Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Built rental housing information platform of personal information can be sent prices

According to Housing and Urban Construction Ministry web site, the building housing the Department recently play Angela Games issued "Guidance on accelerating the cultivation and development of the housing rental market" (hereinafter referred to as "Opinion"), the "Opinions" clear, build housing rental information government service platform, the lessor may at any time information dissemination rental housing location, size, type, price, the lessee may demand information release rental housing, the progressive realization of docking on the internet. "Opinions" that the government build housing rental information service platform, is the city and county where the real estate management functions, is an important means for the government to guide the market. The establishment of government service platform for the rental market supply and demand sides to provide efficient, accurate and convenient information service, the lessor may at any Ads rental housing location, size, type, price, the lessee may demand information release rental housing, the progressive realization performed on the docking platform; providing rental contract model text, clearly prompted the rights and obligations of both parties; convenient for the real estate agency providing the record, publish a list of real estate agencies by the filing of real estate agencies and practitioners credit file and other information. In addition, the "Opinions" clear, conditional city should gradually realize online rental contract registration, to facilitate the masses. Housing and Urban Construction "Guiding Opinions on accelerating the cultivation and development of the housing rental market," the full text: Provinces, autonomous regions Housing and Urban Construction Department, municipal construction commission (premises of the Board): In recent years, the rapid development of the housing rental market, rental housing gradually expand the scale, in order to solve the housing problem of residents and promote economic and social development has made important contributions. According to statistics, urban households by the proportion of rental housing to solve the problem of increasing year by year, mainly migrant workers to solve the housing problem by leasing. At the same time, the housing rental market can not fully meet the needs of economic and social development, there is a total supply imbalance, the supply structure is irrational, imperfect system of measures, in particular the supply of more single subject and other issues. To speed up the cultivation and development of the housing rental market, now make the following observations: First, the common understanding, explicit requirements (A) fully understand the importance of nurturing and development of the housing rental market. Housing rental market is an important part of our housing supply system, play an important role in economic and social development. Not developed a sound rental market, housing supply system is not complete, the residents reasonable housing consumption will not be met, and housing targets will be difficult to achieve the orderly flow of population will be restricted, the legitimate interests of the lessee it is difficult to be guaranteed, a large stock of housing will not be fully utilized. Nurture and develop the housing rental market is conducive to improve the housing supply system, to solve the housing problems of the different needs of residents; help broaden the channels for public rental housing, improve housing security system; help revitalize the stock availability, improve resource utilization efficiency; favor new urbanization, promote the orderly flow of people; help strengthen and improve social management and services, improve social governance. Housing and Urban construction authorities at all levels should seize the current favorable opportunity to accelerate the development of the housing rental market. (B) the general requirements. Play a decisive role of the market in resource allocation and better play the role of play Ella Dress government to actively promote the rental service platform construction, vigorously develop the housing rental operators, improve the public rental housing system, expand financing channels, to promote real estate development and corporate restructuring and upgrading, with three years time, the basic form channels yuan, the total balance, reasonable structure, service standards, sound system rental housing market. Second, a variety of channels, development of the rental market (Iii) the establishment of housing information Leasing government service platform. Government to build housing rental information service platform, is the city and county where the real estate management functions, is an important means for the government to guide the market. The establishment of government service platform for the rental market supply and demand sides to provide efficient, accurate and convenient information service, the lessor may at any Ads rental housing location, size, type, price, the lessee may demand information release rental housing, the progressive realization performed on the docking platform; providing rental contract model text, clearly prompted the rights and obligations of both parties; convenient for the real estate agency providing the record, publish a list of real estate agencies by the filing of real estate agencies and practitioners credit file and other information. Conditions of the city, to the progressive realization of the rental contract online registration, to facilitate the masses. (4) Actively breeding and managing rental housing agency. Promote rental housing large-scale operation, it is possible to enhance the level of rental, leasing and stable relations, regulate the behavior of the lease, to promote the development of the housing rental market. Encourage the establishment of operating housing rental agency, through long-term lease or purchase of social housing, the rent directly to the community; after the renovation can also be based on market demand, to the social rented. Operating housing rental agency to provide specialized rental services. And actively guide the management of rental housing agencies engaged in small and medium-sized, low-cost rental housing management services. Explore the establishment of business support institutional development of rental housing financing. (V) support real estate development companies will be held to social rented housing. Support real estate development enterprises to change the mode of operation, the transition from a single development to sell video simultaneously mode. Encourage qualified real estate development enterprises in the new housing projects and long-term holding some houses for lease to the market; you can also cooperate with the housing rental business enterprises, establishment of development and integration leasing, professional mode of operation. Support real estate development companies will be held by stock listings delivered to the rental market, it can also turn into a lease-type pension real estate, tourism, real estate and so on. (Vi) actively promote the real estate investment trusts (REITs) pilot. REITs is a financial investment products, promote REITs pilot, and promoting the development of the housing rental market, conducive to resolving the financing channels for enterprises, help to increase investment channels for small and medium investors. Through the issuance of REITs, can make full use of social capital into the rental market, multi-channel to increase housing supply of rental housing. Actively encourage investment in REITs products. Cities should actively carry out pilot REITs, and gradually open. (Vii) to mobilize support from the public rental housing rental housing market. To raise public rental housing listings from the rental market, will help improve the efficiency of the resettlement work, help revitalize the stock of housing, public rental housing is conducive to resolving difficult issues such as management. You can buy over the way, as for the public rental or revamped in line with the conditions of the stock of public rental housing, into public rental housing, affordable housing to gradually shift from mainly physical protection of both construction and rental subsidies,play Barbie Cooking Games "make bricks" and "fill the head," a combination. Encourage and support in the public rental housing security conditions of the family, to solve the housing problem by leasing market, the government required to provide rental subsidies monetization. Third, strengthen leadership, implement the plan (Viii) to strengthen organization and leadership. Nurture and develop the housing rental market is an important responsibility at all levels of urban and rural housing construction sector. Localities to attach great importance to implement the plan. The provincial housing and urban construction departments should strengthen guidance and supervision, and actively communicate with relevant departments to study and formulate supporting policies in the region, the formation of policy efforts. City and county real estate management departments should take the responsibility, and actively cooperate with relevant departments to earnestly carry out the implementation. (Ix) to strengthen the overall planning. Cities and counties with local conditions, scientific planning and housing rental market development in the region, the development of specific work programs. Work program must be clear goals, tasks, organization of work and specific policies and measures. To establish a sound working mechanism, a clear mechanism to enrich the staff strength to ensure an orderly manner. (J) to strengthen policy support. Cultivation of the housing rental market is a systematic project involving many aspects, all localities should give policy support in finance, taxation and business management. Actively encourage and guide domestic and foreign capital into the housing rental market. For institutions, real estate development companies, operating rental housing need to apply for planning changes, renovation and other related procedures, and actively support it. For rent residents need to produce proof of stable residence should simplify the process, actively handle. Meanwhile,play Barbie Games localities should strengthen propaganda, correctly guide residents housing consumption, to create a good social atmosphere.

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