Thursday, June 16, 2016

Investment views military force planes, and two more after the new list

Content Entrepreneurship is frequently brought "outlet" in the field, high-quality content production and realization mode has play Angela Games become the hottest topic of the moment. In this referendum open public numbers, over the red network, IP flooded the moment, seem content to start the era of unprecedented prosperity. As a partner it real fund, Li Jianwei was a well-known big data, cloud computing veteran investor, business services, intelligent hardware in these areas. He has invested a lot of leading well-known case: such as millet bracelet, The ONE intelligent piano, easy to sell, ring letters. And this year, Li Jianwei from the focus on big data, enterprise services, intelligent hardware to frequently shot content areas. Li Jianwei transition to convey a strong signal it real fund to focus on the layout in the content area, and he himself a few nice investment case: two more, the new charts, plug sit colleges, but also to make it real to get a lot of funds in the industry attention. The first project in this field he was shot, is now very well-known video program "second military force planes." Before Artesyn Technologies Content Venture Forum, held June 30 coming as invited guests of Li Jianwei and we talked for a deep "small time business content." "Really good content will make my heart" "Military planes Wu times" is a network of military class video program, was named in the 2015 Most Valuable original video section 8. It is characterized by the use of a lot of games, movies, TV shows images, plus a network of language style, practical production of 2D and 3D animation, dull professional military history, weapons knowledge molded into the visual impact of large . Investment "second military force planes" process, Li Jianwei from talking about himself. Li Jianwei is a military fan. In his eyes, a "pure" military fans chatted about when military must not only talk about "this weapon is xx models" such a simple topic, depth must achieve "this weapon was in the Battle of xx xx years or ever used too, it was how to use, reaching the xx effect "such a degree that was worthy of the" professional "word. Li Jianwei like "second military force planes" This is the program from which it came out in 2012 has been looking at, "real good content will make my heart content entrepreneurs first step is to make sure the contents do , so deep, made brand. " In addition to being content to attract outside for its founder, Li Jianwei - Air China has also recognized. Air China has accomplished deep in the military, some of his insightful interpretation and let Li Jianwei very impressed. They hit it off, hit it off, the entire process of promoting investment decisions quickly. Li Jianwei and make the final determination of the shot, is for video production aircraft have been staggering cost of the control force. Li Jianwei has invested in 2008, when over a computer animation company, they are by 3D animation software, animation every minute cost about thirty or forty thousand yuan. The aircraft had told him, "second military force planes" do not have time to create a video 3D Max, they complete the whole process by the game play Baby Games engine, each of the integration can be controlled very low. "I have voted Hang very core reason, not just because I like this program, and more importantly, he has a huge change in the way content creation. Even though many people believe that the military is a small minority of the population, as well as before Jagged these pioneers, we have finally decided to vote aircraft. " In addition, the project continued high-quality content production capacity is one of the criteria to judge Li Jianwei important. He and his investment team carefully studied the "second military force planes" each program how to choose a theme, how each theme popularity like, compared to the current level of production of competitive products on the market is what kind of content production and meticulous The problem. Thus, the continued high-quality content production capacity, high efficiency and low cost production methods in the content area of ​​investment is extremely important to determine one of the criteria. Since the cast of the "second military force planes", the Li Jianwei began to seriously study and multi-dimensional investment in new media forms. Content bonus time has come, the entrepreneur to accelerate growth Li Jianwei believes that direction from the large, the current era in the entire transition from traditional media to new media. For content entrepreneurs, this is a great bonus: the audience not only greatly increased, and lowering the threshold for the production, distribution costs and printing costs did not come. Now in fact, we have a lot of new media companies in a number of profit, much stronger than the original profitability of traditional media companies on the market. Li Jianwei said Georgia had really a lot of research and PGC from media companies, found that most of the earnings are good. But from the perspective of cost structure to see the traditional media companies in general unsatisfactory. This is mainly because that there are many restrictions, such as issuance is one point: a magazine with a circulation play Barbie Cooking Games of 200,000, then the audience is only 200,000, the cost of printing and distribution costs may account for most of the entire income. After removal of the staff, in fact very difficult to make money. But the new media are not the same. New media is almost no cost, the cost of employee concise, but the audience is the original 20 times, 50 times. By good content and operations, to reach 50 million and 1 million the number of fans, this new media company is still very much. Content bonus time has come, entrepreneurs want to stand out, be sure to accelerate growth. Entrepreneurs must make it clear why they should take the money before financing Some time ago, a circle of friends is very popular so-called "net red Quote Form", regardless of which figures are true, at least in the reactions from the media cooperation offer has been very expensive. Among them, the ads have been up a microphone Mongolian 30W yuan, higher visibility from other large media quotes are more than 100,000 yuan. For these phenomena, Li Jianwei said: "In fact, many companies do not need capital from the media, in many cases by their own abilities, can live a good life we ​​have seen a few million a year dividend even tens of millions. company, but the staff only a few people. " "So, in fact, the founder of the core funding body: The problem is that you really want to do much, to what extent, this is not simply a question of money from each media before financing must think about yourself in the end. Why take money. " For entrepreneurs must think about, Li Jianwei also proposed the following: "First, figure out your media essential attribute of what is and what you are facing the crowd, what your users Image is Able, video content, from what he has done to help electricity providers, do the community, the community do you What form of expression is, in this case what resources you need. Finally, if you want to go financing, then go to consider who is the right investor. If you do not want to financing, cash flow or a good time, you need to find the right partner, the company can help you do more. this is the path to success. " If the content business projects in the development process to obtain financing, and experienced investment professional organizations who help, so the competition they will occupy a strong lead. These advantages mainly in two points: The first is when a competitor access to finance, their own will also need to establish barriers to competition through financing, gain more time and resources to grow. Another case is that companies want to give up profits temporarily, and to seek greater benefits to the future, then also need capital to give support. Li Jianwei said core or what you want to do, as the founder of what you want to do. Venture capital companies need to endorse, or through the capital to play Barbie Games accelerate the pace of development, they want to see, go financing.

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