Tuesday, May 24, 2016

From the end of the black card industry chain: 130 million phone cards are not real name faces liquidation

January 5, 2015, China Power Industry and Information Technology (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry),play Frozen Games Ministry of Public Security, State Administration for Industry jointly issued the "phone" black card "governance special action program" (the program), decided in 2015 from January 1, in China jointly launched a nationwide one-year call "black card" governance special action. The heavy regulation "black card" on September 1, 2013 is not the real name of the user network, basic telecommunications enterprises in its handling of the new business to replace the telephone card registration required to make by law. December 31, 2015, the real-name registration of phone users rate should reach 90%. This means that mobile phone real name system implementation more than a year, in addition to the new network users real-name system has been fully implemented, but those old phone number has not been active in the real-name registration, it will face "liquidation." The amount in the end how much? China Mobile net light alone 130 million or so. However, not all mobile phones are not the real name system "black card", but this group has become a breeding ground for the "black card" hotbed. Policy trends: focus on cleaning up "one five card" Program noted that the special action against law and adhere to the combination of source control, adhere to the management and technical prevention measures combined by strengthening the call "black card" source guard, increase efforts to find the black card, dealt with severely phone "black card" Related illegal activities, and resolutely cut off the telephone, "black card" interests of the chain of distribution channels and to crack down on the use of phone "black card" to implement criminal acts, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people, safeguard national security and social stability. This is also the phone number of the formal implementation of real-name system, the Ministry of the market for the first time in the presence of a non-real-name system for unified number "clean." Program requirements, the one-year special action required basic telecommunications companies and mobile communications resale business through networking than the right, and with the use of second-generation ID card identification device using a dedicated mobile applications and other technical measures to enhance the new phone network user identity verification capability, generated from the source to prevent the phone "black card." "For 2013 before September 1 network is not the real name and old customers, the basic telecom companies to demand the performance supplement registered at its handling of the new business, the replacement phone cards according to the law, but in the complement registration, telecommunications companies will be allowed to increase the responsibility of the user, require users to change tariff packages and so on. "program, said telecommunications companies want to with the same ID within a province registered five or more mobile phone card user focus, by verification of registration information, visit other measures to verify the accuracy of user identity information sex. As the "black card" itself involves illegal activities, this special action also requires all communication with the local Public Security Bureau (Bureau), Administration for inspection and enforcement coordination mechanism, increase social marketing channels and itinerant vendors selling non branded phone cards, identity theft and inspection of false information and registration violations. Market Situation: 130 million phone cards are not real name "This is not an exercise." Local operator, who asked not to be named, said with a smile, at present the relevant requirements have been fully sent to all operators of local companies, control efforts is unprecedented. According to the "National Standing Committee's decision on strengthening the network information protection" and "telephone subscriber's identity information registration requirement" (Industry and Information Technology Department Order No. 25), the true identity of the phone user information registration was September 1, 2013 from fully implemented, more than a year, phone users real name registration system basically established, the basic realization of new subscribers register their real names, real names for all users was significantly improved. However, some of the social marketing channels telecom enterprises to implement real-name registration requirements lax, non-branded play Barbie Cooking Games calling cards (including wireless internet) still exists. Such situations create loopholes, some criminals make use of non-branded phone "black card" spread pornographic information, implementation of information communication fraud, organization and implementation of terrorist and other criminal activities, and authorities traced it has become very difficult. So, the absence of real-name registration of phone card, how many? Not long ago, Deputy General Manager of China Mobile General Department Qi Ge has said, "As of now, China Mobile is still nearly 16% of users do not go through real-name authentication identity, the total amount of nearly 130 million." Southern reporter from China Mobile confirmed kinds of argument. In addition, the user base is far better than China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom also has small number of users is not the real name. This means that China has 130 million mobile phone base only. However, the need to distinguish between the concept is not real-name registration of phone card is not all black card. "Black card is used to engage in unlawful activities of non-real-name registration card collectively." The operators concerned that many of the old user just too lazy to do real-name registration, but did not engage in illegal activities. "In the past operators of this (referring to the old real-name registration card) do not quite in place, and now according to program requirements, will increase the intensity." Behind the chain: how to generate unauthenticated phone cards Southern reporter learned that the current market is not real-name authentication There are two main mobile phone card, one is the stock of cards, real-name system in September 2013 before the Circulation phone number, one is the new card, it is the real name system again opening of the cell phone number. For card stock, if handled in the operating room the new business will be required to register their real names, real names included in the ranks; for new cards, now 100% real-name registration requirements, but there are two cases: Some outlets rushed boss wants results, such as telecommunications Acting smallest opening 10 points a month can get 1000 yuan bonus if he opened this month, only nine will use their ID cards to open one, and other new users come in and then direct transfer procedures; the other is some Liang opened the first store together. Due to relatively cumbersome procedures for transfer, the current telecommunications Vending outlets four, self self, his self-built camp, he built his camp and telecommunications channels, but only the first one has qualified to handle the transfer. Southern Reporter in Guangzhou some of telecommunications consulting agency locations also get the same result, data entry computer ID must submit a copy of ID card can apply for new cards. It is worth noting that the second and third tier cities and the situation is not the same. An insider Jieyang Telecom, told reporters the South: "For the stock cards, apply for new business only in the foreground window for real-name registration information, but generally will be directly closed because telecommunications as a service industry,play Angela Games to some of the old customers do a business also carry ID is too much trouble, at the same time, most of the newly opened business through SMS can be completed; and for incremental card, because the pressure to perform is relatively large, at the end there will be some sales take a fake ID card to open the impulse, but the number is very small and does not circulate to the market. " Security risks: "Black Card" is a hotbed of Internet fraud According to this view, not real-name registration card is actually like a "black card" hotbed --- no means impossible to trace the source of the real-name registration for illegal activities act as a protective umbrella. Cheetah security experts Tiejun (microblogging) interview with Southern Reporter interview parsing the tricky middle prone to "non-real-name system card will indeed leave a lawless space crime. At present, the impact of the black card theft and online fraud related now many online payment and mobile phone links are related to authentication, many criminals will take advantage of illegal identity fraud theft, crime after the completion of the destruction, and back to a group. " In addition, for consumers, if there is no real names, their identity information is also likely to be stolen other criminals, and unwittingly become the tools of crime, and the only clue to his identity card crime has become retroactive, does not suffer white injustice. "Here is a simple example is the use of pseudo-base bulk SMS, inducing users to download viruses and online scams website data calls, most of these people use is the black card." Li Tiejun said that this modus operandi in the second half of 2014, the surge in the number of 6 times, in addition to Xinjiang, Tibet and other remote areas of the country has substantially affected populations, according to the survey data, there are no less than 2,000 people per day by this fraud detriment. However, not only the real-name system after the real-name registration card, you can eliminate the "black card" problem yet? Not any things seem so simple. Yesterday, the Southern reporters customer identity, Cemetery Road in Guangzhou, a private cell phone stalls require the purchase of a phone card. Stall owners expressed the need for identity card registration. But in the South are told reporters after not bring ID card, the stall said, "Never mind", you can use someone else's ID card, he can be arranged. But if after the card is lost, and can not go through it. From this perspective, there are still black card. Glossary Phone "black card" Refers not real-name registration and implementation of criminals using illegal and criminal activities of mobile phone cards (including wireless internet). Since September 2013 the implementation of telephone real name registration system, Chinese new subscribers basic realization of the real-name registration, but there are still more than 130 million users is not the real name and old fill the registration is completed. However, due to strict, many factors such as the stock of non-branded phone card gives the opportunity to some unscrupulous elements take advantage of its dissemination of pornographic information, implementation of information communication fraud, organized terrorist activities. So it becomes a "black card." According to Ministry of Public Security statistics, in 2013 more play Dora Games than 30 communications and information from the incidence of fraud, mass loss of more than 100 billion, up 77 per cent respectively, compared with 2012, 25% of which use the network to change the phone number of crime accounted for more than 90%.

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