Thursday, June 16, 2016

Ma Yunliang phase Investor Day The General Assembly should not be called GMV standard electricity supplier

In his speech, Ma said Alibaba is not just an e-commerce company, for all industries to build the business play Free Dora Games infrastructure is its core strategy, and a healthy commercial infrastructure, electricity, logistics, finance, data calculation, the five cross-border elements indispensable. Alibaba Group CEO Zhang Yong, said Alibaba Group for their long-term strategic goal of global service set 10 million profit businesses and 20 million consumers, identified globalization, rural, big data and cloud computing three strategies, and this electrical, financial, logistics, cloud computing, globalization, networking and consumer media seven core business segments. At the same time, also Pictures, health, sports, music and other aspects of the layout. The same day, Ali core business management were present, the phone Taobao, service businesses, big brand customers, Ali Mama, B2B, rural Taobao, Ali cloud, rookie, investment mergers and acquisitions, finance, internet governance, business and topics, to the field of investors introduction of new business growth highlights. Investor day conference, Alibaba Group released the first fiscal year earnings guidance. Expected as of 2017 the end of March fiscal year (2017 fiscal year), the company's total revenue will grow by more than 48%; excluding Youku and Southeast Asia, the electricity supplier leader Lazarda two newly purchased assets, the expected total fiscal 2017 revenue annual increase of over 36% are more than 33% increase in fiscal year 2016. Assembly site, Ma said: By 2020, Ali will achieve 6 trillion yuan GMV, but "more importantly, we have to create one hundred million jobs, help ten million profit enterprises." From the beginning of fiscal year 2016, Alibaba acquired in the field of live entertainment, local life services, electricity suppliers overseas giants such action frequently. In this regard, executive vice president of Alibaba Group Board of Directors General Assembly Cai Chongxin at the scene, "said Ali made investment and mergers and acquisitions are play Bubble Shooter Classic in accordance with the implementation of the strategic plan has never been driven by financial reasons." The following is the Ma speech: Every time I dialogue with investors and the market will be nervous (laughs). I'm not very good at dialogue and investors, but I'm very good at dialogue with entrepreneurs. Joe is like my translation, in fact, Jack is constantly explain the meaning of this, so we decided to focus on my strategy and direction, and Joe is responsible for investor communications. (laugh) Alibaba market always take with other people compared to China's Ebay, Amazon China, we are very confused, I do not know how to make the outside world understand Alibaba, every time it seems to explain are literally, to try to fit the standards of others. Alibaba Harvard University wrote a case study, but I think this is not Ali Baba. 1972 Nixon visit to Hangzhou, I was able to saw from a distance, in fact, was the first to open in Hangzhou city. Although my parents do not know the ABC, but I like to learn English, though my English is not good enough, but I like to understand others, understand Western culture. I began to learn English from childhood, learned a new vision. 1972 Nixon came to Hangzhou, I have been curious if Mao would happen to the United States. Deng Xiaoping to the United States, launched the reform. 1995 I went to the United States, first saw the Internet, Silicon Valley, Seattle, New York, trying to understand the American way of thinking, how to do business, what is corporate social responsibility, what is the value. The company is a documentary alive, from the start, we almost use video recording more than 90% of internal meetings, important events, we may be doing the most complete video recording company. Because we believe that one day Alibaba will become an important sample of the world, people can understand Alibaba image data. From day one, we know our competitors are not Chinese, we compete with the world's most intelligent people. We Chinese people understand better US than US understand China. Chinese people's understanding of the United States far more than the American understanding of China, we understand their company culture, but little is known about the United States to China. We understand that the US top 100 Internet companies to understand their business model, understand their CEO, but the US understanding of the top 100 Chinese Internet companies do? Americans feel is too complicated. I do not want to understand that there is always a reason for this. You can use one sentence to explain Alibaba's business model? No, I can not. In the United States there are analogies do? no, do not have; Do you worry about the stock? Worry do not worry, we are operating in China, but few of us really understand overseas investors. 2003, we launched Taobao, and we believe will win, but did not expect so soon, eBay took only two to three years to withdraw from China. Because they have a retreat road, we did not. I see Wal-Mart executives 10 years ago, I said we would more than you, he said you are an aspiring young (laughs). By 2020, we will achieve six trillion yuan (one trillion dollars) deal. Last year we GMV, if according to the GDP, the equivalent of the sixth largest province of China, if you're lucky, maybe four years later we will become the first province in China, more than Guangdong. E-commerce should become the fifth largest virtual economic entity, in addition to the United States, China, Japan and Germany. By the end, we'll see Qi Ruidian GMV GDP, equivalent to enter the top20 countries. 100millionjobs, more importantly, we have to create one hundred million jobs, help ten million profit, the company should be the vision and mission-driven, each company has a mission, but few companies truly believe, but Ali Baba, we wholeheartedly believe. The company asked every employee will find their heart believe. Globalization - Global global buy sell, as long as you have a cell phone, you can be traded freely, you have a car, you can always share the economy; you can only sell potatoes neighbors, you can now sell all over the world; the roof of your house solar power can provide worldwide. We have the world's largest retail platform, but we are not retail company, we are a company's data, nearly 1.4 billion people in China, 30% of people never use your product, so we may have a maximum of 8 to 10 million users. 2036 is expected to reach two billion users. We need additional 1.2billion users, requiring users from around the world. Globalization is more like a large game companies, but developing economies, small companies do not have the opportunity, we want to support 80 percent of the global small company, so we have the initiative to establish EWTP (not EWTO, EWTO is an organization, a government action). There are 30 provinces Taobao, we never let 30 governors sit together to discuss the decision, on their own ecological development. So we have to do EWTP, EROAD, to change the world with a business model. So in the past month, I have 26 days on the road. I believe that 10 years later, you'll like it (ewtp) of. I visited the globe, not to shake hands with the president, but to prepare for business after five years. Our own commitment very seriously. Many companies today are doing business, we are doing the next 5 to 10 years of business. Rural: Some people develop Malaysia, India, Indonesia overseas strategy in these countries. China's rural market is more important to them than, if you can not help rural China, how do you help these countries. Rural once very difficult, not online trading, but now we go to the countryside around Hangzhou around, you'll find the real life-changing e-commerce. Cloud Big Data: In 2009, Wang Jian discuss with me, you thought of Ali Baba 10 years later, how do? I said we'd like this, so, Wang Jian said that you thought the server, the database will spend much money? I said a little money! The results of a calculation, we will go bankrupt. At that time, we decided to do cloud seven years ago to make this decision is very play Nail Games painful, because no one knows what the cloud is that we call this a mission to the moon, Wang Jian said the plan should be called Ben, and never looked back. (Moon Landing, Moon Forwarding) That debate technological innovations, like the religious dispute, they kicked in my office, pound the table, throwing chairs, very painful. 10 DBA Oracle ACE, 7 Ge left the company to this end, very sad, because they think we are doing technical nobody tried, will hang. But fortunately I do not understand technology, we persevered, because I firmly believe that we have made, and if we made, we will help more small businesses. Six years ago, we are in a meeting solemnly tell you that we do not GMV company, but the company data. People have been asking me, how do you make money, today, we do not know how to use data to make money, but we know that people's lives will not be separated from the data. Wal-Mart to sell it to produce data; but we do it for data electricity providers, do the logistics. People have been asking me GMV, GMV is not our goal. We sell things because we want to get the data, which is different from Wal-Mart. This is the same continuously until someone asked me how to make money, like PV, then hits the Internet becomes the popular enterprise evaluation index, but these are not what we really fancy. GMV should never be a standard electricity supplier, because investors want, and we give, the result becomes a standard. Our hearts never know GMV is not a core indicator of business infrastructure is the core. If you need a healthy business infrastructure, electricity, logistics, finance, data calculation, the five cross-border element is indispensable. Many governments now find us, hoping to get help in this regard. Many people do not understand us, just like 15 years ago, few people know about us. Almost every year, we have to debate and investor, my philosophy is that every year have to think after 10 years of business development. We have to do 102 years, we build to last, and not, as many Silicon Valley companies build to sell. For 102 years the goal, we do something, there is a 10-year long-term plan. One day I found Yahoo's problem, an engineer with 28 minutes to us how profitable this product, which is a problem, how to use the product engineers in order to improve people's lives. Where the board meeting, no one to make a decision, because there is no direction for the future. Taobao, Lynx, Alipay, and today we are not to do business, any Internet model may not have three years of prosperity, but in Alibaba, our business has been formed matrix, turns into battle. Ali, let's turn the prosperity of each business segment for three years (and a business will come back to prosperity) --- This is a circle, so continued prosperity will eventually reach the company's overall prosperity. Ali cloud should be harvested in 2019, as they should be in 2023, because these are the seeds we planted 10 years ago. If I have an idea, 90% of people think that my office is a good idea, I will immediately throw away; because you can see the opportunity, so competitors will think this is the opportunity we have to do others think impossible thing. I said Alipay investors will lose money, and quickly sold. But we believe that the data is the future, we are willing to listen to the voice of the user, we do not want to create a concept to please investors, we want to benefit society. Become the fifth largest economy sounds crazy, but for me, we are closer to this goal than 10 years ago. People think we are everywhere, not really, we specialize in double H. How a company built to last, and how to maintain the vitality, I asked a lot of people, I found the answer, you must solve social problems, you solve more problems, you will have greater development. This is the Alibaba mission, we are committed to solving social problems, we think 10 years later, what will become a social problem, so we focus on double H. Health and happiness, big country one billion people, Chinese football kicked Maldives however, you believe it? 1.4 billion, the second-largest economy, no sports, we have 90 percent of employees less than 28 years old, but the lack of team spirit, because they are only one child, if small added sports, there will be a team player. Hotel Ali Baba, teamwork is one of our values. But in the United States is not a problem, because the small sports training, gave them teamwork. You ask the Chinese young people, how many people watch TV? Rarely, because too ugly (laughs), but so many people watching the video on the Internet, why, because the content is good. So if we can make people happy, it is worth it. 9 years ago, I invested Huayi Brothers, I spent two hours each quarter to give them advice and help them transition. I told him 10 years later, the industry will be very large, but not today's model. Today, we have invested very little money in 10 years it will be a great cause. Finally, look at the quality of a company, not to see the product, depending on his mission. When the start, we could not find employees, only 18 people to join the staff complained that no one knows the company, our female colleagues can not find a boyfriend, parents do not understand. In 1999 venture, we must face this thought, we can not replicate Sina, Sohu. In 2006, Sina earnings than our income is greater in 2009 we finally caught up with Sina, Sohu and Netease, Tencent result of the rise of our annual revenue only comparable to his quarter profit. 2009,2011,2012, Tencent than our big, we have the last two years finally caught up with them. Unlike everyone says he challenges us, we challenge him. Think of Apple, Google (microblogging), think of Apple and Google together, think about how you see the world, how to determine your future. I said one day to let Alibaba employees, especially easy to find a boyfriend, girlfriend, we'll one day to report the Company's performance to play Hair Games employees every year in Ali's family that day. Our competitors may be a well-known CEO, we do, I even Ma "Ten Marshals" have no access. Our dream is that one day Alibaba good will such as grass, beautiful clouds. Today 40% of our employees, 34% management, 36% of senior management are women, we look at how many women in the wisdom of the company, we have to see how much good will, ignoring the child has started to discuss the fourth generation of management . Different people choose to bring the company's different, so I spend a lot of time in the training of personnel. From a sociological point of view, our human society, there must be a certain percentage of the bad guys. Today we have 400 million people a platform, as long as 1% of the people are bad, that is 4 million. We have 2,000 people to find the bad guys by means of science and technology, and they fight with us in the fight against human nature. We are the victims, but we never stop fighting, we are the global leader in anti-counterfeiting; big brands usually use a lot of OEM, China has the world's largest OEM, they do not have channels, but suddenly they find can sell products through the Internet. Genuine and fake goods production may be the same plant, their products are not any better than genuine difference, but there are better prices, not the intellectual property issues they face, they face a new business model problem.

The face of AI, humans should forget the "two kinds of fear"

Since March this year AlphaGo 4: 1 victory over Lee Se-dol, like a renaissance of Enlightenment as raised public concern and play Baby Girl Games discussion for artificial intelligence. In Ms. Yu opinion, AlphaGo breakthrough is not only technology, but through this event, to achieve the perfect fusion of academic and marketing. Google had in January this year in "Nature" magazine published academic articles, declared victory over the European champions AlphaGo Fan Hui. But after Google had signed a confidentiality agreement with Fan Hui, Fan rejoice before publishing the article, it is not open to the public and AlphaGo chess news. To say that technology, people difficult to understand; only declared the winner, and the lack of academic depth. Google put the two into one, so that scholars and the public at the same time focus to AlphaGo body, or rather "effort" of. Before the game, scientific and technological circles including Kai-fu Lee (microblogging), etc., as well as to Nie Weiping Weiqi community represented and agreed that the machine can not overcome human; but when halfway, many players changed his tune called "A teacher "Nie even the game called a" shock education. " Artificial intelligence that makes the technology more "sense" Ms. Yu said that after the victory in AlphaGo, an engineer Sogou sent such a message, "feel that their work more meaningful." Art is no longer a simple "code agriculture", the machine is more like teachers and parents, let getting smarter. Sogou, the more this Enlightenment faith strengthened their confidence in the technology and the future of artificial intelligence. Ms. Yu believes that development of the Internet there are two directions, one is the cultural and creative industries in this area can not replace the human machine temporarily unlimited creative potential; the other is involved in the decision-making machine, the artificial intelligence in this regard have more room for development: after all, the most direct application of artificial intelligence is to allow the machine to participate in human choices and judgments by the high-speed learning and self-improvement to help people make better decisions. Forget about "two kinds of fear", to meet the wave of artificial intelligence Ms. Yu believes that talent is the driving force behind the technology and the development of artificial intelligence, but also the search dog has been practicing the path of development of artificial intelligence. As early as nine years ago, the search dog and Tsinghua University to establish a joint laboratory, the main search engine-related research. In May this year, Sogou donate 180 million and Tsinghua University jointly established the Heavenly Intelligent Computing Institute, increased research into artificial intelligence. Ms. Yu said that only more play Dog Games companies and universities in the capital, technology and practices common investment will truly integrated research, China will get more opportunities in the future of artificial intelligence in the battle. Faced with a wave of artificial intelligence, Ms. Yu said, "We should forget about the two kinds of fear." The first kind of fear is fear of the unknown, a number of entrepreneurs as well as investors, because do not understand the technology that fear, that will affect investment judgment decisions. The second fear comes from human nature: People sometimes suspected development of artificial intelligence will eventually replace humans lose the meaning of existence. Ms. Yu believes that artificial intelligence is not going to replace humans, but the future direction of humanity, as today's machine tools, will eventually become an extension of human capabilities. "Only fear forget, we can progress and awakening in the world, we build, the better life." The following is Ms. Yu speech: Today I want to share more behind me to see interesting things in human nature. Before the guests were told many collision academic, academic now, finally there is a junction point, other than a big trend, a person play what role in it, to find their own position. So I chose such a title, "Behind the Reflection AlphaGo of" Today. The first thing is the title intermediate score of 4: 1, everyone has seen, and I understand it: it is a perfect combination of academic and marketing, especially in the East, I guess the whole Chinese people 95% know that such a game, but also revolutionized our technology, artificial intelligence, understanding. Why do you say? I would like to use a word, Google behind the "brains." Google in January this year on the "Nature" magazine published this matter, is playing a game with Fan rejoice before the game with a Fan Hui signed the agreement, regardless of the results of the game I told you win or lose, you can not be disclosed any details, that they can not speak with the outside, is confidential, this is the one thing he did, why did he do it then? Very interesting, by the time the paper is issued, if it is assumed in advance to tell the public to not send papers to say, I talk to Fan Hui than a true academic much height? (I) may not feel, see Fan rejoice game people will know the academic sense, if you look at the paper, most did not feel, but with the public speaking that I won this intelligent man, (we do not feel the same), so Google careful thought of this team, not only in doing research group of people, all of a sudden this thing onto a particularly large height. And why they chose Fan rejoice? Hindsight look at this thing, if he chose a pro, but it is not a world champion, and we feel pretty LOW, as before, before a lot of procedures are biased amateur, feel bad. A to give the public a sense, looking for a world champion, a European champion title pricey, but for professional athletes, the only two-stage, not a master. I think both attracted to the eye, but turn left to everyone's imagination and debate space. So in January before seen a lot of articles talking about this program, in fact, is still very far away from the go, this is before understanding. Before the game is what we have in mind? For example Nie speak, saying that the computer is no chance at all, can not overcome the problem that the machine is capable of playing chess is no sense of performance, it very angry, and even Chinese chess team head coach Yu Bin, he is Go inside the boundary of the best computer science, wrote in the 1980s on his own chess computer program, get a lot of recognition. He said, "I think the machine is not a chance, because I think the computer has its insurmountable problems, and compared to the computer, there is no victory is responsible for 100% of the people to win." I would like there to see them vulnerable side of human nature, everyone has, everyone has their own sick pressure, everyone has their own pride in it, it will certainly put some people our own historical stage antithesis to go inside, go players today, unfortunately, in chess there is such a problem. Computer problems how to speak? For example, Kai-fu Lee stresses that the AlphaGo more hanging, but to win the future, people will not say IT industry machine dry, but the people of his own, there is no sense of presence. But generally they agree that the machine is not so fast, the future will win. This time such a contest, the majority of people who engage in technology do not feel this has happened this speed. I am very fortunate, in February, look, I know postings on peace, said that this victory will AlphaGo to meet the three conditions Zhang Yuanshi speak, first, I raised the issue, I see chess, artificial smart on board games is a great thing, a lot of people do not think this problem is not wanted in this direction. The second I saw it win, and the third, I know too much know how to win, I carefully read the paper, go find the next person to ask, I venture made such an article, is courageous, Finally also been successfully verified, the difference between the ideal and the reality is great for such a technical trend, and I think I have to judge, but the stock market is no way thinking. After the game is before the game to seventy-eight days time to AlphaGo took a new name, called "A teacher," We particularly want someone to make such A Chinese teacher came to see it as a teacher. Not before, before he felt nothing. I still respect him, he is willing to take off the hat to pay tribute to the machine. Friends call it "dog" and give a good listen to the name. There reflects what happened? Before the game, after the game, which we machine understanding produced a huge change, we started to accept it, then start it personified, and the score is very clever, 4: 1, if you win five games can be poor, not Go players were destroyed, destroyed human feeling. Later, I checked the historical, Renaissance such a movement, it is actually a watershed from a feudal society to a capitalist society. But after AlphaGo, I think today we bring re-thinking the relationship between man and machine is, to think about this matter, some experts speaks machine does not work, but will subvert human machine after someone speak, we started thinking about this problem before that the machine is the machine, pull the power on the line. Diagnostic report is a machine to do, this person said you have any questions, see the film to see how well, find experts, to find someone. But after today's photo son, the machine gives you the diagnosis may be more accurate than a man's. I have a friend, also a student of Tsinghua University, he is to do CT to see the film, do breast watching movies, watching movies, he said most doctors accuracy rate is 40 percent, he is now 70%, has been much higher. We accept the machine can do a lot on the inside of the judgment today. This is play Cat Games a huge change our psychological, I call it "the second movement of humanity itself." For machine intelligence, we talk a lot, there are a variety of professional methods, including how to define artificial intelligence, we do product, how can you just want to make decisions inside the machine, making identification, purpose or hope to be able to make decisions. From making decisions on this matter inside divided into three levels, this is my own understanding, but also consistent with AlphaGo context, in fact, the first expert system is the first one, we teach the rules of the machine, we do not mention the symbolism we put the computer world is to become a logic that tells the machine, this is the original phase. But at this stage there are a significant problem that may be of our own doing, but we can not go to teach the machine, when we do not know how to describe, and the machine would not work, and teach them the apprentice is always weaker than people , this is not enough place. We even do some learning system, we have to try to tell the machine how to depict a kind, for example, a man face model, Ms. Yu be so long, we all know, but to describe, for example, very round face, the things comparison of touch. So we find that we can not tell the machine, with the depth of learning methods in the future we do to solve a problem, just tell the answer machine, the more data we gave him the original as possible, this thing will make programmers, engineers easier deal with professional issues. Because it can reduce their own professional background, I do not know who I'm going to speak, or I would like to know this film as a doctor to see how he was trained to take the data. Therefore, in such a deep learning or intermediate artificial intelligence development process, since the depth of the learning process itself brought benefits, technical staff easier access to the inside areas of expertise crack problem, but this is the technology itself. But the company, the company's leaders must be more profound understanding of the industry, for the industry when the application must really understand, this is the second side we are talking about, I do not have a method to the machine, I answer to the machine, the machine yourself find a way. AlphaGo representative of a trend, I also talked with Microsoft before that regard, neither give you a rule, do not give you an answer, I put myself into a judge who, like chess, as Go before training, the first three people before the game is to go chess way to tell the machine, the machine is with people in a similar state. After the machine with their own, I do not know what chess is good, but then is finished, the machine told the result is good or bad. AI also received a new path to enlightenment, the answers do not need to know, become more easy. Recently, a message should be more reliable, AlphaGo this year with Ke Jie will play a game, I went to read a lot of comments that people used to be one-sided win today, that one-sided win machine. All of you think Ke Jie win have? There is not it? This performance is the lack of judgment, I learned to say Nie teacher. But I would guess Google will do something new, not simply play chess. I have a guess, I think this time with the game AlphaGo Ke Jie is not the result of learning that thirty million game, because before there was took from KGS sixth person to walk Kudan chess, in which the machine learning, this is playing with Lee Se-dol used. But with Ke Jie game I think is new and has never learned that two of the machine, and then tell you win, you lose, nothing will train a machine to play chess rules, compared with Ke Jie, If the material is so will be very attractive, because the previous machines are humanoid, or even playing chess machine we judge go good are our experience to judge it. Chess, when the first two innings machine won, who lost, media reports say the disk is reversed, why is it called the reversal of the disc? Because the attitude of the first half which is the machine experts go particularly smelly, walked half the time, the bureau found that the more the machine when the better. This time I felt the machine is a flip situation. But then statistics, including Google said to myself, in fact, not in their field of vision inside, the machine has been leading, but in people's eyes that go bad machine to machine vision, which he had not gone quite good . So our understanding of the machine is limited, so if the machine did not have learned with people completely by virtue of their experience, this time there will be many new ways out. Murong Fu as the Central Plains martial arts to learn, and then go to practice, suddenly a Western or no competition with China had not learned Go play, we will encounter such a problem. Therefore, in my heart, whether Google use this program to participate in the competition it is just my guess, but if people do not have Google really try training machine, I was quite admirable. As if once again repeat the history of human evolution. This page is put it in more simple, we wonder which occupations will be replaced, is poured over the terms of which industries are entrepreneurial opportunities? In fact, chess program, if the program suddenly told AlphGo, we change the rules of the point, the board becomes 21 × 21, two amplification machine certainly will not play chess, but will be under Lee Se-dol. So the machine can do is very, very limited. If this topic is very clear, like chess, like, the information entered on the limitations of the limited input which, in a limited input, the output of clear rules, which in this case, the machine will be put to the people replace. So the task of high uncertainty, the information entered is closed border, the answer is the standard output can be evaluated. What (these occupations) is it? Players already have, or doctors, drivers, high-frequency stock trading, like in this case the input information is very limited information in very limited circumstances, the machine will be able to find opportunities in this inside. Difficult to be substituted industry, things like creativity, painter, writer, scientific research, because you think of such a problem is not border on the machine, it is today could not find the opportunity to work. Analyze what the industry to make the machine more opportunities to participate in, which people do business. For technical staff, today found that they are not representative of the party, but on behalf of the machine smarter, to improve the efficiency of the machine,play Girl Games it is possible to see a broader outlook, especially to do the search business, it does seem more artificial intelligence advantages, why? Because there are a lot of data, such as when Rui Yong told to do data search motorcycle, looking for pictures, did not find they will not click, the user clicks will turn to the picture to make the tag. More search engine itself is doing preliminary artificial intelligence. Because we see a keyword you want to understand what you want, and then be able to give it ten answers. I understand it, it is the basic concept underlying AI, entirely consistent. Today we see Google moving forward, is already beginning to mention more ideas, they have begun to speak has to move from the era of artificial intelligence era. Jobs also want to very clear, said before leaving the machine can learn to answer questions in the future, or accept your instructions to do things. Inside the machine is a supporting role, but unfortunately, Apple's technical ability is not enough, or not to the age, (although it is) a good idea. Microsoft also mention a concept to do this thing. Of course, now a lot, including Google, Amazon, we are beginning to make do with machine communication in natural language, machines subject to the people, to help you answer questions, or help you do some control commands. This is a whole big background. I also think that today we have to mention not to mention the Internet connection, the cultural and creative industries on the one hand, on the one hand the machine smarter, because the data later, how to select the connection, to make a judgment becomes more critical. Here is a small video, which we now want to do. I think we should forget two kinds of fear, fear is the first one I've seen a lot of entrepreneurs do, even people who do invest, because of the technique, he was not particularly aware, he has a fear, because he could not read, that ( technological development) than expected, it will affect the judgment of their own investment decisions. This is a kind of fear. The second fear is as an individual, we sometimes think AI will replace me, and not have their own significance in the future, this will not be. In the world which we have built, (technology) to make life better.

Investment views military force planes, and two more after the new list

Content Entrepreneurship is frequently brought "outlet" in the field, high-quality content production and realization mode has play Angela Games become the hottest topic of the moment. In this referendum open public numbers, over the red network, IP flooded the moment, seem content to start the era of unprecedented prosperity. As a partner it real fund, Li Jianwei was a well-known big data, cloud computing veteran investor, business services, intelligent hardware in these areas. He has invested a lot of leading well-known case: such as millet bracelet, The ONE intelligent piano, easy to sell, ring letters. And this year, Li Jianwei from the focus on big data, enterprise services, intelligent hardware to frequently shot content areas. Li Jianwei transition to convey a strong signal it real fund to focus on the layout in the content area, and he himself a few nice investment case: two more, the new charts, plug sit colleges, but also to make it real to get a lot of funds in the industry attention. The first project in this field he was shot, is now very well-known video program "second military force planes." Before Artesyn Technologies Content Venture Forum, held June 30 coming as invited guests of Li Jianwei and we talked for a deep "small time business content." "Really good content will make my heart" "Military planes Wu times" is a network of military class video program, was named in the 2015 Most Valuable original video section 8. It is characterized by the use of a lot of games, movies, TV shows images, plus a network of language style, practical production of 2D and 3D animation, dull professional military history, weapons knowledge molded into the visual impact of large . Investment "second military force planes" process, Li Jianwei from talking about himself. Li Jianwei is a military fan. In his eyes, a "pure" military fans chatted about when military must not only talk about "this weapon is xx models" such a simple topic, depth must achieve "this weapon was in the Battle of xx xx years or ever used too, it was how to use, reaching the xx effect "such a degree that was worthy of the" professional "word. Li Jianwei like "second military force planes" This is the program from which it came out in 2012 has been looking at, "real good content will make my heart content entrepreneurs first step is to make sure the contents do , so deep, made brand. " In addition to being content to attract outside for its founder, Li Jianwei - Air China has also recognized. Air China has accomplished deep in the military, some of his insightful interpretation and let Li Jianwei very impressed. They hit it off, hit it off, the entire process of promoting investment decisions quickly. Li Jianwei and make the final determination of the shot, is for video production aircraft have been staggering cost of the control force. Li Jianwei has invested in 2008, when over a computer animation company, they are by 3D animation software, animation every minute cost about thirty or forty thousand yuan. The aircraft had told him, "second military force planes" do not have time to create a video 3D Max, they complete the whole process by the game play Baby Games engine, each of the integration can be controlled very low. "I have voted Hang very core reason, not just because I like this program, and more importantly, he has a huge change in the way content creation. Even though many people believe that the military is a small minority of the population, as well as before Jagged these pioneers, we have finally decided to vote aircraft. " In addition, the project continued high-quality content production capacity is one of the criteria to judge Li Jianwei important. He and his investment team carefully studied the "second military force planes" each program how to choose a theme, how each theme popularity like, compared to the current level of production of competitive products on the market is what kind of content production and meticulous The problem. Thus, the continued high-quality content production capacity, high efficiency and low cost production methods in the content area of ​​investment is extremely important to determine one of the criteria. Since the cast of the "second military force planes", the Li Jianwei began to seriously study and multi-dimensional investment in new media forms. Content bonus time has come, the entrepreneur to accelerate growth Li Jianwei believes that direction from the large, the current era in the entire transition from traditional media to new media. For content entrepreneurs, this is a great bonus: the audience not only greatly increased, and lowering the threshold for the production, distribution costs and printing costs did not come. Now in fact, we have a lot of new media companies in a number of profit, much stronger than the original profitability of traditional media companies on the market. Li Jianwei said Georgia had really a lot of research and PGC from media companies, found that most of the earnings are good. But from the perspective of cost structure to see the traditional media companies in general unsatisfactory. This is mainly because that there are many restrictions, such as issuance is one point: a magazine with a circulation play Barbie Cooking Games of 200,000, then the audience is only 200,000, the cost of printing and distribution costs may account for most of the entire income. After removal of the staff, in fact very difficult to make money. But the new media are not the same. New media is almost no cost, the cost of employee concise, but the audience is the original 20 times, 50 times. By good content and operations, to reach 50 million and 1 million the number of fans, this new media company is still very much. Content bonus time has come, entrepreneurs want to stand out, be sure to accelerate growth. Entrepreneurs must make it clear why they should take the money before financing Some time ago, a circle of friends is very popular so-called "net red Quote Form", regardless of which figures are true, at least in the reactions from the media cooperation offer has been very expensive. Among them, the ads have been up a microphone Mongolian 30W yuan, higher visibility from other large media quotes are more than 100,000 yuan. For these phenomena, Li Jianwei said: "In fact, many companies do not need capital from the media, in many cases by their own abilities, can live a good life we ​​have seen a few million a year dividend even tens of millions. company, but the staff only a few people. " "So, in fact, the founder of the core funding body: The problem is that you really want to do much, to what extent, this is not simply a question of money from each media before financing must think about yourself in the end. Why take money. " For entrepreneurs must think about, Li Jianwei also proposed the following: "First, figure out your media essential attribute of what is and what you are facing the crowd, what your users Image is Able, video content, from what he has done to help electricity providers, do the community, the community do you What form of expression is, in this case what resources you need. Finally, if you want to go financing, then go to consider who is the right investor. If you do not want to financing, cash flow or a good time, you need to find the right partner, the company can help you do more. this is the path to success. " If the content business projects in the development process to obtain financing, and experienced investment professional organizations who help, so the competition they will occupy a strong lead. These advantages mainly in two points: The first is when a competitor access to finance, their own will also need to establish barriers to competition through financing, gain more time and resources to grow. Another case is that companies want to give up profits temporarily, and to seek greater benefits to the future, then also need capital to give support. Li Jianwei said core or what you want to do, as the founder of what you want to do. Venture capital companies need to endorse, or through the capital to play Barbie Games accelerate the pace of development, they want to see, go financing.

Phone number was 150,000 yuan within a cloned card is transferred out where is flawed?

"Stewardess Zhang Xin matter with us almost the same case." A few days ago, but had to be mobile phone SIM card to go play Olaf Games off-site to be transferred within the "clone" after more than 10 million bank cards Mr. Gao told reporters - has so much noise uproar stewardess Xin Zhang cheated 150,000 yuan, will the same way, is also a "channel of complaint." Similar scams, mobile phone users frequently taken, will be directed outside operators. However, a recent court cases have shown that the damage caused by fraud phone carriers and do not have to bear responsibility. Loss of mobile phone users really exists, determining responsibility in the end how? Who will bear the loss? Text / Guangzhou Daily reporter Li Yan Case: Stewardess phone number was cloned cards within 150,000 yuan was transferred away Stewardess Xin Zhang in their own micro-blog about the bank card 150,000 yuan was stolen in the process, it was revealed that at 16:30 on May 4 around which received a series of harassing phone calls, did not care, until his phone It was hit off. When she re-boot when the phone has been in a state of no service. 14:00 the next day, she was ready to take money to the bank, they found 150,000 yuan bank card all gone. Then she call the China Everbright Bank customer service, confirmed at 17:20 on May 4 about the money has been taken away. Then she discovered that the phone has no service card number has become empty. According to operator sources, May 4th it was on temporary ID cards second-generation ID and Ms. Zhang Xin to the operating room for her to apply for a replacement card business. "According to national regulations and the Articles of Association in the verification of the second-generation ID card information and it compared the very fact that the temporary identity card in the system retained the relevant information, in accordance with the business process procedures shall complement the card business." Coincidentally, the newspaper previously reported that Mr. Gao's wife Shenzhen mobile phone in January 1st suddenly unable to talk normally, receive text messages and the Internet, was subsequently found under the name of China Everbright, peace and CCB deposits totaling more than 100,000 yuan to "disappear." Then, they found that their SIM card being cloned. survey: SIM card was cloned transfers also need a password In recent days, the reporter interviewed operators, banks and network security technologies parties understand that mobile phone users SIM card was cloned, if no payment password, the user can not be transferred out of the money on the card. The aforementioned case, the very fact that Mr. criminals get high and his wife's identity information, and then cloned their SIM card. So, the phone number, temporary identity cards and bank accounts, criminals have reserved can turn away money? "No, there will have to pay the payment password." Banks told reporters that even crooks get this information, if they do not have play Talking Angela Games the password, you can not complete the payment. So, how can a liar obtain or modify the password? The source told reporters, change passwords only by ATM or over the counter, if no one else liar bank card, can not change the password, "no card, even if the identity card to the counter holding can not change the password." So, to be implemented fraudulent criminals can only take electronic channels (online banking or mobile banking), but before modifying the "withdrawal password", you must master the "login password." At this time, ID or temporary ID cards not effective. As for credit cards, there is a modification of the "withdrawals Password", "Consumer Password" way is through the bank service hotline, you can call the hotline (cloned), and through other authentication modified by the reservation phone number. The problem is, or whether the very fact that Mr. Gao, the transfer of stolen / fraudulent bank card, not all open mobile banking / online banking. In other words, even if the phone is cloned, the money does not mean the user's bank card will be able to turn away. Network security sources said criminals through "hit library" approach, access to part of the user's password. "For example, you use e-mail password leak, they will try to match your bank account password." The source said, criminals clone phone number, only part of the scam, not all. Precedent: Operator is not responsible for Or whether it is the very fact that Mr. Gao, have cheated after the first alarm, but has yet to solve the case, the loss suffered play Barbie Dress Up Games substantially not recovered. However, the truth has not been the case, the responsibility of users, and users will be directed operators. "Carriers are channels, not because of the high-speed accident, blame it on the highway." Recently, a local operator in Guangdong said that there are scams on the QQ, micro letter, Baidu and other network platform, but few consumers they will find "fill loss." The source also disclosed that Guangzhou mobile phone users received a self-proclaimed "court summons," the phone, he believed, to the other side has scored more than 70 million accounts. Of course, this huge sum of money eventually fell into the hands of crooks. According to the sources, prosecute operators of mobile phone users that the operators do not provide true phone being misused by "changing Software" tampered with. Court of First Instance fined operators bear some responsibility, a fine of 10,000 yuan. Subsequently, the operator of appeal, the second trial overturned the first instance verdict, operators do not have to take responsibility. "In this case, the Court apparently agreed with the operator's point of view, to provide communications services to protect the user's responsibility to identify the caller's authenticity." The paradox is that the public also received a Shenzhen after "changing Software" customer service phone bank fraud, believed cheated 440,000 yuan, the prosecution claims for total loss of local operators, recently released the results of the trial of first instance - the operator lost. Currently, the operators have appealed. Follow-up: Loss of customers in the end who is going to pay? "Dynamic authentication code is the last link in the most abominable clone SIM card and the pseudo base stations." During the interview, the bank believes that operators and authorities should block the pseudo base stations and cloning of SIM cards, "the hole." Operators who said that repeated pseudo base stations, in the case of certificates of compliance difficult for the customer service business hall of judgment of others who cloned SIM card. Instead, the bank is responsible for the transfer of funds last part, banks should be responsible for "intercept" User cheated money was transferred out. "For example, banks offer a disclaimer form contract, mobile phone users according to user requirements can be signed immediately stopped the flow of funds." One operator said that if the police ask the user first, then with alarm credentials and then require banks to freeze the accounts, the process is too long liar too fast. In this regard, the Bank believes that this can not be completely blocked liars, criminals usually raised hundreds of accounts, soon dispersed the money transferred out of the account. Moreover, transfers between banks take the central bank system, is also close to the bank or banks nor can it block, and to analyze specific cases. "In the Internet of the moment, convenience and safety, is a contradiction, the current transfers, online payment is convenient, but security needs to play Cooking Games be improved." Police / Ministry of Public Security, the operator / Ministry of Industry, Bank / Central Bank and so on, need to work together from the source, the flow control, rather than destroyed several groups through joint action, how much money this way recovered.

Domestic mobile phone that Apple infringing Apple sued Beijing Bureau of known capacity

Refusing to accept the Beijing Intellectual Property Office made a "patent infringement dispute settlement decision," Apple Computer Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and Beijing complex telecommunications equipment limited liability company filed an administrative lawsuit to Beijing Intellectual Property Court. Beijing Intellectual Property Office decision in this book and found iPhone6 ​​iPhone6 ​​Plus two phones design violated Burley's patents and ordered Apple to stop selling, offering for sale in the complex and the company to stop selling infringing products. Domestic mobile phone that Apple infringement Previously, a company called Burley to Beijing Intellectual Property Office, the company is the patent number ZL201430009113.9, the name "mobile phone (100C)" design patent of the patentee. The company believes that the complex company affiliated stores offering for sale and sale of two mobile phones iPhone6 ​​and iPhone6 ​​Plus design violated the rights enjoyed by its own request Beijing Intellectual Property Bureau ordered Apple and multiplexing companies to stop offering for sale and above sales practices. May 10 this year, according to the Beijing Municipal Intellectual Property Office, "after the patent administrative enforcement measures" the case and render a "patent infringement dispute settlement decision." Known production bureau ordered to stop selling Beijing Intellectual Property Office that, after comparison, Apple's iPhone6 ​​iPhone6 ​​Plus and two phones with Li Bai's "mobile phone (100C)" Although there are a number of differences, but belong to the average consumer is difficult to notice small difference, it should be recognized no significant difference between the two, involved falling within the scope of patent protection. Accordingly, the Beijing Intellectual Property Office under the provisions of "People's Republic of China Patent Law" Article 60, that "...... unwilling to consult or the consultation fails, the patentee or interested party may bring a suit before a people's court to be requesting the administrative authority for patent affairs processing patent administrative department ...... the infringement established, it may order the infringer to immediately stop the infringement ...... "decision, and ordered Apple to stop selling the company to stop complex offering for sale and sale infringing products. Apple sued known production bureau After the decision, Apple and the company pleaded complex, and in accordance with relevant provisions of the "Administrative Procedure Law", administrative litigation Beijing Intellectual Property Court, asking the court to revoke the respondent decided according to the law, while declaring the accused infringing product iPhone6, iPhone6 Plus two phones do not fall into the scope of protection of the patent involved. Apple and the companies are considered complex, the presence of Apple's two phones and Burley's phone numerous significant difference between the two is neither identical nor similar. In addition, Burley patent litigation is invalid in a separate case review administrative proceedings related to opinions contrary to the idea of ​​the present case, it is asking the court to revoke the respondent decided according to the law, also asked to declare the alleged infringing product did not fall within the scope of protection of the patent involved . Reporters learned yesterday from the intellectual property court, the hospital has Beijing Intellectual Property Office served a notice of the respondent. The case is under further investigation. ■ expert interpretation 6 Apple would ban it? So, in accordance with the decisions of the Beijing Intellectual Property Office, does this mean the future of Litigation iPhone6, iPhone6 ​​Plus will prohibit the sale of it? Reporters also interviewed a Beijing trade law firm specializing in intellectual property lawyers Luzhao Wen Lu lawyer told reporters, according to the relevant provisions of the patent law, if the court ruled in favor of the entry into force of the Beijing Intellectual Property Office made the decision, then Apple's two phone models accused of infringement will not continue to be sold in Beijing geographical scope. However, due to the specific administrative act made by the Beijing Intellectual Property Office is generally effective only in Beijing geographical area, so I decided to make Beijing Intellectual Property Office, and in other places in addition to Beijing and not directly produce legal ban as a result of. But lawyers said Lu, the entry into force of the decision made by Beijing Intellectual Property Office, the department other parts of the administration of patent work has referential significance. In addition, due to the current Beijing Intellectual Property Court trial of the case is the first instance procedure, if the losing party may continue to appeal, so the Beijing Intellectual Property Court verdict, does not necessarily lead to the allegedly infringing Apple's two phones banned in Beijing legal consequences. Frozen Games - Juegos de Frozen - Jogos de Frozen - Permainan Frozen - Игры Холодное сердце
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Over 6000 net about a driver's license exception of Shenzhen network interviews about car platform

Following this year, March 29, April 29, Shenzhen multi-sectoral joint interviews "bit" after "Uber", "Shenzhou" and other play Elsa Games network about five car platform, yesterday morning, the Shenzhen Municipal Information Office network, pay Commission, the Public Security Bureau and other departments jointly interviewed again about this car five network platforms, each platform operator directed at five key problems exist. It is noteworthy that, in 2015, the year the transportation industry in Shenzhen accident led to the death of a total of 76, in which the traditional taxi traffic accidents resulting in a total of 11 deaths, accidents and death occurred there about cars Net 43 four times the traditional taxi. In addition, according to the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Authority Passenger force researcher Yu said, the public security verification, the driver of each vehicle platform network about 102 people turned out to be fugitives, currently only one of 50 people arrested. In addition to pieces outside the Shenzhen network about cheddar 88000 Shenzhen Municipal Transportation official said, after two interviews, about five car network platform to take the appropriate corrective measures. Part platform actively improve, but there are also individual internet did not seek to carry out rectification work. According to the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation revealed that, as of now, many of his net about car platform, the only "bit" is not submit data to their vehicles and personnel, as well as timely cleanup unqualified drivers and network cards in the field about cars. "After several interviews, network about cars still were numerous cases of greater impact service quality complaints, including criminal cases." Shenzhen Municipal Transportation said that in addition to drops, the current network of about Shenzhen car 88000. Recently, the Commission jointly to pay the traffic police car about ongoing network operating illegally investigative work. Data show that this year the network has seized about 471 vehicles, including off-site network license about 339 car units. Meanwhile, the public security verification, the driver of each vehicle platform network about 102 people turned out to be fugitives, currently only one of 50 people arrested. Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Authority Passenger researcher Yu Li said that after the public security department of the new data network analysis and comparison about cars, as of May 23, 2016, and found 13 fugitives, 381 gambling-related personnel. "In addition, in the past year, police received a total of 2685 cases involving the network about the car alarm and police intelligence showed a monthly rise. Which relates to 'Didi' police intelligence accounted for 82.9%, far exceeding the several other platforms, ranked first. the police intelligence major disputes, fights, there are also cases of serious criminal violence, robbery, rape. " Over 6000 net about a driver's license exception Accident-prone network about cars is one of the outstanding problems. There are statistics, in 2015, the traditional taxi traffic accidents resulting in a total of 11 dead, but in the past year, the net traffic accident deaths occurred there about 43 vehicles, nearly four times. About more than 1,200 drivers actually still practice stage. Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Authority Passenger researcher Yu Li pointed out that more than 6,000 truck drivers about driving license network anomalies, presence of more than 20 vehicles several violations of the law, many car Zhushen about remote network operation license and there are fake car deck. We do not accept the regulation will be punished It is noteworthy that, with the previous major penalties for making car business network about different vehicles, Municipal Transportation yesterday for the first time the responsible person said, for bad faith, do not accept government supervision network about car platform, will also be in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations be punished. Specific measures include: First, as required to operate the vehicle and driver information and other data access to government regulators,play Baby Hazel Games under supervision. For the implementation of the platform will not be punished in accordance with relevant laws and regulations; second is to further enhance the driver access control, and the establishment of industries to adapt to the characteristics of censorship; the third is the main responsibility for the effective implementation of safety and reduce the accident rate and the rate of traffic violations, in particular, to prevent the heavy, serious accidents and ensure the safety of passengers; fourth is to clean up remote license network about cars. Fifth, improve service quality, strengthen the operational process of supervision, 24 hours to establish and improve complaint handling, processing mechanism. Five hidden network existed about cars 1 platform operations still avoid government regulation So far none of the platforms provide important information GPS tracks vehicle operations and related systems and other data to the public security and traffic departments, and committed to the law fails to access government supervision. Municipal Transportation said the request for information submitted to the platform, including network about car number, license plate number, registration number, ID number, driver's license number, etc., is relatively simple. The drops only a small portion of the data is deliberately avoided. 2 drivers not strict recruiting According to police department statistics, from April 2015 to May 2016, the network has received about 2685 cases involving car alarm and police intelligence monthly rise. And after the March 29 interview, in April this year, also received relates to police intelligence network of about 439 vehicles, mainly for the categories of disputes, fights, help, there are also cases of serious criminal violence, robbery, rape. Which involved the police intelligence platform drops since 2227, accounting for 82.9%; involving Uber police intelligence platform 412 cases, accounting for 15.3%. Public security department said that from April 2015 to May 2016, relates to the total amount of police intelligence network about cars as from 2685, police intelligence still on an upward trend month by month. 3 net about 59% of car accidents bear primary responsibility in a road accident According to the Traffic Police Department from April 2015 to May 2016 statistics of traffic accidents and other data analysis, network about car accidents higher than private cars, 59% of the network responsible for the main negative about the car in a traffic accident occurred 43 dead ACCIDENT. Meanwhile investigation found more than 1,200 drivers still practice stage, more than 6,000 a driver's license exception, more than 20 vehicles exist several violations of the law, many car Zhushen about remote network operation license and there are fake car deck. 4 platform places still to send a single license network about cars In several interviews, each platform are committed to actively clean up the platform remote network license about cars, but law enforcement investigation data show that: there are still a large number of platforms drops off-site network license about cars as usual orders. Remote car license network about the long-term stagnation Shenzhen illegal operation, not only in violation of the laws and regulations related to road transport, also increased traffic congestion. 5 regulatory loopholes exist frequent service issues Recent network about cars has repeatedly exposed vehicles do not match, the driver abusive, beating the passengers, even indecent act events such as car, car service and internet network about supervision needs to be improved. Platform response Drops in Shenzhen, Guangdong B will stop activating non-vehicle license plates For the "interview" is often "name", the bit trip yesterday responded that the Shenzhen public security cooperation and has established a platform for the driver and vehicle verification mechanisms, and regularly add data to the government. Didi has been cleaning up outside the car brand, has been closed for a license to audit and have been cleaning up play Girl Games existing vehicles; It is understood platform, announced this at large, drug abuse and other personnel, it does not involve the driver drops. For there is a lot of different places bit network card orders about car problems, drops responded that the platform in Shenzhen, Guangdong B stop activation of non-vehicle license plates. For the stock of vehicles, a number of recent pieces have been cleared foreign drivers account orders in the Shenzhen area. Police intelligence section, since the bit unclear definitions and statistical standards, so inconvenient for comment. Q & Exchange Commission Reporter: within 3 months 3 interviews, whether this intensive way of interviews will become a norm? What does this mean for the car industry? Municipal Transportation: intensive interviews is sufficient to prove the safety and quality of service issues of government attaches Watch weight about car exposed in the management, but also to respond to social concerns. Reporter: About "not submitted all platforms and operating GPS track data, there is no statutory obligation" in the legal basis for what is legal? Municipal Transportation: legal basis of the "Computer Information Network and Internet Security Protection and Management", "Internet Information Services", "People's Republic of China Production Safety Law," "Taxi business service regulations," "Guangdong Province taxi management approach "," People's Republic of China on Public security administration punishment law "and other laws and regulations. Reporter: press briefing pointed out that bit does not provide any data, then the public security department of the background screening including whether the driver drops? If so, why has the public security data Exchange Commission no data? Municipal Transportation: As of now Didi company did not seek to appoint me to submit the relevant data within the platform of the vehicle and Barbie Games As for the company to the public security provided some data, I did not provide data to the Commission, the proposed platform to understand the specific situation.

Bitcoin crazy "Investor group portrait": procedural teams and Aunt "dance

It is the largest bitcoin trading platform - Fire currency network data, as of nearly a month to June 15,play Anna Games the bit currency rose as high as 51.75 percent, reaching 4558.87 yuan, the price is the same period last year price of 1525.53 yuan nearly three times; and in terms of turnover, within two weeks since June this year alone, the amount of fire Bitcoin currency net turnover reached 27.3 billion yuan. This market, is making senior Bitcoin investor Lin Qiang (a pseudonym) was trading even more difficult than usual. "I want to be able fluctuated, so there are some investment opportunities. If you keep up the high cost of the operation is not very good." Rapid rise seems to be no reason Bitcoin unified answer, he could then become a replica of Changchun Clivia formula speculative frenzy, or perhaps just a bit in the money supply slowed inflation expectations derived naturally goes up. 21st Century Business Herald reporter learned that, in the absence of effective environmental regulation, fiery traded Bitcoin market, is complicated by an investor group portrait composed - among them three times the rate of return over the senior players, they are engaged in cross programmatic platform arbitrage team, even in the four-tier cities got wind of middle-aged aunt. In the trading mechanism, T + 0 trading day, four times leverage, financial credits can short stocks, etc. A place does not have the advantage, but also to Bitcoin carry different groups, different classes of investors who dreams of wealth. At the same time, the market behind the lack of supervision, property speculation and so strong sown uncertainty, seems to be behind the rapid rise in the market throwing. Income over ten player story As a senior player Bitcoin investment, now on the market to maintain a high degree of attention, it has become Lin Qiang (pseudonym) daily habits. Lin Qiang attract wealth effect had engaged in Bitcoin transactions, it is the end of 2013 Bitcoin a ferocious rise - the year in November, Bitcoin only within one month on the rise of 473.63 percent, while the unit price rose from 1200 yuan 8,000 yuan. That time, the People's Bank and other five ministries issued an emergency "on guard against the risk of Bitcoin notice", the next two years, Bitcoin into a bear market, down to early 2015 the lowest unit price of 900 yuan. "The reason for concern is that because there is a wealth effect in 2013, rose to 8000, and media publicity; Second, this is a digital currency play Dora Games industry, is a relatively new thing; third, after falling in 2014, I feel there are some investment opportunities, so involved. "Lam told the 21st century Business Herald reporter. According to Lin Qiang, from 2014 to now join the Bitcoin investment, which has received up to ten times the absolute returns. "My strategy is very simple, that is, investment trends, absolute returns." Lin Qiang said that the investment Bitcoin same time, he will focus on investment opportunities including stocks, futures, including other areas. However, even in the two years to achieve a tenfold return, Lin Qiang and it is not to get Bitcoin investors the highest rate of return in his own circles. Lin Qiang told reporters that he had seen the highest rate of return investors was a 90. - "A friend, 90, came to Beijing in 2013 when 30,000 principal, now has 600 million of assets, we are doing a bit of money to do." In fact, allowing Lin Qiang reason they get excess returns, in addition to trend opportunity Bitcoin, the introduction of the lever mechanism is a major factor. "Then see investors borrow money fried (bitcoin) from the outside, whether in accordance with the risks they can bear." Lin Qiang said, "Suppose you borrowed after a loss of 60/500, but also to take risks, that you can borrow. there are short mechanism, futures, you can borrow money to sell (financing can be melt currency). " It is worth mentioning that one of leveraged business Bitcoin currency is the fire net trading platform. In the 21st century Business Herald reporter found registered account, the system will be sent to the user to do more leverage and short instructional video mail, and network platform fire credits is 1 ‰ to charge fees on the amount of leverage. According to the disclosure fire coins network, its leverage trading services provided by a company called "a bit of Hong Kong International Limited," the foreign legal persons. In Lin Qiang view, you select an efficient trading platform for investment Bitcoin mattered. "It is important to select the platform, the platform of choice for a first look at reputation; second look at depth (liquidity); third look at the overall transaction costs; fourth watch platform stability, now I basically only coins in the fire station operations. " Lin Qiang, who credits the fire dormant network now has become the largest Bitcoin trading platform, according to its platform data show that as at 18:00 on June 15, the cumulative transaction volume has exceeded 1.04 trillion yuan. Like A replica of shares Excluding currency and property trading mechanisms, investment groups Bitcoin distribution, seems to A shares of. 21st Century Business Herald reporter learned that, whether it is the use of programmatic (API) and quantization strategy trading professional institutional investors, or four-tier cities lack of investment experience in other regions of the middle-aged population, have more to dabble in this market . Lu month (a pseudonym) is the bitcoin institutional investors engaged in on behalf of a specific transaction. "There are special company set up a fund to do this, such as Hong Kong trading company to buy a bit." Lu told the 21st Century Business Herald dated reporters, "mainly do is API transactions, that is, the use of codes, automated trading robot." Because Bitcoin transactions across multiple platforms fire credits net, OKCoin, trading networks and other bits are not mutually connected, so the spread between different platforms, hunting has become a major target API transactions. "Because of the large arbitrage, a few days before (fire credits net) with a difference of a few other platforms post about two to five percent play Cooking Games or so, so much larger than the average difference." Lu told reporters month, "there is a certain volume with relationship, the amount of large volume transactions will be increased, the frequency of trading robots will increase. " Lu month that the characteristics of the transaction and the API index of similarity quantized, high frequency, low risk. "Basically a risk-free arbitrage. On the one hand Buy, sell the one hand, remains substantially constant rate, the funds are more and more, so other than speculation, speculation stable, basically every day are profitable. " In Lu month view, the current transaction for its biggest impact is the lack of regulatory framework. "I hope there is regulation, because there is no regulation, what is the message issued to the media will lead to price fluctuations." Professional institutional investors to hedge the same time, another group of retail investors are also concerned about the Bitcoin investment opportunities. According to 21st Century Business Herald reporter investigation, Bitcoin transactions has spread to a number of third and fourth tier cities, and many of them middle-aged people have joined the army bitcoin investments. "We have here a lot of work in a bank or retired middle-aged are involved in bitcoin investment, this investment of women than men." Northeast China Banking Regulatory system a source said, "We are all by word of mouth , an introduction to know a bit of money to invest, in general the amount of seven million, many cadres are doing, like a local people's Bank people I know also that we invest. " In the banking regulatory view, due to the lack of effective supervision of investment Bitcoin, its trading mechanism, market risk, management Investors are also large gaps exist and uncertainty. "Bitcoin cut these fundamentals could indeed lead to higher prices," preceding the Banking sources said, "but it is like outside the law in a country,play Baby Hazel Games because they can not become currency (Bitcoin) it can be said that the investment would be even speculative products, lack of adequate constraints, investors should pay attention to the risks. " In fact, some investors behind earnings doubled, there are a lot of investor losses and eventually died. Lin Qiang, says that Bitcoin is term "one million marrow will be off the" investment areas.

Equity Crowdfunding "Grace energy" projects fraud krypton 36 said it was accountable

Recently, because of "Grace energy" projects suspected fraud, 36 krypton equity crowdfunding platform brought to play Frozen Games the public air. For the market questioned, 36 krypton emergency response that is actively accountability of the parties, and may try to recover losses of investors. Although Grace energy event only case, but this event is a reflection of the development of equity crowdfunding many problems exist in the industry. Investors in addition to continuous trial and error and learning on the Internet this innovative financial markets, regulatory policies are more eager to follow up in a timely manner, so as to better protect the interests of investors. event Krypton 36 alleged false propaganda June 3, the media published the article said, "Grace Energy" Project Finance 36 Krypton equity crowdfunding platform suspected data fraud. Beijing Times reporter learned that Grace is 36 energy projects krypton equity crowdfunding platform for the first time to participate in three new board placement project attempt at the end of last year, Grace Energy announced private placement 600 million shares at a price per share of $ 10, raised a total of capital 60 million yuan, of which 30 million yuan will be the amount of the subscription on 36 krypton equity crowdfunding platform, the threshold is 100 million. However, the Annual Report 2015 has forced investors to the recent disclosure of Grace Energy is very disturbing, the report shows, the company actually has been plunged into a loss situation. 2015, the Company achieved an operating profit -3362.01 million; net profit -2676.06 million. Therefore, investing in people 36 krypton equity crowdfunding platform also raised question four: First, why the project from the initial announcement of the "private placement" to "old stock transfer"; the second is whether the project management information through false packaging; Third, krypton 36 commitments subscribed 10 million shares but no later; Fourth, the alleged existence of krypton 36 "prop up", encouraging investors to subscribe for projects. Reporters learned from the krypton 36, after the incident came to light, Krypton 36 has taken relevant action. 36 Krypton in a statement admitted that the project has been noted before party performance prediction, the data provided with the actual serious discrepancies with company executives made solemn representations. 36 krypton, said Rong was passed Beijing law firm, formally Grace energy made quickly, asking them to bear the responsibility, and try to restore investor's potential loss. analysis Equity crowdfunding platform chaos There equity crowdfunding practitioners told reporters, in the promotion of the platform there may indeed suspected excessive packaging, but it is actually common in the industry, investors need to polish his eyes, to improve resolution. "Financial institutions when selling financial products will be packaged and publicity, but also risk warning, which in China is actually a process requires investor education," the source said. Specific to the incident energy Grace, another equity crowdfunding platform executive told reporters: "If it does not exist 'Equity Offering' becomes 'old stock transfer', also depends on the people involved in this investment whether the investment in doing before the investment decision, fully understand and agree with their wishes play Barbie Cooking Games for this variable, if investors before the funds transfer information is learned issuance of new shares, and that the funds in the investment funds allocated for the old shares after the sale. that platform there must be a problem, at least not truthfully disclose information about the project. As to investors represents 10 million has been put inside and then not honored, it also depends on whether the individual actually express this meaning is to represent the meaning of the expression platform side. " the executives believe that this obvious case of walking a fine line approach should not be a compliant and professional services that some behavior in equity investment and financing activities of a neutral platform, at least the presence of defects at the moral level. However, Wang Chao, vice president of krypton 36, said about the issuance of new shares into the old shares for sale, and for this reason all the time investors have to communicate, also made the same. Since these shares are completed in February delivery, Wang Chao pointed out that investment has not objected to the delivery instructions have been completed, the investor for the entire transaction, are recognized. However, in the false performance issues, he told reporters the industry generally believe that the platform really need to take responsibility in this regard. However, investment pot, CEO Zhao Yanyu told reporters false information results exist regarding project promotion, which is more difficult to identify responsibility, because there is no law specifically publishing platform party financing projects whether due information verification obligations, it is difficult to say whether the platform responsible for the project to be disclosed false information, but one thing we can see is the platform of the party not the substance of the information submitted by the project review and due diligence platform square Independence, this area also has its own practices in the various platforms, so this also fully exposed the current equity crowdfunding platform operating items chaos. status quo Industry risk gradually exposed Crowdfunding as an important branch of Internet banking in the country has developed rapidly in recent years, according to Zero One data center statistics, as of the end of the first quarter of 2016, China's Internet crowdfunding platform has at least 399, which relates to the equity crowdfunding crowdfunding More than half of the platform. In fact, since 2011, after landing in the domestic equity crowdfunding quickly favored by capital from various quarters, the number of platforms showing explosive growth, but with the increasing number of platforms, issues of equity crowdfunding industry is gradually exposed previously there have been disagreements as investors and failed crowdfunding coffee case, after the failure of financial fraud and other cases have also occurred. Zero One data center, according to statistics, as of the end of the first quarter of 2016, the 399 Internet crowdfunding platform, there are 132 outage, closure or restructuring, accounting for 33.1% of the overall number. The risk of equity crowdfunding platform, it is repeatedly regulators concerned about the end of May, Commission Vice Fang Street while attending the forum pointed out that the focus of the market judged the situation and potential risks, financial risks rectification grasp the Internet , regulate the Internet equity financing, risk prevention in the field of private equity, and other equity crowdfunding. Recently, the Commission Vice-Chairman Jiang Yang at the Lujiazui Forum said that the current basis to maintain the smooth operation of the market, regulate the Internet equity financing activities to prevent risks of private equity funds, equity crowdfunding and other areas. Plight Equity crowdfunding platform positioning is not clear After five years of development, equity crowdfunding is still in infancy, in the development process, many problems by legal status is not clear, the business model is not clear and other problems, of which, how to locate the platform is also an important dilemma. In order to avoid risks, many platforms to position itself as information intermediaries, rather than a credit intermediary. Ying Chan consulting industry researcher Chen Zhi told reporters: "I think as an equity crowdfunding platform, it should be positioning itself as 'pure information platform', if both the referee and an athlete, it is easy about to investor decision-making." Chen Zhi said that while equity crowdfunding really is an investment behavior, the investment should pay for their own decision, but if the platform or false information on the project review is not strict, according to investors 'false information' investment decisions, the platform must to take responsibility. 36 Krypton founder Liu admitted into the city, there is a certain responsibility platform, he said, "sort out the whole process, although the industry is not mature enough, information disclosure rules and responsibilities participants defined the lack of extrinsic reasons, but our own responsibility platform also inescapable. " As an industry participant, crowdfunding platform investment pot, CEO Zhaoyan Yu told reporters, as for the non-professional investors, venture capital projects open participatory rights of the majority of the equity crowdfunding platform to stand on objective and neutral stance and reasonable disclosure of project-based risk , as well as project information reciprocity, communication and connection of both the investment and financing, and not from its neutral role, especially in the equity crowdfunding this new thing just rise in the country at this stage, most of the investment involved in the project investment people do not have any equity investment experience of white investors. "Although the major platform has its own prevention and control system and project selection mechanism, but I personally think, too early or angel stages of the project, is not suitable for equity crowdfunding in the field of fund-raising, but not optimistic about the so-called 'Everyone do angels' investment logic, so I think the platform of choice for the play Angela Games project must first clear the main investor positioning and control of wind projects targeting matches. "Zhao Yanyu said. Outlook Expect more-regulated industry Chen Zhi said that equity crowdfunding some risks must be well regulated to healthy development. For example, the platform should as far as possible the transparency of information, which currently belongs to a regulatory gap, with the future introduction of regulatory rules, non-compliance of the platform will be eliminated to avoid or reduce the likelihood of illegal fund-raising platform. For investors, the project review mechanism does not have a standardized platform for project financing submitted by the right to review, in this part of the environmental review or audit whether staff are lack of appropriate oversight and transparency. Investors in the investment project, not blindly believe the propaganda of the project, many research should own, or in addition to select some well-known historical credibility good platform for investment, eventually landing the needs of future regulation, increase specification efforts. Zhao Yanyu said that the current equity crowdfunding platform in the country can only be considered the early development of the state, from the value of the business model to the platform will need more time to verify, with the development of the industry, does not have the investment skills, product innovation does not have the force of public chip platform will gradually be eliminated, and counterattack to seize the two core elements of a small platform, crowdfunding is bound to usher in the spring. Chen Zhi believes that the current Jingdong, Ali, Suning, Baidu, 360, millet and other Internet giants began to layout all equity crowdfunding, their strong strength and resources is unmatched by other platforms, but giant platform is far unable to cover all the needs of , small platform next is still a large living space, should make better use of their regional resources, and then the vertical segments of their business, specializing in the field of a category, such as vertical equity shops do consumer financing, tech equity financing or equity financing game development class and so on. Wind may attempt to block chain control technology Law School of Renmin University of China Yang said the Internet in private equity financing as one of the forms of new Internet banking, still in the early stages of their development, detours are inevitable. Of course, this incident also proved that the traditional model of due diligence is not one hundred percent reliable, Internet banking with the new technologies must actively strengthen risk control to prevent fraud. Block chain technology is a worthwhile direction. Yang said block chain is essentially a decentralized distributed books database, the block chain itself is actually a string using cryptography data associated with the block generated before each new block of data contained in the transaction All historical information. Block chain to create a decentralized structure of the books, adding the block chain nodes each crowdfunding platform parties involved in the construction and maintenance of such a books, any transaction platform party subject to confirmation and synchronized to a single node node involvement other crowdfunding play Dora Games platforms. This ensures that transactions on the crowdfunding platform once write block chain can not be tampered with, historical transaction information can be tracked, thereby increasing the credibility of the platform side information and transparency of the market. The event, Grace is the use of energy trading transactions and opaque process of information asymmetry between the two sides conducted a fraud, all transaction information if Grace energy occurred in the past can be broadcast to the entire network in the block chain network, Grace to conceal the real situation may be fraudulent energy does not exist.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

LinkedIn How out of the shadow of multinational companies fail?

Shen Bo Yang, founder of the US team behind the Chinese market LinkedIn ambitious and aggressive, but they first had to face an awkward fact, in the past ten years time, the European and American multinational Internet companies in China with little success. Localization of all cross-border Internet companies need to explore the eternal topic, well-known to those criticized, including the headquarters customary direct intervention management strategy and business management in China, product development, adaptation, there are many deficiencies in speed and execution environment and the like. China LinkedIn (LinkedIn) How can we avoid falling into multinational path taken? In an interview with Tencent Technology interview, LinkedIn Shen Bo Yang, president of China, said China should make business in fact not so complicated, is nothing less than to do three things: people, infrastructure and products. "US Internet companies have crashed out of the China market, often attributed to China's special circumstances, in fact, the fundamental reason is that the US Internet company is not looking for the right team, is not really the product localization, is not like China Venture The company as diligently go to work. "Shen Bo Yang said. Multinational "wrong path" During all the company, Shen Bo Yang founded the internal sticky web, buy the industry to achieve market share was the third, but in the end because everyone has been difficult to bear the cost of acquisition losses Baidu wholly-owned in 2014. After entering Baidu, Shen Bo Yang of rice is expected to develop network and Baidu quickly diverged. "Baidu itself has some real problems faced by personnel changes very much, and Baidu do to buy their own platform, and I want to be independent of the direction of listed companies made inconsistent rice." Shen Bo Yang told Artesyn Technologies. October 2013, Shen Bo Yang received LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weller's invitation to participate in LinkedIn on entrepreneurship organized internal communication will be the last in 2023, Shen Bo Yang and Jeff have met and have had several exchanges. And on the day before this meeting, Shen Bo Yang communicate with Baidu unpleasant results again, think of killing themselves, so with Jeff was one of the in-depth communication. Then, LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman, chairman and chief executive also came to China, Shen Bo Yang initially identified after further deliberations with its intention to join, and flew to the United States with more than a dozen LinkedIn vice president also had a two-day communication , to the end of November, Shen Bo Yang to leave the final decision to join LinkedIn Baidu is responsible for China operations. In fact, back in 2004 when Reed first came to Shenzhen, China, he started to have the founder of LinkedIn to China soon after the development of the idea, but at that time did not have the strength. Before LinkedIn 2013 officially decided to enter China, Reed and his team have been in the Chinese market four years studied. "The next few years China will become the world's largest economy, China has over 100 million professionals, if not into China, it was a huge mistake. With determination, we look at why the original multinational fail. " Speaking reason Chinese market, foreign Internet companies crashed, Shen Bo Yang first quoted Ma (microblogging) point of view, he said, people in charge of China operations of transnational corporations in China are often professional managers rather than entrepreneurs, motivation is to make headquarters happy rather than considering how to meet the needs of local users, and Sequoia capital is in the country based Shen Peng localized to create a pure investment team, few can become landing in China US investment firm. Secondly, from an architectural point of view but also reflects the degree of attention not multinationals, head of China can not report directly to the company CEO, functions tend to sell products or technology, lack of patience and determination of the Chinese market. Third, multinational companies including LinkedIn earliest in China have made the same error: "path dependence", namely superstition in the original copy of these companies in the US successful model. "Any successful multinational Internet companies have such a mentality, their global platform and product experience since in Korea, India, Australia, the United Kingdom can be successful, China must also be able to succeed." Shen Bo Yang said, however, numerous examples have proved that the Chinese Internet's unique environment, leading successful model elsewhere in China can be really difficult to succeed. After January 2014 No. 1 joined LinkedIn, Shen Bo Yang became the company's first full-time employees in China, although small customers and income scale, Shen Bo Yang has the right to report directly to the CEO, China, has become independent from the Asia-Pacific region in the global independent a market area. "I is not a traditional Chinese Internet company's professional managers, but rather focus on products, technologies and rules of the game Chinese Internet entrepreneur, and I set up around genetic entrepreneurial team. This will help us to make in China faster, more bold decisions. " Shen Bo Yang said, from product perspective, simple Chinese, the depth of localization will not work, it must be separate to China to develop their own localized products, but also through the use of a complete team Chinese entrepreneurial ideas to operate, this is likely to succeed The only direction. Looking flashpoint slow mode When, according to Shen Bo Yang said last year LinkedIn officially entered China's less than 4 million users, has nearly 8 million scale, users are mainly the north, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other major cities have more than a dozen foreign background in the high-end crowd, under Previous plans to penetrate more localized user. Enterprise users also have more than 200. "When the user reaches a certain critical point will grow faster, but before reaching a certain size, a professional networking will be very slow to break the pattern, the lack of killer feature and explosiveness at least like to establish a network of online maintenance tools in the United States, LinkedIn and rely on contact line under to maintain. "Shen Bo Yang expressed. LinkedIn growth trajectory from the point of view, from 2003 to 2011 listed only accumulated more than one million users, but then began listing a faster growth rate, market capitalization of $ 3 billion from the rapid rise tenfold to 30 billion dollars. Of course, the Chinese market still has its own uniqueness, such as greater reliance on wireless users, privacy is more sensitive scruples, ubiquitous micro-letters and other tools are in place some of workplace scenarios. "Large platform may not be able to meet diverse needs. We usually can maintain personal connections is very limited, life there are a lot of loose connections, large and difficult to establish in the platform. With the passage of time, out of user privacy maintenance work also need to establish a pure online relationships, and thus demonstrate their professional identity. " Shen Bo Yang believes that professional social networking and micro-letters are not the same social tools, information, nothing new is associated with the workplace. Not emphasize DAU, the number of long and log in online, but value personal and professional integrity of data when changing jobs kept up to date with this recruitment site opposite. "LinkedIn development in China is still in the exploration, take a long time to accumulate, but fortunately enough clear profit model, the company's revenue last year, has reached very considerable magnitude, if the control input can support the company's profitability." Shen Bo Yang said frankly. 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Giochi di Frozen - Frozen Spelletjes - Gry Kraina lodu - Elsa Spiele - Jeux de Frozen - Elsa Oyunlari LinkedIn provides the user with free social services, businesses rely on to provide services to obtain revenue, including recruitment solutions, marketing solutions and marketing solutions. Among them, the recruitment solutions to help companies find those passive job talent, accounting for 55% of total revenue to 60% ratio; marketing solutions for advertisers is based on accurate data delivery, accounting for 25% of total revenue; sales solution B2B business is to help businesses to find relevant sales leads. Shen Bo Yang said, the future does not rule out the establishment of more direct sales team in China.