Monday, April 11, 2016

US China successfully recovered rocket maritime expert to see how?

Rockets recovered at sea were ultimately successful. US Eastern Time on April 8, Space Exploration Technologies play Olaf Games (SpaceX) of "Falcon 9" rocket carrying the "Dragon" spacecraft was launched. About 9 minutes later, the rocket first stage accurate landing in the Atlantic Ocean aboard a barge, landing very beautiful. Equipped with the first experimental inflatable capsule "Dragon" spacecraft into orbit, flying to the International Space Station. US China successfully recovered rocket maritime expert to see how? Age or low-cost space transportation from opening Sea rocket for the first time in human history to achieve recovery, recovery means that in addition to the rockets land, the addition of a new option, the era of low-cost space transportation or from opening. At a press conference held later, SpaceX founder elon Musk said that this is the company to explore reusable rocket technology is an important milestone in the universe is a big step forward mankind. SpaceX's "Falcon 9" rocket had last December in Cape Canaveral Air Force Base to achieve the first land recycling. But sea landing but the twists and turns, the company has in January 2015, April 2015, January 2016 and March experienced 4 times painful failure. SpaceX company is also envisaged that all the rockets are landing on land recovery, not only can simplify the testing process can also reduce the time needed to take off again. But land landing often need to carry more fuel, cargo transport volume will be reduced. Sea landing is more flexible: After the rocket payload into orbit to fall naturally, barges moored in advance in the landing position to wait for the fuel can be used in a more significant slowdown on landing. The ultimate goal is to complete one-third of the company SpaceX rocket recovered in the land, the rest are done through offshore platforms. "Falcon 9" rocket will be towed back to land on the 10th, when the "Dragon" spacecraft will reach the space station. Subsequently, SpaceX plans to "Falcon 9" engine ignition test for 10 times to evaluate its go-around performance. Musk also said, "Falcon 9" rocket could be reused to 10-20 additional task, a little renovation, which is expected to be able to support 100 rocket launch. If all goes well, they hope that in May or June with the restart with a rocket launch mission will eventually be shortened from the landing rockets to go-around time to less than a few weeks, so that the previous "one-off" of the first stage rocket achieve multiple reuse. US China successfully recovered rocket maritime expert to see how? Our experts: feasible, long way to go Aerospace experts, "International Space" magazine executive editor Pang Zhihao to Science and Technology Daily reporter said that play Talking Angela Games this success proves sea-recycling programs, although bound by a number of conditions, but with feasibility. China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation hospital two fellow Yang Yuguang that the greatest significance of this work is that SpaceX breaks the space shuttle since the cost of failure, obstruction of the reusable vehicle development caused. Pang Zhihao said in the past the recovery fails, a main reason is not enough fuel, affect the recovery control. The launch of the "Falcon 9" v1.2 rocket, thrust, propellant quantity, etc. are enhanced; position recovery platform about 300 kilometers from the launch site, near a little than ever, more in line with the natural trajectory of the rocket so that the recovery is only required for attitude control, without a wide range of orbit maneuver, it can also reduce fuel consumption. But the recovery is facing sea seawater corrosion. Who requested anonymity, said the experts, the Rockets recovered completely falls directly on the sea, you can continue to use the salvage. But that recovery times are required to reclaim the deck in order to avoid seawater corrosion, reduce maintenance costs. "However, the humidity of the sea, the environment and the environment on deck and no essential difference of which electrical equipment can be affected." Chinese Academy of Engineering, China Academy of Launch Vehicle rocket series chief architect Le Long Ho Say. Pang Hao also said that when the weather is better recycling. "Maritime weather conditions tend to be more complex than the land; the floating platform itself is unstable and easier affected by the weather." He said, "From now on the launch window should give more consideration to the weather." Although the first successful recovery of the sea, but Pang Zhihao said, "Falcon 9" is still a long road reusable, will go through to a successful technology from the maturation process, such as the future high-orbit satellite launch success of recovery, is not met The success of recycling good weather and other issues, we need a step by step to resolve. In addition to recycling technology, reliability and cost reusable rocket is the key issue. "Can you through simple maintenance, in a relatively short period of time re-use, which is related to the reusable rocket technology is of practical value." Pang Zhihao said. US China successfully recovered rocket maritime expert to see how? It landed on the barge "Falcon 9" rocket first stage Rocket reused in the end how much money you could save? On "Falcon 9" rocket reusable "economic accounts", SpaceX had declared a general recovery of a rocket launch costs make 80% reduction. The company recently announced a more specific figures: If a reusable rocket once, can reduce costs by 30%, that is, launch costs from $ 60 million to $ 40 million. The responsible person elon Musk said that the recovery of the rocket would cost $ 3 million to repair and re-launch this year. "$ 3.0 million is an ideal number, do not fly, yet to be verified." Pang Zhihao said. US space shuttle was originally play Barbie Dress Up Games forecast a single shot cost $ 50 million, but the actual cost to reach 4-500000000 US dollars. If you do not recycle rocket, SpaceX currently launching a cost of $ 60 million. However, the cost of rocket launch 20 years ago, the team made Hao Lung Lok has reached $ 50 million. SpaceX data listed savings of the Chinese scientists doubt. Experts said the data from these companies just SpaceX announced unilaterally, can be done remains to be seen. "Before the rocket recovery, recycling spacecraft conducted several experiments, in theory, can reduce costs 75 percent, but ultimately ended in failure." Long Yue Hao frankly, SpaceX company is a business, although such experiments rocket career there is a certain contribution, but personally think that there is speculation too. US China successfully recovered rocket maritime expert to see how? Rockets go? The "Falcon 9" rocket task is lifted "Dragon" spacecraft to the International Space Station to transport materials, which will dock with the space station's inflatable capsule under scrutiny. Ship from Bigelow (Bigelow) company inflatable capsule, the biggest feature is the small size, light weight, in order to save the cost of launching. Pang Zhihao, this is the first human launch inflatable capsule, after the space shuttle is retired in 2011, the first launch of cabin docking with the ISS. He said the ship capsule weighs about 1.4 tons, was emitted when the state collapsed, with the International Space Station "node compartment 3" docking, scheduled for May or June inflated. Inflated volume can be increased fourfold, the internal space of 16 cubic meters. The space program for two years, to verify its ability to radiation and space debris prevention ability, astronauts will enter the cabin to carry out short-term work. This technology has been brewing for years. Previously the company had tested the origin Bigelow No. 1 and No. 2 originated two laboratory modules, this inflatable capsule, although still on a trial basis, but with a practical significance. Pang Zhihao said the technology will be mainly put into commercial applications. Bigelow plans to use a plurality of play Cooking Games inflatable compartments, built around 2020 space hotel, providing space transportation services by Boeing interstellar Express. If successfully applied in the future may also be used for the Moon, Mars bases.

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