Sunday, February 28, 2016

A large number of ten billion US dollars market value of the company will be born here

We are riding the express train of the information age, every day, we can feel a lot of play Barbie Cooking Games new things. Smart appliances, robotics, unmanned vehicles to life from conception, cloud computing, big data, Internet of things, growing at unimaginable speed to change the world, driving the consumption upgrading and industrial transformation, innovation is becoming a global enterprise industry changes tipping point. What kind of future prediction, the best way is to create the future, for the entrepreneur, the future of the air where? Lei Jun has been thought, How about you? Everyone is looking for venture capital in this changing world, the next "outlet" Where? Shun Lei Jun, founder of the capital two years ago to promote investment in rural areas throughout the Internet industry, and said "This is our next decade the core areas of investment." Agricultural production and farmers' consumption is Lei Jun seen two huge market, and shall within 10 years, will produce a large number of ten billion US dollars market value of Internet companies in rural areas. Internet access to rural, word of mouth can make use of the role of opinion leaders, so that they become a bridge network and rural social entity, so the master these opinion leaders to spread abnormal or critical. So, from 2014 onwards, along the capital has begun to "search" Agricultural Internet project, divided into a group of two or three people watching a particular direction, almost all full pounced, and began to do a thorough study of agriculture, mining and began cultivating this area, "a giant unicorn" pace. Currently, along the capital already invested US food, Shima finance, agriculture stage, good beans, one kilometer network of 51 orders, deft, and other Huitong up rural Internet projects (in alphabetical order). Rural Internet in the end what? For since its inception in 2007 has always been focused on three areas of rural power pterosaurs mortgage loans, in the era of the "double hit" of the wave of thinking and widely used in the Internet, how to use the Internet platform and financial advantages, the combination of the rural, It is worth studying the problem. China currently has 800 million people living in rural areas, based on the popularity of smart phones, rural residents access to the Internet is being increasingly used. For now, China's urban-rural dual difference is very significant, the Internet has brought convenience to play Dora Games the city residents have at your fingertips, the city now enjoy the convenience of the Internet and the future well-being of rural penetration will certainly go slowly in this direction we are sticking to it. We are aware that at the present stage of development in the countryside, not necessarily all of the models are OK, even many have been difficult to verify, but overall, the direction is correct. With built after the popularity of smart phones and 4G networks and other infrastructure in rural areas is no longer "lost contact" is not a piece of land, and on top of this, investment in agriculture before the Internet can be basically divided into agricultural production, production, production , peripheral services (such as finance, logistics) and rural consumption and other sections. Predictable, and within two years, in our electricity business transactions will become the majority of rural people living necessary skills. Currently, by Jingdong, Amoy Bora buy daily necessities has become increasingly accepted by rural people. From a local there anything you want to buy what to buy online; agricultural products from other native people buy online initiative to find a buyer. Transactions from point to point into the surface, this is the trend of rural development transactions. In the post-production stage, is smooth circulation of agricultural products to the Internet in the entire rural sector concerned a lot about large areas. Under the existing system of agricultural products circulation from farmers and agricultural agents across the table between the plurality of links wholesale market, sales to primary and secondary wholesale market, the middle part of the lengthy easily lead to decreased agricultural product freshness, circulation inefficiencies and other issues. Whether the fruits of production or the flow of circulation of production, in the conventional circulation, the efficiency is relatively low in rural areas. Electricity supplier O2O can help improve the efficiency of circulation of agricultural products. Jingdong, Taobao are to rural penetration, but other start-up companies also have a chance, not necessarily pure electricity supplier, electricity supplier may be a variant, all aspects of production and improving rural life. In addition to agricultural production, rural consumption demand has not been met. Research from Ethernet capital showed that with the level of education promotion of farmers, rural consumption in recent years, showing a brand awareness, consumption upgrade, the rise of online shopping and other features. In this regard, farmers' consumption and entertainment needs are along for the concern. In the wave of mobile Internet + entrepreneurship, rural electricity supplier for more diversified services. From helping rural consumers buy products to help them sell their products, increase sales channels of agricultural products. Rural Internet business model summary First, the city has a mature business model transplant. If each administrative division of China into six grades: T1 to T6, then T1 to T3 is geographical distinction, T4 to T6 is below the county level) combined with one T1 to T3 has developed a mature business model for transplantation shift. But to avoid blind transplant, to wisdom, the selective migration. Second, the combination of geographical attributes, commercial way with the local situation, and so finer match. Third, the micro-innovation business model. Make improvements in the traditional business model, the starting point for a larger risk. Suggestions for agricultural entrepreneurs In the analysts view, tap the potential of rural areas can not really fake, "digital divide" is indeed to "fill", but on the one hand, standing on the perspective of the company, and how best to get through the countryside, farmers closely linked, how incorporated into various rural development "specialty", the company is worth considering; on the other hand, stand in the perspective of rural development, it is at this stage not all are suitable for rural development "Internet +", or the development of the electricity supplier is still required thinking. First, if you really do Rural Internet, to live in resistance to loneliness. Entrepreneurs see various reports in the city, it is inevitable heart. Agricultural business people say you can get started a large-scale replication, which is very difficult. Take the agricultural subsidy policy is concerned, every place different. So do not easily replicated nationwide say such things. Second, there are many rural entrepreneurship project is circulation. This year the investment community invented a turnover term. Turnover is very important, but not the only turnover of theory, not a single measure. Depends on the turnover of control of the situation, the escalation of innovative trading volume, as play Baby Hazel Games well as additional improvements inside. Third, find a few points to do so through deep, then down the development. We have a common investment case is first in one village, one town, or even in one county do particularly well. No matter how long it takes at least we have somewhere to do some deep penetration case appears. Such is not necessarily profitable business, but there are certain mechanisms to make it roll up, roll up, or with a certain forward-looking. Then put the case elsewhere improved optimization, to copy somewhere, credibility greatly increased. Fourth, do not be too idealistic, and do not hold the idea of ​​subversion, revolution. Specifically, many business models do first is to say A, even though A does not have much value, but can be done after doing more valuable B. At this early stage, the pit a lot of value do not do a B, you really have this feeling? That to think about. Rural Internet + must have broad future of rural social and economic development is also urgently needed into the power of the Internet, mobility and the return of migrant workers, such as the desire of wealth between urban and rural areas, in rural areas to spread the beans into soldiers capable of seeds, rural circles inherent sense of economic and acquaintances, but also to the Internet industry to do word of mouth marketing natural soil, not to facilitate access to information and entrenched cultural and ecological awareness, but also to build business confidence preconceived base. The future is bright, the market is also a great space, Internet + rural China will become an important driving force for social development.

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