Monday, April 11, 2016

Microsoft CEO Nadella grand plan: Microsoft lets developers never forget

When former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer (Steve Ballmer) shouted "developers, developers, developers" play Elsa Games slogan in 2000, he may be a bit excited, but his view is correct. 30 years ago, when Windows 1.0 launched, this view is correct. 30 years later, this view remains correct: no developer for Microsoft's various platforms to create great applications, the company would probably have collapsed. In the past one and a half weeks, Microsoft is currently CEO Satir • Nadella (Satya Nadella), speaking on a variety of public events were to prove: that he may not have his predecessor, outgoing, but he is still concerned about: Developer , developers, developers. "We are considering to create a technology that allows any developer can develop new applications on this basis, to achieve a variety of functions." Nadella said in Envision Business Leaders Summit. Microsoft CEO Nadella grand plan: Microsoft lets developers never forget The difference is that Ballmer hopes that these developers to develop applications specifically for Windows. And Nadella's plan is not to consolidate Windows status among developers, but to ensure that Microsoft in any device capable of the slightest. This is a very exciting program: Microsoft gave developers provide any tools they want, let them write what they want the operating system they want to write any program. Then, step by step guide to developers on Microsoft's Azure cloud service, and let them become without it. If Microsoft wants more than the Amazon cloud services, then this program is helpful. Especially now, many developers began to free Windows, instead of the iPhone and Android mobile phone development application. Bait If you look at a variety of major news Microsoft recently Build Developers Conference announced, you can clearly see it's such play Baby Hazel Games ambitious development plans. Microsoft first announced the news that Windows 10 can run Ubuntu Linux software, including the ultra popular Bash command shell. Leaving aside the historical episode aside - in the 1990s, Microsoft has been trying to crush Linux, without success - Microsoft now supports Linux software initiative is displayed in order to induce developers to use Windows 10. Developers have always liked to use Linux software, Windows 10 now cater to their preferences, I began to support Linux and Windows software. As a result, developers might naturally choose Windows 10 to develop a variety of applications. The second major news Microsoft has announced that the company has long been very popular Windows development kit Visual Studio adds a plug-in that lets developers more easily as the iPhone, Android phone or Mac computer application development. The plug-in uses technology from Microsoft in March acquired the popular cross-platform development tool for startups Xamarin. Microsoft desperately to cater to the needs of developers, giving whatever they want. If they want a pony, Microsoft may also buy them. However, they want to write iPhone applications and use Linux software. In any case, Microsoft is also ready to cater to go up, it began to provide these functions a. This is the bait. Microsoft's Azure cloud services that hook. Hooks is Azure cloud services Since 2000, Ballmer has served as CEO since the world a lot has changed. Since the rise of smart phones, we are in touch with the Internet than ever more closely. We therefore expect our applications have become smarter, become more perfect. We hope that no matter what equipment we use, we are able to bring up our file and maintain the appropriate settings. For software developers, this requirement is far too high. Usually small application development companies are not redundant data centers or super artificial intelligence research laboratories for research and development or maintenance to maintain highly consistent and secure file storage system. Microsoft CEO Nadella grand plan: Microsoft lets developers never forget However, like Microsoft, Amazon and Google (microblogging) Such a technology giant, this is a great opportunity:play Girl Games they have solved this difficult problem, and through their cloud service platform for its solutions available to the Developer. These cloud services platform provides a set of "pay" (pay-as-you-go) service that allows developers to develop applications more intelligent people want. Moreover, the practice of ridiculous. As the current undisputed leader in cloud services, Amazon AWS cloud services this year is expected to create $ 10 billion in revenue. However, cloud services market competition is very intense. Because Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS provides similar technology infrastructure, so they need to achieve competitive differentiation with other new things. Microsoft lets developers never forget Therefore, developers began tempted. When you use the Visual Studio development kit and Xamarin cross-platform development tools, you will be able to use any cloud service you like to develop applications. This is in line with Microsoft's newer and more inclusive philosophy. • Microsoft Azure CTO Mark Rossi Norwich (Mark Russinovich) says, Visual Studio development kit and Azure cloud services has had a "deep integration." Therefore, it can at least force developers to consider Microsoft's Azure cloud services. "You will inevitably see Microsoft's Azure cloud services." Microsoft's general manager of marketing and sales development platform Mitra (Mitra Azizirad) said. Microsoft CEO Nadella grand plan: Microsoft lets developers never forget Of course, developers are not stupid, this trick only in their favorite Microsoft Azure case only adds. Therefore, Microsoft has tried to meet with external software support, service quality and a wide range of support services the needs of developers, trying to please their favor, make their lives easier. Just look at the use of Microsoft Azure cloud services to help developers plan to build a chat robot, you will find that no matter what the developers to play Barbie Games develop, Microsoft wants to blend in, the developers do not want to forget it. "Even if we only for application developers to make a little something to contribute, and we think this is a cool thing."he said.

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