Tuesday, May 24, 2016

London Science and Technology venture record is becoming a European Technology Centre

For London-based technology companies, 2014 was a record breaking year for investment. Venture capital financing play Baby Games total reached $ 1.4 billion, was in 2013 twice. The total amount of financing technology companies in the UK amounted to $ 2.1 billion, the London technology companies accounted for 65%. This highlights the importance of the city as the capital, but also that the government is to meet its 2010 promise to build "City" commitment. Similarly, the 2014 is a good IPO year, government involvement and help of many promising technology companies listed on the London Stock Exchange. Just Eat and Zoopla estimates have reached $ 1 billion, they are Lierulundun Stock Exchange "next 50" members. The so-called "next 50" refers to the rapid growth of those British companies, they were promised access to "special support", and was persuaded in the UK. London has attracted many large venture capital companies, including Index Ventures (has invested $ 543 million), Balderton Capital (3.05 Yi Meiyuan), DN Capital (2 million), the Google Ventures and Santander (each $ 100 million). According to legend, Brighbridge Capital by the Google (microblogging), former European CEO Dan Ke Buli (Dan Cobley) created will also invest $ 84 million in London, London Co-Investment Fund to invest $ 41 million, Seedcamp investment of $ 30 million. In addition, many venture firms in London early venture capital activities, such as Passion Capital, Playfair Capital, Ariadne Capital and Octopus Investments, etc., are helping train first-class science and technology talent. The number of technology companies in incubators is growing, most famous of which include Oxygen Accelerator, Wayra, financial technology (Fintech) Company Incubator Level 39 and Microsoft Ventures and the like. Financial technology perhaps make the biggest pillar of London fame, here is the investment growth faster than any other market in the world where play Dog Games evidence includes TransferWise (recently received £ 50 million capital injection), Funding Circle (financing for 30 million pounds last year) and other companies the rise. London has the ability to go beyond the important basis for the Silicon Valley in its financial sector technology, its financial center is located in Shoreditch and Old Street Science Center. Where the financial technology sector employs 40,000 employees in more than Silicon Valley or New York, and is establishing strong links with the Far East. It is seeking to export more services that effectively integrate with the banking industry, will be the highlight of the London 2015 technology. This is good news, but Sherry libraries (Shelly Coutu report in November 2014 published may allow many are seeking business entrepreneurs unhappy, because she claimed in the report, in order to induce the next 20 years of British economic growth, the government should pay more attention to large-scale enterprises, rather than venture itself. libraries have suggested more attention to those in the past three years, annual revenue growth of more than 20% or an employee of the business, not only in the early days of a small company of 10 employees from the company to create a new those concerned about the growth trend is clearly possible to improve productivity and create more high-value jobs of the company, this is a major policy shift. This logic sounds perfect, the report that this shift in more than 2034 years ago, can create 150,000 new jobs, an increase of $ 225 billion value to the UK economy. In other words, money should go to development success story, not the story of failure. But at present, only the United Kingdom 9000 to expand the size of the enterprise. Library believe that the government's priority agenda should be to solve the short-board technology to provide high quality training for the company's management, and efforts to promote exports. However, there are a lot of people that the UK business founders lack of ambition, ability and self-confidence. To this end, they are difficult to attract venture capital firms invested heavily in Silicon Valley counterparts because they are not so bold, is not willing to take risks. This statement is partially true: For those who neither profitable and failed to develop a clear and feasible development plans of the company, in order to obtain financing more difficult in the UK. In 2015, this situation may not get significant change, adventure and fear bubble, has led many people here tend to speculative investments. In other words, lack of energy science and technology in the field of financing the UK. People will pay attention to moving away from disruptive start-ups, the attitude here is more likely to "stick we have everything." But there is a lack of Google or Amazon as a global brand, almost nothing can make people and the "City" link. Last year, there have been play Cat Games rumors that Chinese electricity supplier giant Alibaba to launch in the UK, but it was finally listed in New York. Another missed opportunity, once again the lack of bold innovation, flexibility and desire for performance. But Britain can not describe this technology. Raspberry Pi is a real success story, showing the good thing about UK education, which encourages students to experiment, to practice as much time learning theory, which is critical in the past of the invention and development of new products. We need to do is, from many world-famous British university or educational institution to find the smartest idea, and then in East London's most attractive companies will jointly ideas into reality. But the trouble is that even if they do, they may be difficult to attract venture capital firms and government's attention, the latter has turned its attention to the development of medium-sized enterprises into global brand, no longer sustained attention brilliant ideas. But for those smallest start-ups, they can still get help UK tax investment plans. This program allows investors to hold shares of unlisted companies three years to reduce the personal income tax they should pay. "Enterprise Investment Scheme" can be reduced 30% rate, "Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme" can be reduced by 50%, investors can take up less tax of up to 10 million pounds per year. To this end, intense mechanism still exists, but is willing to seek to enter the high-risk technology industry angel investors and is not easy, Silicon Valley venture methodology harder to sell in the UK. I read recently found that even at the age of 25 have not yet earned the first $ 1 million, but not disappointed in Palo Alto, they can become qualified entrepreneurs. Forbes list of 30 entrepreneurs under the age of recently released data show that these people have the right mindset to succeed. We need British bottle, this spirit brought back from the other side of the Atlantic. Of course, we have more than desperate reason to cheer. From the United States, Europe, the outbreak of the investment is coming flood, London 2015 will usher in more funds, the investment will be faster, will continue to create jobs. Entrepreneurship is increasingly seen as a viable, and even become a reasonable career choice, although we must remain vigilant, do not get carried away. This covers an area of ​​110,000 square meters where East London, could become a game-changer, there are more places to be developed. The rest of the UK is also trying to attract the attention of entrepreneurs, especially in the North of England, where a growing concern. In addition to financial technology that scientific and technological innovation and growth of the largest contributor, big data analytics, cloud computing and mobile products and advertising also contributed. 2015, London thing missing is valued at $ 1 billion flagship company. But if we keep going, we will be getting closer play Girl Games from the dream.

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