Sunday, February 28, 2016

Visual Impact online turnover rate, it is important to shoot professional watches

With the advent of the Internet era, whether emerging fashion watch brands,play girl games or types of smart meter menu, or even a traditional watch brands, have increased efforts to open up the electricity supplier online sales channels, more desirable to watch products on display in this virtual space network. In recent years, sales of electricity supplier watches like rapid growth, and presents high-end, brand development trend, plus electricity supplier Network Technology Co., Ltd. CEO Fan Zihao case presentation.     Affected by the global economic impact, many luxury watches, Swiss watch brand line under weak growth performance, both to enter the field of electronic business, and launched a series of more in line with the electricity supplier of consumer groups customized products, hoping to online share. Many brand presence, has given consumers a greater variety of choices, but it also makes the watch on the fierce competition more electricity supplier of hot. So how to improve the conversion rate and the turnover rate and market competition, the problem is the majority of businesses and electricity providers watch owner must consider.     The industry believes that, with the progress of the development of e-commerce, more and more serious homogenization of the product, such as with a watch, may have dozens or even hundreds of sellers in the sale. In this case, the customer is impossible to click Browse to compare with the first impression customers will have their choice of several attractive commodity for comparison. And this first impression is the image, but also visual. Plus electricity supplier Network Technology Co., Ltd. CEO Fan Zihao said: Influence electricity supplier turnover many factors, such as brand, service, sale, etc., but in the case of homogeneity, and the picture is the visual flow inlet, its effect on the turnover rate of conversion There is no doubt. The first step is to sell electricity to shoot, but it is also most companies and sellers of the least important place. Good pictures and visual customer directly related to the first impression of goods to stimulate customer's desire to buy.     Plus electricity supplier Network Technology Co., Ltd. CEO Fan Zihao also said: visual image is very important, but want to take good pictures and it is difficult to form a good visual, which requires comprehensive professional equipment, models, shooting in order to achieve the level of technology and design,play Angela Games normal business enterprise and sellers basically do not have these conditions, it commissioned a professional shooting mechanism is very important, especially for such watches have a higher degree of difficulty shooting small items.     According to a well-known photographer in the industry introduced watches are mostly metal and reflective glass, lighting very difficult. Then there is the small watches, complex structure, well-made, to the overall performance of its high-grade and texture, all the fine structure to be manifested. And as more fully watch aesthetics and performance characteristics, the general need to take close-up. So, I want to watch a good shooting very difficult. Whether light source selection, lighting techniques, background selection and aids, even when shooting watch time setting, there are stringent requirements. Some well-known brand is looking for a professional organization to shoot their watch products.     There are currently on the market a lot of focus on the services derived electricity supplier companies, there are also a lot of focus on the electricity supplier product photography business, but most of them are in some common clothing, footwear, luggage product areas more influential in professional degree have higher requirements watches, jewelry and other fields, but the country's scarce, insufficient professional level. Also choose a good professional watch shooting mechanism is equally important.     As a leading brand of domestic electrical services, plus electricity supplier has been focused on various segments of the electricity business photography is undoubtedly one of the best shooting watch professional bodies. It is understood that, plus electricity supplier different from our common electrical services, enterprise business model, with its professional services capabilities in the field of photography segments, and can offer a range of comprehensive electrical services, derivatives, one-stop solution to customer needs. Since 2015, the electricity supplier XXL pace of business development in the field of photography electricity supplier subdivision established leather goods, clothing and shoes, clocks, glasses, diamond jewelry and other project team, each project team to operate independently, and are imported equipment for a batch of equipment and professionals in the field, the ability to enhance the fine.     Plus electricity supplier for shooting in different areas of business, using different equipment and technology, is the first, to enhance the shooting targeted and professional. As electricity supplier Plus Network Technology Co., Ltd. Watch glasses Project Team Leader said, also shooting industry specializing in surgery, and then the well-known aspects of clothing and shoes shooting division allowed to shoot the watch glasses do not understand that shot out of the picture too only ordinary.     It is reported that, plus electricity supplier currently set up in Shenzhen, Guangzhou and other cities a number of photographic base, its team has been successful for hundreds of Lynx, Taobao, Jingdong and other businesses to provide photographic services or other electrical service providers, there is no shortage of many of its customers international brands and manufacturers, has accumulated a good reputation reputation, especially in the country have an important influence on the industry in southern China. Frozen Games - Juegos de Frozen - Jogos de Frozen - Permainan Frozen - Игры Холодное сердце
Giochi di Frozen - Frozen Spelletjes - Gry Kraina lodu - Elsa Spiele - Jeux de Frozen - Elsa Oyunlari

A large number of ten billion US dollars market value of the company will be born here

We are riding the express train of the information age, every day, we can feel a lot of play Barbie Cooking Games new things. Smart appliances, robotics, unmanned vehicles to life from conception, cloud computing, big data, Internet of things, growing at unimaginable speed to change the world, driving the consumption upgrading and industrial transformation, innovation is becoming a global enterprise industry changes tipping point. What kind of future prediction, the best way is to create the future, for the entrepreneur, the future of the air where? Lei Jun has been thought, How about you? Everyone is looking for venture capital in this changing world, the next "outlet" Where? Shun Lei Jun, founder of the capital two years ago to promote investment in rural areas throughout the Internet industry, and said "This is our next decade the core areas of investment." Agricultural production and farmers' consumption is Lei Jun seen two huge market, and shall within 10 years, will produce a large number of ten billion US dollars market value of Internet companies in rural areas. Internet access to rural, word of mouth can make use of the role of opinion leaders, so that they become a bridge network and rural social entity, so the master these opinion leaders to spread abnormal or critical. So, from 2014 onwards, along the capital has begun to "search" Agricultural Internet project, divided into a group of two or three people watching a particular direction, almost all full pounced, and began to do a thorough study of agriculture, mining and began cultivating this area, "a giant unicorn" pace. Currently, along the capital already invested US food, Shima finance, agriculture stage, good beans, one kilometer network of 51 orders, deft, and other Huitong up rural Internet projects (in alphabetical order). Rural Internet in the end what? For since its inception in 2007 has always been focused on three areas of rural power pterosaurs mortgage loans, in the era of the "double hit" of the wave of thinking and widely used in the Internet, how to use the Internet platform and financial advantages, the combination of the rural, It is worth studying the problem. China currently has 800 million people living in rural areas, based on the popularity of smart phones, rural residents access to the Internet is being increasingly used. For now, China's urban-rural dual difference is very significant, the Internet has brought convenience to play Dora Games the city residents have at your fingertips, the city now enjoy the convenience of the Internet and the future well-being of rural penetration will certainly go slowly in this direction we are sticking to it. We are aware that at the present stage of development in the countryside, not necessarily all of the models are OK, even many have been difficult to verify, but overall, the direction is correct. With built after the popularity of smart phones and 4G networks and other infrastructure in rural areas is no longer "lost contact" is not a piece of land, and on top of this, investment in agriculture before the Internet can be basically divided into agricultural production, production, production , peripheral services (such as finance, logistics) and rural consumption and other sections. Predictable, and within two years, in our electricity business transactions will become the majority of rural people living necessary skills. Currently, by Jingdong, Amoy Bora buy daily necessities has become increasingly accepted by rural people. From a local there anything you want to buy what to buy online; agricultural products from other native people buy online initiative to find a buyer. Transactions from point to point into the surface, this is the trend of rural development transactions. In the post-production stage, is smooth circulation of agricultural products to the Internet in the entire rural sector concerned a lot about large areas. Under the existing system of agricultural products circulation from farmers and agricultural agents across the table between the plurality of links wholesale market, sales to primary and secondary wholesale market, the middle part of the lengthy easily lead to decreased agricultural product freshness, circulation inefficiencies and other issues. Whether the fruits of production or the flow of circulation of production, in the conventional circulation, the efficiency is relatively low in rural areas. Electricity supplier O2O can help improve the efficiency of circulation of agricultural products. Jingdong, Taobao are to rural penetration, but other start-up companies also have a chance, not necessarily pure electricity supplier, electricity supplier may be a variant, all aspects of production and improving rural life. In addition to agricultural production, rural consumption demand has not been met. Research from Ethernet capital showed that with the level of education promotion of farmers, rural consumption in recent years, showing a brand awareness, consumption upgrade, the rise of online shopping and other features. In this regard, farmers' consumption and entertainment needs are along for the concern. In the wave of mobile Internet + entrepreneurship, rural electricity supplier for more diversified services. From helping rural consumers buy products to help them sell their products, increase sales channels of agricultural products. Rural Internet business model summary First, the city has a mature business model transplant. If each administrative division of China into six grades: T1 to T6, then T1 to T3 is geographical distinction, T4 to T6 is below the county level) combined with one T1 to T3 has developed a mature business model for transplantation shift. But to avoid blind transplant, to wisdom, the selective migration. Second, the combination of geographical attributes, commercial way with the local situation, and so finer match. Third, the micro-innovation business model. Make improvements in the traditional business model, the starting point for a larger risk. Suggestions for agricultural entrepreneurs In the analysts view, tap the potential of rural areas can not really fake, "digital divide" is indeed to "fill", but on the one hand, standing on the perspective of the company, and how best to get through the countryside, farmers closely linked, how incorporated into various rural development "specialty", the company is worth considering; on the other hand, stand in the perspective of rural development, it is at this stage not all are suitable for rural development "Internet +", or the development of the electricity supplier is still required thinking. First, if you really do Rural Internet, to live in resistance to loneliness. Entrepreneurs see various reports in the city, it is inevitable heart. Agricultural business people say you can get started a large-scale replication, which is very difficult. Take the agricultural subsidy policy is concerned, every place different. So do not easily replicated nationwide say such things. Second, there are many rural entrepreneurship project is circulation. This year the investment community invented a turnover term. Turnover is very important, but not the only turnover of theory, not a single measure. Depends on the turnover of control of the situation, the escalation of innovative trading volume, as play Baby Hazel Games well as additional improvements inside. Third, find a few points to do so through deep, then down the development. We have a common investment case is first in one village, one town, or even in one county do particularly well. No matter how long it takes at least we have somewhere to do some deep penetration case appears. Such is not necessarily profitable business, but there are certain mechanisms to make it roll up, roll up, or with a certain forward-looking. Then put the case elsewhere improved optimization, to copy somewhere, credibility greatly increased. Fourth, do not be too idealistic, and do not hold the idea of ​​subversion, revolution. Specifically, many business models do first is to say A, even though A does not have much value, but can be done after doing more valuable B. At this early stage, the pit a lot of value do not do a B, you really have this feeling? That to think about. Rural Internet + must have broad future of rural social and economic development is also urgently needed into the power of the Internet, mobility and the return of migrant workers, such as the desire of wealth between urban and rural areas, in rural areas to spread the beans into soldiers capable of seeds, rural circles inherent sense of economic and acquaintances, but also to the Internet industry to do word of mouth marketing natural soil, not to facilitate access to information and entrenched cultural and ecological awareness, but also to build business confidence preconceived base. The future is bright, the market is also a great space, Internet + rural China will become an important driving force for social development.

Communication: Min line of cross-border electricity supplier students "sea Amoy family"

"Because of the time difference, the United States from the time when most of us play baby games are sleeping, Buzz Buzz the single tone, as if the dream of a piece of land out of the dollar in his pocket." Fujian Jiangxia College of Business 2013 College students describe him so Zhou Zongpeng in the Amazon (the famous American business platform Amazon) open shop mood. Fuzhou Road in the Mau a Fluke Square underground garage, single inspection, packing, cotton slippers from dinosaurs to blue and white porcelain spoon shape, where the commodity variety, distinctive. Zhouzong Peng told reporters, is currently the best selling "paper clip" and other small stationery, "In this kind of stock to earn a few hundred dollars." Fujian Jiangxia College, held a cross-border electricity supplier Entrepreneurship Competition, Zhou Zongpeng get 5,000 yuan (RMB, the same below) of start-up capital. Today, Zhou Zongpeng has accumulated a lot of sea Amoy experience, "pay attention to the domestic electricity supplier shop decoration, customer service quality, but please network model, landscaping pictures are a great cost," said Zhou Zongpeng, but Amazon only and also goods can only provide detailed parameters faithfully, "but it reduces the overhead." "To keep a close eye is selected from the product."that different domestic and frequently sell "the same paragraph," the act to follow suit, Amazon businesses pay more attention to product innovation, the platform also pay more attention to the protection of intellectual property goods. "Cross-border electricity supplier in Fujian fast, talent shortage is one of the major bottlenecks for university generally towards this effort." President of the Institute of Economic and Trade Fujian Jiangxia College of Chen Yu-hao said that the school is not only to cross-border business enterprise co built practice teaching base, but also to start building cross-border electricity supplier business incubators. In the United States, general manager of Fujian West Lake Cheng Yi Airbus opinion, thanks to consciously play baby games for university personnel training, as well as free trade zone test of talent, resources siphon effect, the province's cross-border electric current dilemma a certain talent ease. "Almost two years ago, or sheets of paper, thousands of people come to apply Jingmei one who knows how to register in the international electronic business platform, last fall recruitment had been recruited to the number of actual combat experience satisfaction candidates, eighty percent of which are graduating students. "Cheng Tan said. In addition to the emergence of student sea Amoy family, cross-border electricity supplier store are included in the national cross-border electricity supplier Fuzhou pilot cities everywhere. Reporters visited learned that gathered more than 50 cross-border electricity supplier companies Lancashire international commercial city, is planning in the planning and construction of the bonded port set Fuzhou bonded warehousing, bonded display, distribution and distribution in one of the Lancashire International Logistics Park; located Jiang Taiwan Strait international trade City wisdom has introduced more than 40 appliance business enterprise; in Mabuchi, Ting Street, Wangzhuang main business district, across a variety of cross-border electricity supplier store experience. Located in Fuzhou, Fujian FTA Area cross-border electricity supplier industrial park, five-story high museum experience has demonstrated Taiwan Museum, Museum of North America, the French Pavilion, Korea Pavilion, Hall and other Southeast Asia, sales of imported goods up to thousands species, two investment has been in full swing. Currently, cross-border electricity supplier Fuzhou and Fuzhou Public Service Platform EPZs cross-border electricity supplier monitoring center has been functioning, providing one-stop shopping for the direct import, bonded import, general export, bonded export four kinds of cross-border business enterprise service. Industry observers believe that this is conducive to the promotion of commercial enterprises in Fujian regression local cross-border import business. Fujian provincial government also recently introduced actively promote the "Internet +" action plan will be pushing wisdom efficient logistics, the pilot cross-border electricity supplier, to establish cross-border e-commerce trade customs clearance, quarantine, receipt and payment and refund (exemption) and other platforms and applications. According to plan, will accelerate the construction of local (Pingtan) e-commerce across the Taiwan Strait economic play Frozen Games cooperation experimental zones in Fuzhou, relying on Taiwan Pingtan sea routes to facilitate cross-border e-commerce channel extension built by Taiwan's import and export of goods to guide trade with Taiwan port province gathering.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Challenge to the network and selling

This model in the market, attracted more and more bubble trouble However, now the art market in the doldrums, why the pro-sale network team involved in this market, the confidence of the team come from? Recently, Mr. general manager of Beijing innovation incorporated company In an interview with China Economic Times reporter interviewed on issues of concern to the industry to give a response. If the challenge is selling the network of early heart , then build a creative incubator public platform for thousands of artists to "double hit stage" with them to become successful creators guest is his ultimate goal. Challenge to the network and selling said Authenticity of calligraphy and painting works of art, has been plagued by the development of art online trading. Different art electricity supplier, has been looking for solutions. In fact, Taobao since the day it was born from the left knot fake problem, this, Ma had no choice but to say: "I am innocent, Taobao does not produce fake, fake is likely to be generated in the community on Taobao found it, I can not put this fake destroyed, because I was not law enforcement agencies, I can not put him into prison. " "I think Mr. Ma Yun said, half this reason, half are not. We know that the banking system of personal credit system is effective, the vast majority of individuals owe the bank money is difficult to repudiate, because the banking system national machine protection, this is one aspect; another aspect is because of personal credit history and personal access behavior is consistent with said Taobao is not the same, most of the shops on Taobao is separate from personal credit with the owner , which determines the shop Verified fundamentally useless, real or personal authentication useless. In opinion, calligraphy and painting art sales similar to bank credit system. This is because the painting and calligraphy works of art in terms of authorship creators influential life meaning. Regardless of the Department of real name or pseudonym, and ultimately you can only point to a real name ID. He said that play Angela Games it was based on this consideration, our team created a personally created, personally sell, one person, one shop, a lifelong pro shop sales model. Market downturn but a rare opportunity Jin Yanming told reporters that the company decided to get involved in the field of culture and arts team, it is with a strong sense of three: First, the creation of large national groups mission; the second is a sense of mission for the prosperity of the Chinese culture and the arts; and the third is the National Innovation transition mission call. "Because many of our team members and groups dealing with literary and artistic creation more than a decade, a deep understanding of the survival status of Chinese Writers Group, we have always wanted to through their own efforts, to improve the development of spontaneous point what this group." He said that we like writing, like the original, of course, insist on respect for all creation, especially adhere to the original spirit of the artist, the creative groups of our Chinese culture and arts serves as a source of wealth. Only a nation respected creators, full of originality, this nation can be truly powerful. "In China, directly or indirectly involved in the literary and artistic creation of artists tens of millions, if the construction of a public creative incubator platform for creation can become entrepreneurs, so that more people can enjoy creative, creative peace of mind for the creation of a living, this is a very nice green economy, enriching the cultural and economic power of the road. "Jin Yanming frankly, willing, may, shall, this is the parent company launched the sale of network project team, involved in the field of cultural and artistic reasons. "Some people say that in recent years the art market in the doldrums, the art market is not optimistic, I think just the opposite, the market downturn is a rare opportunity to layout shuffle.said that the current micro-channel, micro-stores, distributors, circle, smart ...... a variety of new technologies, new models emerging, replacement cycles are getting shorter, in the face of powerful Alibaba, Tencent, Jingdong other companies, as a new business, if followed by imitation is always keep up . Only by grasping the two cores may have the opportunity to blog: one always has "content" core, and the other is a direct short cut to further level layout. Frozen Games - Juegos de Frozen - Jogos de Frozen - Permainan Frozen - Игры Холодное сердце
Giochi di Frozen - Frozen Spelletjes - Gry Kraina lodu - Elsa Spiele - Jeux de Frozen - Elsa Oyunlari Jin Yanming, said the future of a modern emerging enterprises, more importantly, its growth may be, it is a strong vitality and strong combat effectiveness of a team mode.

Network security has become a people's livelihood important matter

Faced with the risk of network security, Internet-savvy "90" turned out to be easier to move in?play Barbie Cooking Games This seems to break the general perception of the public. But statistically, it is true. Tencent recently released Security "Internet Security 2015 annual report" shows "90" mainly youth groups, although more active on the Internet, but because of the basic skills of network security, network application security awareness and so is relatively weak, aged 10-18 young maximum number of users poisoning, accounting for up to 78%. In addition, the "Security Report" also revealed areas of mobile payment, smart devices and other safety issues. All these indicate that the deeper the Internet into daily life, the greater the risk of information security, the main threats to network security has changed from hacking mode to money-making tool for criminals. Network security protection has become a livelihood events, from the technical protection measures urgently seek to improve people's awareness of network security from the concept. Internet date of birth, then exposed to hacker attacks, compared to later reap illicit profits early hackers with the technical tests and many also aim to show off, but with the size of the global Internet infrastructure growth, the rapid expansion of unlimited growth and the number of connected users, hacker attacks corresponding increase in the frequency, while the gradual emergence of illegal financial gain for the purpose of black industry chain. Even earlier "technology house" hackers also criticized the current so-called "hacker" has insulted this title. Some people think that the current network attacks and more low-tech, simple tools of presentation. But no doubt, but as a means to attack new Internet applications and services emerging, which makes network security situation has become more severe. Currently, Chinese netizens reached 688 million people, the total number of Internet users accounted play Dora Games for more than half the population. At the same time Internet users access to mobile terminal equipment is centralized, mobile phone users reached 620 million people. Surge in the number of Internet users and the strong market demand driving the broader field of Internet application development boom. Internet Pratt & Whitney, convenient sharing features, has penetrated into public services, on the one hand can effectively promote the improvement of people's livelihood, on the other hand, due to network security also can not foolproof, this gives criminals can take it provided more machine. One side effect is that the era of big data, criminals steal user privacy mode increases, concealment is also growing. For example, "security report" mentioned in connection WiFi users become accustomed to, but this way of life has also been exploited by hackers. The third quarter of 2015, more than 200 million times a user has WiFi access per day, 70 million people connected to the risk of WiFi. Despite the risk of dangerous WiFi were popular, 80.21 percent of Internet users are still free to connect to the public free WiFi, 38.96% of Internet users use password-free WiFi network payments. The rapid growth of online mobile payment, mobile online payment users reached 358 million people, while users pay for mobile virus also showed a monthly rise, mobile payments become the hardest hit. When the Internet has become a new trend of intelligent hardware, intelligent life is faced with three-dimensional attack, smart home, smart cars, robots are likely to be compromised and remote control. We can say that Internet security situation is grim, the so-called "hacker" is more cunning than the user's imagination. Technical wrestling at both ends at the same time, it should be recognized, including the Internet, including the mobile Internet has profoundly changed the life, create new habits. Network security has become a necessity of life, not just objects programmers and network engineers are concerned. For the average person, though not significantly improve the level of network security technology, but you can master the basic skills of network security,play Baby Hazel Games attention to personal information and other ways to enhance self-protection, which is often more effective than technical protection short time.

Weihai Village net sales oysters open market-driven income

Student Village, Nanhai District Weihai small view of the town of Shao Chun Yue,play baby games even the New Year, her shop business is booming, the phone's ringing off the hook all day long, with the help of the villagers online selling oysters. Around the Spring Festival, it is the South China Sea when the New plump oysters, oysters larger than the palm of each unit price of nearly 20 yuan. But the traditional way of selling can not be timely to promote the brand, do not allow consumers to eat fresh oysters. Shao Chun Yue is using the most fiery of the electricity supplier, to find a connection fishermen and urban residents "key." By this key, opened the oyster sales market, so fresh and delicious oysters first time into the consumer's home. "Internet +" is quietly changing fishermen's production and life. [A micro letter to tell you: Village to open Taobao sell oysters] February 14 at 8:30 am, the first day of work after the Spring Festival, Shao Chun Yue came to office the first thing is to open their own Taobao shop operators - marine Vientiane. "This is my villagers set up shop, it is not shining?" Shao Chun Yue sliding the mouse, rather proudly displayed with. On the web, full of modern light blue background, above impressively marked with "Student Village Power Rural Taobao, the only certified organic farmer cooperatives oyster" word. "Two of Weihai Wang Village Golden Beach oyster farming cooperatives oysters, is the only certified organic oyster and Nanhai District of ecological environment is superior, pollution, growing out of fresh oyster meat, very popular." Shao Chun Yue said. Yuehua Jian, Shao Chun Yue Want receive a message, it is a buyer to ask questions. Buyers of the first sentence is: "I see you made micro letter from my circle of friends, to help villagers get rich shop to do is something practical." It turned out that Shao Chun Yue is a 90 Student Village, just to work more than a year, Taobao is February 4 just on the line. Bent for the people to do practical things, she wanted to take advantage of the "Internet +" this platform to promote the people's oyster out. Although too much fear the tiger, but filled with passion Shao Chun Yue also shop operations concerned. "Just started doing heart did not end, afraid no effect." Shao Chun Yue said the Student Village, Nanhai District encouraged to help people set up shop to get rich, advised her on the eve of the Spring Festival started to warm up. Thus, in the micro-channel circle of friends she wrote an article entitled "Why so little Village 'big ambitions'," the article explains the eagerness of people to act Village, also described the advantages of the two kings Village oysters. Within a few days, the amount of micro-channel read nearly 3,000 times, more and more people know the open Taobao sell oysters Village Xiaoshao. "By extension, there are a lot of people every day consulting, we entered the local oysters more people's vision." Shao Chun Yue said. [Let the "Internet +" open new markets helped the villagers] In the interview, the reporter learned that the two kings village close to the South China Sea Area meters play baby games Gold Beach, clear water, the environment, delicious oysters, fame is not that small, and in many cities, with sales points. They are large and tasty oyster meat sells well, but why Shao Chun Yue will choose to sell it online? "The village would have to worry about selling oysters, I open shop sales is not timely, but the icing on the cake." Shao Chun Yue said, "Internet +" has been slowly changing the original village of commercial activities, with the development of each network, rural development Taobao become a major trend. "In the increasingly competitive market situation, we must rely on the Internet to help break the villagers broader market to ensure villagers oysters more sales the better." See the trend of the times, Shao Chun Yue passion. Working in the countryside more than a year, Shao Chun Yue mountain fire prevention, the amount of the next village over, the villagers together and improve our environment, talk with parents in short, soon became the villagers who cares. Shao Chun Yue aware that for rural Taobao, she had the idea not only the people but also a great idea. "I was most impressed by the idea of ​​the village secretary, older people concentrate on raising oysters, dare to fight China's first oyster, but the network of young people can study these things that time, the village secretary said I nodded let me come! "Shao Chun Yue said. In order to obtain the trust of the villagers, Shao Chun Yue volunteered to the electricity supplier training Nanhai District Organization, also studied marketing, followed by fishermen harvest oysters, followed by workers into the workshop to understand oyster processing knowledge, to take pictures of oyster, the collected first sun-hand information on the website. Website more innovative, click into the store more and more buyers. Today, the shop although only a few days, but has sold dozens of oysters, oysters are sold in more inland cities, where many cities are not originally entered the market. During the interview, Shao Chun Yue office to a girl, the girl called Zhang Wei, she set up four boxes of oysters in Shao Chun Yue shop in today specifically to see oysters couplers. "How to look at the scene oyster head, I want to send these oysters Beijing students." Zhang Wei from Beijing after graduation to work Nanhai District, after hearing the news bought four boxes to give classmates and friends taste fresh oysters . "Electricity supplier to the countryside, agricultural town, in order to sell our specialty tricks." Shao Chun Yue said. [To always do so, to make their own brand] For Shao Chun Yue to help the villagers to open Taobao shop selling oysters things around people have different opinions: Some people think that thing is too large, the market competition is too intense, it was considered Shao Chun Yue will heat for three minutes, it was also taking into account the cause of young people need to be encouraged friends and relatives to buy how much can encourage to encourage her ...... However, Shao Chun Yue do not think so. "I have to do is rural Taobao, hope this product to make influence in the Internet age to people oysters to sell, rather than relying on friends and relatives to take care to maintain." Shao Chun Yue said open Taobao If you simply rely on friends circle where few people buy, not to open Taobao shop, it is not a permanent solution. Only single-minded to operate, understand the needs of the people, to explore the market demand in order to open Taobao Chu Mingtang. As the title piece to the letter sent Shao Chun Yue beginning, like a small village officials also have "big ambitions." Shao Chun Yue said that the source of ambition, a dream of their own, starting from the day of village officials choose to do, it must think for the people to do a big deal to open Taobao sell oyster is a major event for the people. Another is behind the group name and a surname, authentic farmers, who operates 10 acres of pollution-free waters of the oyster. Shao Chun Yue said she must play the Student Village energetic, energy innovation, more professional advantages, with regional characteristics, to lead the masses to become the backbone of the development of rural Taobao. [Oyster sell new tricks expect new entrepreneurial income] Lift Shao Chun Yue to help the villagers to open Taobao sell oysters, two villagers Cai Yujun Wang Village thumbs-up: "our family's play Frozen Games oyster sell through a network throughout the country, thanks to the Xiaoshao, we believe that the visibility of two royal oyster increasing. " said that, like palm-sized oysters on the seafood market price is generally around 20 yuan each, inland fisheries landings since the city too long, not very fresh, residents will buy a few. Through Taobao shop selling oysters priced at eight yuan -15 yuan each, the price is cheap, fresh distribution, order after three days can be home delivery, the province one day to reach. So convenient, more aroused the customer's desire to buy, but also save the traditional sales methods in the fees and trouble, very convenient. More surprising is that many buyers is the city where the original did not expand into the market through Taobao oysters can be sold throughout the country, more conducive started the brand.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Internet has changed our lives, but changed where?

Spring Festival, I stay away from Hangzhou gloomy winter day with haze, back to more play bubble shooter than 1800 km away from home. The cost of living is much lower than in the first-tier cities prairie Frank, the Internet is indeed slowly immersed in the minutiae of life, quietly changing the distance between the city and the city. Didi has layout, but not many vehicles, slightly more expensive than the price of a taxi; malls have appeared in a major sign of mobile payment, unless there is a discount, otherwise not many people use; people are still used to call the phone Takeout, instead of using the takeaway APP. Even people staffing a smart phone, but also alerted the Internet can bring a lot of convenience to everyday life. In just a few hundred kilometers from Beijing home, obviously we are more accustomed to a relatively traditional way of life. Shanghai girl in Jiangxi Back home, I did not feel too much discomfort in the city away from the front line of Internet life, but I believe that a man of experience is certainly deeper than me. These days is on the hot microblogging, followed by her boyfriend back home in Jiangxi Chinese play girl games New Year in Shanghai girl. This discussion could lead to something far more than to a Spring Festival Tucao also intense. That girl in Shanghai to help the man's family conditions and exposure online, many users had already been discredited by a few dog spray, we do not value judgments. But her behavior is to show the genuineness of life in rural areas and the gap between China N line first-tier cities. She fled that many of us parents grandparents have long been accustomed for many years of daily life. Everyone in the Internet era bonus enjoyed by first-tier cities, and did not spread to the wider countryside. Although the vast rural areas temporarily out of extreme poverty, but still with the city, the Internet has a huge gap. Internet is not so great, not so pervasive Internet was spoiled us, accustomed to city life easy, simply can not imagine life without WIFI how the day should be over. I do not know how many people will remember in September 1999 that the Internet survival experiments. 12 volunteers were kept in 12 rooms for 72 hours. They only have one computer with Internet access, some of the cash, credit cards and small basic living tools. They can only get food and water they need through the network. Ultimately, 11 people successfully. At that time, many Chinese people do not know what the Internet; that time, not many people optimistic about Ma's Chinese Yellow Pages, there is no Taobao, Alipay; when there is no more word of mouth, the US group, what these hungry takeaway APP; then the QQ, also called the QICQ, was not yet WeChat. 1999 experiment meant that humans can only rely on the network to meet the basic needs of life, it is play Angela Games a journey through real and virtual feat and breakthrough, and now, for people living in a city, which is daily. 17 years later, the dramatic changes of the times, let WIFI Hydropower after another became difficult life must be abandoned. But also in front of 600 million people in rural areas, the power of the Internet pale. Internet is changing the way we, or do we want to change yourself Obviously, the often-criticized the show now there is only one real function, grab a red envelope. In this way, more and more "redneck" WeChat know, understand Alipay, but has not changed the old life. New Year only to find the home more and more elders have a micro-channel, also looked for "dedication blessing." But people did not feel the Internet home thinking strong appeal. Home because people do not use the micro-channel Alipay will be able to experience the "service-oriented, product is king" concept. When I asked the home health centers, "the doctor" politely ask, can put a lot of dust has accumulated for a bottle of medicine, get this answer: Do not want to be. Infiltration was long called Internet culture I have been unable to adapt to such a straightforward answer. Although it located in northern, but I grew up in the city has been in the industrial city, the development of urban cities, though not so quickly, but always able to keep up with the trend of development. A treasure signs pay a mall everywhere, more and more people feel the available phone APP, the home seemed to be walking in the broad road of the Internet. Glancing into the can, only on her face, we all just wonderful illusion. In the real economy has not been a threat of a treasure eastern prairie Frank, here's the service industry will not experience a sense of customer care, will never take the initiative to understand your needs. Here, the Internet is still not pervasive leveraging business and life, everything is still running the business logic of the original rough. Frozen Games - Juegos de Frozen - Jogos de Frozen - Permainan Frozen - Игры Холодное сердце
Giochi di Frozen - Frozen Spelletjes - Gry Kraina lodu - Elsa Spiele - Jeux de Frozen - Elsa Oyunlari Originally thought omnipotent Internet can save the home, in the end may be deemed Huang Liang a dream. Some people say that "homeland is still struggling, but you show off poetry and distant" to express determination to transform their homeland. I think, need to transform not home, nor is the Internet, but we.

8890 help resolve matters breakthrough 20 million

8890 convenience service hotline received very fact that people's calls, asking how to receive play Barbie Cooking Games ID card is lost ticket problems attendant Wang Yue patiently answered. This is an ordinary telephone consultation, but "8890" but it has a special meaning, which is "8890" since 2005, opened the first 20 million calls - - 11 years, "8890" cash "on Bobo Hope "commitment between the government and the masses become" even the heart of bridge ", has become the people's Castle" intimate hotline hotline warm heart. " Originally, 88,908,890 just an ordinary domestic phone service. After the integration of last year, 8890 is now convenient service platform has become a veritable "barometer" - the public is most concerned about the matter, most need to be resolved, most are looking for service, are reflected in the "8890" in traffic . Last May 53 the city of the city government hotline integration so far, just nine months time, "8890" Answer admissible traffic reached 3 million. Where government services accounted for 15%, accounting for 68.8% of public services, social services accounted for 16.2%. Average daily traffic received from the 7000 integration of the former rose to 25,000. To achieve more than 98% completion rate, the masses on the "8890" service satisfaction rate of 99% or more. Efficient and convenient services, and scientific management practices, so that people truly realize the government to find a number, and enjoy convenient one-stop service. Recently, who lives in Jianchang Wang Tao Jianhong in the Hebei District, can finally rest assured open their windows and change the air. Troubled acrid smoke issue more than three months she gave nothing, the smoke from downstairs a brewer coal-fired boilers. Try holding the idea, Ms. Wang call the "8890." A few days later, the District Environmental Protection Bureau inspectors came on the scene, understand the situation, spot checks, track handle, less than half the problem is solved. "Bobo is really the spirit!" In the return visit by telephone,play Dora Games Ms. Wang is very satisfied with the results, repeatedly praised: "8890 act audible echo, visible implementation is an absolute 'on Bobo Ling'. With 8890, we can enjoy more comfort in life and get more sense. " Back in the past, when telephone service is not working, not hot hotline circumstances have occurred, department hotline received by the department, the department do, unsupervised, buck-passing, the masses bullied. The masses needed to hope that the Government can ask the service to. To solve these problems, the municipal government innovation government service model, the first in the country in May last year to build a set of government services, public services, social services, as one of the 8890 convenience service hotline internet. "This number must be 'on Bobo Ling', but it is not a simple hotline merge, but in accordance with 'government-led, market operation, gathering resources, benefit the public, performance appraisal' ideas, concepts and services through service innovation mechanism to produce 'chemical reaction', build government service hotline 'upgraded'. " 8890 help resolve matters breakthrough 20 million City approval of deputy inspector Hu Lihua told reporters. The platform relies on the original "8890 Family Service Network" platform, with "88908890" A number of foreign, 24/7 answering service needs admissibility people, it has opened 260 seats, the operator 360, to achieve a smooth demand channel to hear their voices , aggregate public opinion, help to solve their problems, "a number of managed services." In the "Internet +" in the background, in 8890 convenience service hotline internet phone call, stronger main industry, through the establishment of micro-channel, microblogging, QQ, APP and other diversified services market channels and improve service levels. 8890 convenience service center Main Line, said Ren Baoxiang, 8890 convenience service line with the "Internet + government service" model, with the mobile Internet, big data, cloud computing and other information and communication technology, real-time statistical analysis of data services, and an accurate understanding of the initiative to meet people demand for services, government services and effectively solve the problem of asymmetric information needs of the masses, but also by the service information "big data" analysis, to provide reference for government decision-making and improve government services, innovation and upgrading government services. To achieve "responsive, answer," can not do without scientific management and effective supervision. Centralized handled within specified time, the core is the "spirit." Through the platform process monitoring system for service issues, specifications for the process, and strive to serve the council settles and returning two 100%. Paul Cheung said: play Baby Hazel Games "The center of the 53 departments, 16 districts and counties real-time networking, to absorb the 18 Association of Chambers of Commerce, joined more than 30,000 service enterprises, imputation five major categories of nearly twenty thousand pieces of service information, fuzzy query through the system, precise positioning, improve efficiency advice to answer and transfer office. Dedicated service action items, as long as the organizer has the ability to solve all problems to be resolved in principle, the first thing people run so that people are satisfied, then divide the division of responsibilities, long - efficient mechanism to ensure the needs of the masses of these suits. "

Used car valuation platform business model test

Insiders talk about second-hand car development, we will emphasize the integrity of play baby games third parties to regulate the market significance. Domestic third-party valuation platform, 300 car, car bug net, really refined estimate, leading relatively fair price, of which only 300 cars have just completed B round of financing, and the other three have stayed at A round stage. This growth rate than electricity used car business, too slow. (Excellent letter recently completed more than $ 400 million Series D financing) Calling a third-party market authoritative, and most valuation platform has not found its business model. Early domestic used car valuation internet entrepreneurs are American classic mode KBB (Kelley Blue Book Kelley Blue Book) as a sample, the diversion leads to obtain advertising revenue as the main profit model. But the lack of domestic valuation platform brand appeal, and the size of the market is still relatively small, and did not form their own flow advantage. Breaking the key moment is to further tap the user needs, aggregate user through innovative services. Car Cloud bacteria summed following valuation platform may provide innovative services business model. 1, access finance With respect to the electronic business platform, which is a space easier to provide services directly to the end user C. Users typically log in directly selling cars used car website pages valuation estimate, although many electricity providers in the use of valuation models and formulas platform, but can not produce valuation platform where user awareness. But for users who need financial services, banking or financial companies many options, financial products vary play baby games hard to choose, but also provides valuation services seldom, if valuation platform based professional can recommend the corresponding financial products, better access to users of all ages. One is the user of the vehicle mortgages, according to the vehicle valuation valuation platform and demand for loans, lending money to provide users with various banks and finance companies can provide, the interest rate, period, and even more detailed lending rate and related insurance products, etc. etc., are listed the different types of financial products. One is the purchase of a used car valuation platform also provides integrated financial solutions to push services. Difficulties of this model is that the platform requires precise valuation system, but also a basis of trust financial institutions. Prior to the first car out of the net on its own B-end market (mainly customers from financial institutions) to cover the advantages of the C-terminus of the reasons, acquired fans SCIENCE (car bug net), financial services integration program probably is their future aggregate user the key instrument. 2, access sales Business Information 4 from valuation platform, can be found in the main sales areas include: used car sales (used car brokers, automobile sales), car sales (sales of electronic products, computers, software and auxiliary equipment, stationery, household groceries). Now it seems that doubts about the feasibility of this model. First, let me enter the used car sales, which means that valuation platform also become a platform for electronic business, the equivalent of their own when the players and the referee. The results could lead to its own third-party valuation objectivity being questioned, this valuation platform, may be a unsolvable paradox. Car product sales problem is that this is another dimension of business. Based on the authoritative valuation platform,play Frozen Games it may be able to drive product sales diversion; car care products sales business itself can not help the formation of brand valuation authority and appeal. 3, tied bargaining, testing, extended warranty and other derivatives services Based on fundamental business valuation, valuation platform will broaden the scope of services to bargaining, testing, transfer and other aspects. In mature KBB valuation system, will provide Used car C2B, B2C prices assessed at different stages, to provide reference for users and dealers, these figures itself is floating, with bargaining space. Valuation platform around price and condition assessment provide the appropriate service pack.