 1.0 shopping guide: price-driven, or "Taobao off" in the world Electricity supplier shopping guide is the earliest form of rebates, discounts and parity, the common denominator is price-driven. Shopping guide started the first phase around 2006, flourished in 2010, that time B2C tide swept, but the mainstream shopping guide players - whether rebate network, meter off and a scouring, Taobao basically around ecology, and At that time the entire network environment or PC-based. In addition, there are various websites coalition of the so-called "Taobao off": Ma sealed from the immediate concern reached the red network, Seen do shopping guide Destiny (The figure quoted blog "wandering programmer") Ali official external build the concept of "Taobao Alliance" to provide "Taobao customers to promote" tool by Ali Mama, take this function, Taobao sellers can set the commission rate and providing API interface to the shopping guide websites, ultimately Taobao sellers by transaction effect charge (CPS). But from the second half of 2013, Ali began to ban "Taobao off" external release signal: will no longer be supported against the inner Taobao stop shopping cash back to members or buyers Taobao off mode, this initiative has also been interpreted as "for its parity shopping guide Amoy CAPE road." By 2014, Ali is clear: since at 0:00 on July 1st 2014 play Bubble Shooter Classic onwards, requires Taobao customers can not be within the rebate types of channels to provide users with Taobao platform product links shop links , shop name and the name of the treasurer Want search services. Meanwhile, Ali also stressed that within the rebate type channels involving Alibaba Group related brands, such as Taobao rebates, Lynx rebates, etc., must be linked to Ali Mama official promotion channel or event page (such as love Taobao) and shall not be in any form build or promote related to Taobao, Lynx, poly cost-effective shopping and other unofficial pages (including but not limited to, shopping channel, mall channel, etc.). Ma sealed from the immediate concern reached the red network, Seen do shopping guide Destiny Ali reason to take ban "Taobao off" initiative, I believe that there are two factors: on the one hand the rise of mobile Internet, Ali strategic center to the radio traffic of tilt, PC era Taobao customers will not match with the rhythm. On the other hand, as a "foreign aid" in their traffic grow, affecting Ali profitable way to buy traffic, and launched its own shopping guide products need protection policies. Faced blocked, Taobao customers have to transition to a "Amoy", after shuffling off the lead out of the B2C Jingdong, the only product will be, the United States together and other electricity supplier shopping guide, but also experienced a "group in 1000 after war" US group, reviews and other platforms shopping guide. Secondly, shopping guide website can not be achieved after the jump function Taobao shop, into Taobao Search / day cat product title adhesive station. Shopping guide website traffic, conversion effects are different, but the rebate ratio of each category, each electronic business platform are not the same: the customer a single low, non-distribution of goods, the rebate amount is high, where electronic books, music, film and television commission returned the highest percentage (relative By contrast, high off the single electronic appliance category 3C class, low rebate ratio. of course, self merchandise and internet sellers rebates are not the same proportion, but in the overall convergence category.) All shopping guide website will follow an important industry rules: shopping guide rebate time after the transaction, confirmed were not returned, only the rebate for net sales (ie, the order total coupon deductions, gift cards, mall points, account balances, etc. deductible portion out the amount of goods and freight). Overall, in the past outside the station to do shopping guide Taobao has several major problems: First, outside the station is difficult to obtain accurate flow rate, so they can only do something for all universal needs of the user; the second is the value of a single-site shopping guide, We can only do simple basic commodity aggregation of limited value for the user. Even shopping guide website itself wants to value-added services, due to lack of credit basis, many consumers its just skeptical. Shopping guide 2.0: Daren variety "show", carrying red network traffic Aggregation fashionistas said the beautiful mushroom Street also in 2014 Taobao shopping guide liquidation were suppressed, and then the two have turned to electronic business platform, in the capital boost, mushrooms Street in January this year, said the merger of the beautiful, completely turned fashion electricity providers. Shopping guide the transition from electronic business platform, supply chain capabilities fiasco. With the release of the tool needs to purchase Women with lower subscriber line shopping needs, like the online "shopping" habits gradually formed. Early, around Taobao ecosystem in the shopping guide, said the beautiful mushroom Street will be on social media well-known beauty make-up people, dress with Daren, fashion bloggers, popular beauty anchor and other groups collecting operation up edit packaging recommendation, highlighting the fashion elements of life and youthful, social media channels to spread, get traffic. Signed seeds of people, led "visiting" with a set of user participation incentives, and generate content, to "share with girlfriends to buy something" effect. After the accelerated development of the mobile Internet, "Dress with" Raiders class APP, shape tools began to be touted. Tiger sniffing for various kinds of "Closet" conducted statistics: Ma sealed from the immediate concern reached the red network, Seen do shopping guide Destiny (Figure based on publicly available information received by the tiger sniffing intern, for reference) Unfortunately, the Raiders type dress with rare "unicorn" blaze. Slightly Typically star wardrobe, plus take technical manual mode, the fashion apparel structured data decoded by the model to identify with the electronic business platform commodities optimal matching of a single product. Beautiful view of said mushroom Street Taobao blocked by experience, in 2014, also star wardrobe transformation electricity supplier. Another is dressing assistant, born out of community self-timer, is a women's fashion dress with interactive sharing platform, the first transition in 2013, joined the chain shopping guide 2014 restructuring the electricity supplier, foreign investment. Content Wizard "What is worth buying?" As compared with the shopping guide websites, what is positioned as "shopping decision-making" is worth buying, and no transition plan electricity supplier. Shopping guide is a content-driven product, the product has the same properties as watercress things. What is worth buying product reviews, written by the user experience (UGC) + Editor (PGC), broke the news paper submission take the form of commodities, what is worth buying to edit the user will conduct secondary processing of people on the basis of written and binding Goods Hot degree classification label recommendation, diversion site is divided into domestic and overseas (sea Amoy), mainly to B2C electricity supplier. What is worth buying profit has three main directions: the effect of advertising, commissions and manufacturers promotional activities (all measured). In addition to leading product selection recommendation, but also by self-built "Encyclopedia" shape the image of a product knowledge base. What is worth buying Xin told the CEO that tiger Oh, they come from 90% of users to share content, because 3C digital commodities side, so users predominantly male. He said nothing about buying a diversion rate can reach 60% of the final conversion rate is also almost 20%. Xin was not worried about anything worth buying shopping guide effect, continued adequate premium content is play Nail Games his concerns. Therefore, after the completion of the second half of last year, 100 million yuan A round of financing, the first thing is to dry proposes to increase support and encourage UGC content, build a user KOL (opinion leaders) growth system. In recent years, IP originality efforts to strengthen copyright protection, content associated with the consumption upgrade, another reason is that the original new value. What is it worth buying public test a model of cooperation with the manufacturers, in order to ensure the independence of the content that will be edited Xin and business separated to ensure a neutral and objective content. User reputation foundation for the brand to create a hatch congenital condition that Xin said that the new brand is to support the next focus of their strategy, the object is locked to the low visibility of high-quality domestic products. If the rebate or discount shopping guide incorporated into the content will produce better results? That Xin disagree, he told the tiger sniffing, "rebates, discounts, users care about the price, Taobao is enough. What is worth buying user is the value of the quality and experience of the group. And rebates, discounts content shopping guide, and neither cost efficiency has improved significantly, nor create additional added value. " But that does not negate the competition Xin core content-driven shopping guide or a "person" - quality content creators processors. By the people "show" the quality of their own product experience first experience to play the role of product recommendations. Ma sealed from the immediate concern reached the red network, Seen do shopping guide Destiny Red network, enabling self centering Recently, the network red sauce Papi get ten million financing news spread like wildfire in the industry. Red comes with network traffic, the traditional shopping guide subversive way, the user first authorized person, then go back and buy the products approved merchandise. Two years ago, as a founding Feng Min Han electricity supplier in the open Taobao shop "Li Beilin," I realized that if poly cost-effective, buy and other activities of diversion, the performance slowdown is obvious. So he signed with the plane model Zhang Dayi, to launch its first network Taobao red, get good grades, followed by incubation platform red Feng Min transition network, network red brokers do provide support in the supply chain, through their net red Social media channels to interact with fans, "live" would be a force next point. Red network traffic from the aggregate effect is the discount / rebate do not have, on the "red network economy" topic, the tiger will do follow-sniffing depth reports, do please pay attention. Shopping guide 3.0: Scene integrate mobile interactivity "Yes Want" is the former Baidu Cai Hu, general manager of the electricity supplier (microblogging) in July 2015 to launch the venture, it is a mobile photo-sharing website + quiz the shopping guide, which functions like an overseas Instagram + Quora. In fact, YES desired picture shopping guide is not the first model in China 10 years ago with the creative search started petal net, with six years ago with a picture of the social heap Sugar interest, both similar to Pinterest, with the popularity and stickiness after they have access outside the chain turned shopping guide. Similar products, Ali also did in 2012 - stubborn rabbit, which account Taobao, Alipay account opened, shopping guide Taobao ecosystem services, but the results are unsatisfactory, later renamed the "love shopping", but also to the direction of the beautiful said mushroom Street close. Photos of the scene exploded shopping guide, hard to say YES! Domestic social product picture Nice, after labeling the brand, to "brand filter" approach attempts to picture shopping guide, now more mature approach is to "co-branding activities," promotional activities or social events and offline stores, forming transformation. With petals heap sugar, stubborn rabbit, Nice is not the same, Yes you want innovation is a shopping guide Pictures + quiz mode,play Hair Games with labels of the implementation scenario. Cai Hu told the tiger sniffing "technology-oriented image search is not just doing Taobao, Baidu did the technology is more mature, but the technology-oriented image search no temperature, the user needs to have a temperature of a scene." Product presentation on, Yes you want the line divides the scene into "shopping", "date", "school", "home" and a variety of scenarios, on the basis of fashion elements in turn made a focus. Online, Cai Hu wanted Yes wanted to be "real fashion outfit communities" seed users lock fashion bloggers, designers, stylists and other fashion, through a system of incentives and evaluation system to guide the user Share with the program under the corresponding scene. Its origin of goods for the fashion electricity providers, cross-border electricity supplier and offline store. "Q" is a major mode of interaction occurs between people and fans, there is also a shopping guide image reflected temperature. But no doubt, Yes you want to face the issue of sustainability, "Q & A": for example, a user has issued any shopping needs of doubt, there is someone who can not get a valid answer in a period of time, or did not find the answer after the purchase funnel.

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