Monday, November 2, 2015

Why should we accept the $ 1 billion investment in Tencent

Nov. 2 in the evening, according to "The Wall Street Journal" quoted informed sources said, Tencent investment in the new company is nearing play baby games completion of the public comment after the US group merged with the $ 1 billion, the new company valued at approximately $ 20 billion. Value brother believes that the financing if true, Tencent will be the first one billion dollars to the single digits, a record of all previous financing. Nearly nine months without access to finance US group reviews, already hungry, why Tencent to accept this investment? Is hungry or rational choice?

Capital advent of winter, the US group would like an early review ashore?

From July this year so far, the industry has been rumored to get a new round of financing US corporations, from one billion dollars in July, to 30 billion dollars in October, and then to today's Tencent single one billion US dollars, a new review of the US group financing History indeed Pofeizhouzhe. Why is the US group and Reviews so anxiously want to get a new round of investment? Value brother believes that the main reason is the winter capital fell, the US group reviews actually not much cash on hand, the early ashore, melt into a new round of funding is the most critical.

Investment circles have a saying, "Do not go in the money when financing", well versed in capital financing Wang Tao and Tao naturally want early access to new capital, and then make their own O2O model is more promising. Brother value analysis, the first half of 2015-2016, the winter capital of the state will continue to maintain, therefore, one billion dollars for the US group review, it will be a basic range of funds, to ensure himself lived the first half of 2016 . If you survive the first half of next year, the US group will review the work of the basic completion of the merger of the business (according to insiders public comment, the US group reviews the merger will last 9 months) has been largely completed, will again force himself plenty of time to win.

To resist the opponents, we will continue to burn expansion

Previously known rumors on peace, burn US group monthly amount over 600 million yuan, can be described as the first large O2O burn, so from the beginning of 2015 the US group obtained financing of $ 700 million after a nearly nine-month period did not a new round of financing, but the burn has exceeded 5 billion yuan, far exceeding the previous total financing. In order to withstand the opponent's crazy comeback, the US group apparently hopes soon to get a new round of financing.

Value brother believes that in the current buy and catering O2O pattern has formed four camps, Baidu Department, the US-based group reviews and Ali, and Ali have been associated as Tencent and US group reviews (Ali and Tencent are US play Baby Games group of investors and review), although there are positive contest, but far less tragic killing and Baidu. Therefore, the US group reviews biggest rival now is Baidu, and Baidu of Baidu and Baidu rice takeaway two weapons and US group performed PK, from the capital point of view, the US group reviews do not take advantage. In order to hold the score in the first half of this year, the US group reviews should continue to burn, this seemingly harm than as a way to curb the expansion of the opponents.

The advent of winter, backed by Tencent system to win the war O2O

According to the message, "Wall Street Journal" the disclosure, Tencent this financing for US corporations will be an investment in one of its largest, Tencent will also carry out a strategic review to support the US group: for example, through QQ, micro letters and other areas of radiation O2O to achieve a leading position in the field. So for the US group review, the greater strategic significance behind it.

According to Tencent released financial results as of June 30, 2015 in, QQ monthly number of active accounts reached 843 million, up 2% over last year. Intelligent Terminal monthly active accounts grew 20 percent to 627 million at the end of the quarter; consolidated monthly number of active accounts micro-letters and WeChat reached play Frozen Games 600 million, an increase of 37% over last year. Tencent mobile terminal Q and micro letter with hand, has achieved full coverage of basic necessities, the public comment had with Tencent has received a great bonus, and with the consolidation and review of the US group, this advantage will continue.

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